I love DCUO so can you remove the stat clamp already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by llllDeathstroke, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Sure you can have your unclamped instance!
    Oh you want rewards for doing a trivialized version of a instance? No Mark/No feats

    Notice im not asking to control how you play.

    However being rewarded with anything outside a participation award, is what this argument is going to come down to.
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  2. TurbulenceDCUO Well-Known Player

    I can easily solo Archons and have been since the first year. The original comment went over your head. I was afraid that would happen
  3. Ozman Well-Known Player

    You chose to play an MMO, a game type that by its very nature you need to put a lot of time into, and then complain that you don't have the time to play it properly, so the game should be changed to suit your schedule? Hilarious.
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  4. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Yes. We know how gatekeeping thought works by the small minority.

    The bounty argument seems to be mostly from players who weren't playing when the bounties were more actively pursued by everyone.

    Nobody says "I want my feats as easily"

    They just want to get them how they used to get them: Making their character stronger... you know? What used to be the purpose of playing the game. Nobody thinks that's easy... or wants it to be.
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  5. the solowing Unwavering Player

    But it was easy pre-clamp... Content was a joke.. And so were the feats if they were outdated enough.

    You are avoiding the word easy...Why? If players could button mash their way to EO pre-clamp off raw stats alone, and that not trivial?

    If i could sleep my way through an entire raid, or ignore all of a raids mechanics. Is that not trival?

    Is that not

  6. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    No.... It was the game. You played the game... as the game.

    If you wanted harder feats to make yourself feel more challenged, you could do "elite" versions....
  7. the solowing Unwavering Player

    So tell me the easy feats i obtained during pre-clamp wernt easy for me to get due to content being rampantly rolled over?
  8. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    I don't know what you consider "easy"... Did you get them when you earned them? YES.
  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

    And you can still earn them now c: Rather easily, just not as easily as before. Which was way easier then it currently is.
  10. Dene Devoted Player

    Well what did you mean? Just say what you meant

    The smaller arcons I can do too.. but I don't get what you mean though
  11. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    To point of the argument... No. I can't.

    The version of my character that I'm deemed worthy to play as can.... I just want to play as the character that I spent years to build.
    The clamped version isn't my character.

    It's time to start listening....
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  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Not protesting it....just correcting yet another Proxy incorrect 'fact' that there were NO rewards.

    Honestly I'd need those 3 Source marks even less than the 10 source marks I don't need today spamming FFR or USR or anything on 2x source weeks. Which is why I didn't do those either. Yet still....facts are facts and there WERE rewards even before the clamp.

    So please, keep trying to change the subject vs saying 'Yeah, ok...there were minimal rewards....but you get NO MORE than that', which by the way, most people would agree with, no matter how many times you pretend that someone says they want full rewards AND unclamped AND no loot locks.

    I know you are threatened by losing one of your main talking points on the subject....you know scolding people for wanting something they didn't say they wanted....but hey, you can keep on scolding on the other topics like 'easy feats' or 'ruining other people's experience'....or whatever. You will still have plenty to look down on other people for. Not sure why you grasp so hard to hold on to this particular false narrative though.
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  13. Plowed In Loyal Player

    So… he’s queues up as only a DPS…instance pops in 6 seconds.

    First tank leaves before anything happens (maybe he doesn’t want to be recorded or maybe he isn’t actually a tank).

    Second tank joins, but ends up leaving for some reason. After Eddy pulls in a tank from his league, boom they’re done. Yes final time was 36 min, but how much was just waiting? If that tank had started with the group you’re looking at a 10 minute raid. It wasn’t the content and the content wasn’t too difficult.

    This is absolutely possible, but run this ten times. Is 36 min the average or an exception? Showing 1 video that confirms your preconceived “bias” isn’t advancing any discussion…(yeah we saw you type f**k stats clamp in the chat box…be better)

    My favorite is his solution…”just give us source marks for unclamped raid.”

    If you do that you eliminate 95% of the instances ever run in the game, basically only have Happiness Home as the only choice. 1 room boss arenas would be the only thing to pop. Guess how you’d get into other stuff? Make friends, network, rely on leagues…

    Experienced players need to work with newer players, not isolate from them…FWIW
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  14. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Just read it again mate:
    "Poor random shadow archon. What did you do to deserve to be defeated in 2 seconds? "
    He was talking about the archon dying in 2 seconds :p
  15. Ozman Well-Known Player

    Well the development update has been posted, and no mention of the clamp, so I guess we can infer that it isn't going anywhere any time soon.
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  16. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Lol, acting like it's release itself was ever mentioned there in the months prior as well lmfao :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

    May 2021:
    July 2021:
  17. Grim931 Committed Player

    I'll bite...

    Instance popping has literally nothing to do with clamp vs no clamp debate. It's omnibus functionality, and this would have reduced wait times if there were no clamp in place the exact same way.

    The next three points would not have been a remote issue pre-clamp. You wouldn't need all roles performing perfectly in sync, and you wouldn't have to stand around waiting (essentially wait time from the queue times shifted to wait times in instances, and it's equally as boring).

    10 minute runs aren't as common as you seem to suggest, either. I've been in runs that last 20-30 minutes on most occasions when I queue in randomly. The 10 minute mark is hit by the spam groups in the shorter raids/pre-built groups, not the casual player random Omni runs. That's another problem altogether, you have more players hitting a wall now as compared to before. It only moves (very slowly...) if they get a vet in that can solo it or explain mechanics properly.

    And I'm failing to understand your argument at the end...

    Either players would be running content at their own level, and getting lucky enough to have an over geared player make content that much smoother, or they would be the over geared player making content that much smoother... The first example, they'd be earning rewards because they would be within that contents "relevancy" window. Gear would not be scaled, but it would still benefit that player. The over geared player would not benefit from rewards, but would benefit from the experience of having fun in outdated content... which is somehow frowned upon. Shame on that guy...

    Yet again, it's way more easier to help out new players when it's not so much of a time sink. Time being the only factor. You'd think someone would have pointed that out by now...
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  18. Xibo Loyal Player

    In my opinion, Stats Clamping should be removed but I recognize that the solution for this should be give an option to the players to play content with or without stats clamped.
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  19. Proxystar #Perception

    The reality is this discussion will always be

    If unclamped were to return in whatever capacity what reward should be given, that's really there core question.

    Personally it should be nothing, not even feats.
  20. Proxystar #Perception

    Lol, seems so