New Episode: House of Legends

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Aug 25, 2021.

  1. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

    Did the rounds as Speed avatar and decided to give one of my villains a look-see. Used my Luther clone (Diseased Maniac) and listened to Calculator’s rant.
    Now, I had to look and make sure they weren’t the same actor, (they aren’t) but I just did a SCREAM marathon the other night and I swear Calculator sounds very much like ‘the Voice”
  2. Tret New Player

    Bugged? I logged in yesterday at 630pm. Logged in again at 2am. No second day rewards unlocked. Thought maybe it has to be after system shutdown. Just logged in again (130pm)
    Still no second day reward.
  3. Technician New Player

    I worked very hard for my 340 CR so why is my CR now dumbed down to virtually nothing in raids and events? I do not like HOL at all.
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  4. ThePanda Active Player

    Your CR only drops when in old content, you remain your CR in the current 3 Episodes.
  5. Dwein New Player

    Buenas tardes, no puedo finalizar la mision de buscar el kiosco de la aguja de la ciencia en la Atalya. Podrian decirme donde es el lugar correcto para buscarla? Gracias

    Good afternoon, I cannot finish the mission of looking for the science needle kiosk in the Watchtower. Could you tell me where is the right place to look for it? Thanks
  6. The Dark Kryptonian Well-Known Player

    Is the new Iconic Weapons a drop or will there be a vender and I see not all Allies have been added (missing Batman, Wonder Woman and Aquaman). I was hoping fire breathe and ice vision would have been added to the iconic power set.
  7. JBM New Player

    Can we get stabilizer fragmentation and vault back ? Tried 3times to collect Daily stuff and it won't let me
  8. JBM New Player

    My opinion, taking away things like the vault and stabilizer fragmentation hurts f2p players who can't always afford membership please bring it back
  9. LordOmni Level 30

    hello, So i am trying to do the Mission Brainiac Ascension but the kiosk to the science spire is missing any way to fix this at all?
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  10. Metallix Active Player

    Y can't u use my armorys I'll had buy in its lock
  11. Eve YouTuber

    Just wanted to say that I am really impressed with this update. As I have never ran some content on level - I am learning and progressing and improving. I feel rewarded when I run content, old open world or even on duty.

    Save the Universe content - Super fun. I got to feel the real FOS2 and it was a blast. The elite solo is fun, I haven't ran the alert yet.
    I can't wait for the Wonder Woman part (Less a fan of the Batman content) :)

    Clamping - feels fine for me. But I think some adjustments could be made to make it feel less intense in a way. I feel like it will ease on players who wants to feel strong, and not "nerfed" in a way.

    House of Legends - I got on test sometimes just to hang there. I can't imagine myself using the Watch Tower again. The place is awesome, easy to navigate. Hopefully the missions will be fixed soon so I can progress as well. But overall - I love the new hub.

    Allies - My favorite part about it all. I can't wait to have Donna Tory joining me on my Superhero Journey :D (When and if we get her).
    It feels so awesome to summon Oracle or Cyborg right now and they help take down the boss much faster. It really feels like DC Universe again.

    Styles - less my taste, maybe cause male styles. But they are well done aswell. I can't wait to see the female style Charon spoke about.

    I can't wait to see what is coming next for DCUO :)
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  12. Akaiko Well-Known Player

    You get similar rewards as f2p or premimum (members just get more of the same thing).

    **is premimum on Switch while a member on PSN**

    You will get stabilizer fragments by logging in for the daily rewards. For the month of August, the stabilizers were in day 2--so you need to log in for at least 2 days between Aug 25 and Aug 31 to get stabilizers.

    When September starts, we'll find out how many days you need to log in for all the stabilizers for the month.

    If you are having problems claiming your rewards (and you have logged in at least twice), you might want to report it here as that has been seemingly been bugged regardless of status:
  13. SweetlyPsychotic New Player

    • Like x 1
  14. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    A little disappointed, before House of Legends hit Test. I thought the Ally system was going to be something similar to the Flashpoint duo. Any plans using that NPC assist for future, solo, duo, alert, raid content?
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  15. Rockshokx New Player

    How do I access the daily rewards? I logged in but no daily reward pop up came
  16. aragao carvalho New Player

    on pc just press F1, then you get yours rewards. anothers plataforms i don't know
  17. Captain1Dynamo Committed Player

    On controllers direction pad up.
  18. Captain1Dynamo Committed Player

  19. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I told them for years they only had to take inspiration from the Fallen God set and ditch the boob socks. Nice to see I was right.
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  20. Xegert New Player

    It appears that some things in the Omnibus still have loot lockout. Most of the DUOs I did today now have a loot lockout, also some Alerts and raids show loot lockout. I am CR 80, and did some Tier 1 and Tier 2 things in the Omnibus.
    Maybe a bug? Cause I had read that loot lockout was going to be a thing of the past, or did I read that wrong?