Bring back classic dcuo as separate game

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MojoDuul, Jul 9, 2021.

  1. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    Not surprise to see the same faces against this idea, I miss the old DCUO and that won't change however, it is what it is.
  2. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    No one really misses it
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  3. MojoDuul Active Player

    seems to me like you guys are just friends of zoe and run in trying to defend her even though she commented on a thread about a version of the game she never played.
  4. MojoDuul Active Player

    you clearly are not a pvp player
  5. MojoDuul Active Player

    clearly wrong.
  6. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    lol no
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  7. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Anyone can comment on any thread they like and even tho your elitist attitude wont allow you to see the value in what anyone says unless they agree with you does not change the fact that their input is just as valuable. Fact is, anyone commenting w/out that toxic elitist attitude prob has more valuable input because they are coming from a place of care for the betterment of thr game an community where your coming from “im better than you” angle.
    Also, i dont know Zoe. I dont have to know her to see the value in what she says. Shes coming from a genuine place same as most as evidenced by what they say. Same goes for you. I dont inow you nor do i have to to see your coming from a “im better therfore only my opinion has value” place.
    This is why your being called out by many, why most of us (devs included) dont care what you have to say.

    My advice? Try a different approach, try a different rebuttal when ppl disagree. You catch more bee’s with honey sir. You spout off about how good you are, an how others shouldnt comment, and about how onoy the best layers input has value etc and yea, you turn anyone off from wanting to hear anything you say.
    This is why im attacking your method and attitude not your ideas. Your ideas have no merit and arent even worth attacking due to your poor choice in delivery and motivation.
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  8. Dene Devoted Player

    you want it all?

    The gear mods.. no individual loot.. weeks just to get 1 piece of gear.. trollers being basically 1 power.. no bases.. no armories.. all of that??

    yeah.. no thanks

    Edit: guaranteed any server like this would have people start "suggesting" things that weren't classic dcuo that they like in the current dcuo.. warping it in to a mess
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  9. MojoDuul Active Player

    there feedback is not valuable if it is wrong. like i said all this "i am better than you" stuff is literally coming from your own insecurity. when you comment in the toxic manner you do it is clear it is not me or pvp you are angry at but instead this is something deeper coming from your childhood or something. zoe has value in what she says? she is commenting on a thread about a version of the game she has never played and you admit that you yourself hate pvp. idk why you are stil here.
  10. MojoDuul Active Player

    dcuo from before weapon mastery had bases and gear mods and so on.
  11. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Just scrap PvP completely and remove all the feats and sp from the game completely..... or just give them all out in the boosts

    Ooohh I can already feel the earth shaking

    Im going to preemptively say, yes, I'm only saying this because they are the last feats I need, and if I dont have them, then nobody should...
  12. PHNTM Well-Known Player

    All I've gathered from this thread so far is that OP played PvP when the game came out, believes they are elite at it, thus his opinion is the only one that matters. If you didn't play back then, get out. If you did play back then and your viewpoint is not in-line with OP's opinion, it's false, it's wrong and you must be bad at PvP.

    Seems like you're living in the past OP, a time where you might have been half decent at a game and you want that feeling again. You've tried other games and probably suck, so it annoys you. It happens to the best of us, it's called getting older.

    Comparing DCUO to WoW for a start should have been the start and end of this thread. Doesn't take much research to see the player base numbers and why a classic WoW worked and why a classic DCUO would not.
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  13. Operation Failure Well-Known Player

    To be fair, the classic dcuo server could be for pvpers just incase the Devs can't bother with combat related things due to dcs current state so I don't see how this could be bad. Also it's not like this will be replacing the current Dc so I see no issues. In the end it's up to the Devs to make a decision on this not the community. Unless told otherwise. I support it.
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  14. Plowed In Loyal Player

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  15. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Im here as are others to point out your elitist attitude toward others and expose your motives thus the value in our opinions.
    Also, in true elitist fashion, you just flat out said there is no value in their feedback because its wrong……
    Wrong according to whom? Wrong according to your narrow tunneled elitist view? Perhaps but that doesnt make the feedback wrong (only to you because your incapeable of considering a differing view). Thats a YOU problem not a us problem lol.
    Betting anything you cant see nor understand what i am explaining because the very narrow elitist view that you yourself just used is what will prevent you from understanding or accepting. Walk your path, continue attacking others views as not as valuable as your own. See where it gets you.
    You have a goal here, i and others are trying to help you attain it. You choose to present yourself as the only possible source of valid input and holding yourself higher because you think your so good is not getting you closer to the goal.
    Theres no insecurity here either lol. Far from it. You were the one spouting off about your so good, spouting off about how zoe an others shouldnt comment etc. you are the one who put this idea in our heads with your words. Perhaps YOU should have chose them more carefully if you dont want us to view you this way and want us (and the devs) to take you serious and value your feedback. Nice try deflecting tho ;)
    Understand this otherwise devs an any of us wont be convinced.
    Choice is yours, done trying to help you change your approach so that you can be constructive and engaging and helpful.
  16. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    I don’t agree with every point that the op has made, but the game was definitely more crowded before gu36 introduced the dovetails and wm was added, as soon as that was released you gradually saw the population shrink. The playstyle we had before was stripped completely away and we were forced to play something new. I wish we could get a form of the pre gu36 mechanics implemented into the game, without the risk of having to take away what we already have
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  17. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    And for pvp weapon expert vs weapon expert is balanced. Power spam and roles aren’t
  18. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    Ouch I'm a nobody?:rolleyes:
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  19. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

  20. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    dream on....