Switch Merge

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by KingFLT, Aug 3, 2020.

  1. PatronusNSDCUO New Player

    A point I'd like to make in regard to this request, is the strain it's having on people's mental health. With few people left on EU, the main league Nova are using their top tier players to try and help other players through content they otherwise wouldn't get to do. That's all well and good when it's a busy server, but this isn't. It's the same 3 or 4 people trying to engage enough so that people don't feel compelled to quit, but the strain it's taking on their personal lives is too much. The Covid-era hasn't helped this either, life is already hard enough. These players care so much that they're pushing beyond their personal limits to keep the server active. A merge would make it so much easier on everyone.
  2. PatronusNSDCUO New Player

    I also agree with Kalytion. Once these open episodes end, everyone will leave. Nobody wants to pay membership for a game that has no players.
  3. Littlejaytee16 Committed Player

    Damn.... I feel for you guys. If and when our two servers ever merge, we'll welcome players like the ones you mentioned with open arms. Players like that only help strengthen a community and you can never have enough of them.
  4. BumblingB I got better.

    I didn't read the whole thread.

    We need a server merger for all platforms. ALL, merging eu with us will be a bandaid at best. There is no way it would last and I am curious how xbox is fairing.

    I literally was on my switch today and there was hardly anyone. It took even a few minutes for the stabilizer duo to pop. Even if this was a spread out thing, population isn't there. There was more when I played it half a year ago.

    A cross platform thing is the only way for it to work.

    I'm curious if daybreak is actively requesting and advocating with the different companies? Or did they give up. As it stands, only the PS/PC one is thriving.

    Mepps, any word? Jackster?
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  5. the solowing Unwavering Player

    A merge is not within Daybreak jurisdiction, its with Sony/ Microsoft/ Nintendo. Each company is playing 4D chess, those not on top want to introduce crossplatform as a way to close the gap in sales while looking pro-consumer, and those on top will simply demand you play it on their console instead for the better experience.

    TLDR: Its not up to Daybreak for crossplay, message Sony/ Microsoft /Nintendo. But its unlikely theyll reverse the policy because your game is suffering without it.
  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Mepps have said on multiple occasions, they are. They arnt blind to the problem, just their hands are tied on this due to it not being up to them. You know they want this game in as many hands as possible after seeing it get ported to Switch/Xbox (The fact that it ported without a staggered release is insane with content spread out over T2-T7 from "Solos" to "Raids", but ima guess orders came down from the top to get this game out for the other platforms ASAP)
  7. livewire2020 New Player

    Porting our account is a great option as well. I hope they do something.
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  8. Queenofthevirgo New Player

    Yeah some action or at least a plan or announcement of when it happens should be made
  9. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Everyone knew this was a waste of time and resources.
  10. Queenofthevirgo New Player

    Well they could at least offer a transfer of characters to ps4 pc or just something and not let two new servers die like that
  11. Saint Sin Patron Saint of Switch

    Hello everybody, this is my first post on the official forums! The only reason I decided to register and become active is because I want to take action and show that the Switch servers are alive but we need help! The US server is finally starting to get out of crawling phase and is starting to walk but our friends on the EU server are being stranded. I think at this point players would rather deal with lag issues in a populated server versus a smooth running ghost town. I urge the devs to listen to our requests and consider merging the Nintendo Switch US and EU servers. Please spread the message!
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  12. Huge New Player

    The switch EU server is low-key surviving down to corona and the limits due to lockdown so people are more encouraged to play the game. Merging the EU switch sever with US switch server benefits both servers by increasing population. The EU switch server especially has been in quite a critical state for a while and I don't really want it to go to waste when new dlc is right around the corner and continously releasing. Going beyond merging both switch servers by even merging the switch with xbox would also be very desirable. I am aware of the issues regarding latency and lag however we are in a bad spot so yeah. I know this is probably already on the devs watch list, I'm just putting it out there again to show how much we really need this and would be very grateful.
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  13. Tree Well-Known Player

    In favor of a US & EU Switch Server merge, too. It’s sad but getting a successful Hydra run over here is *on occasion*. The population is very very sparse. A server merge would populate the entire console guaranteed.
  14. llllDeathstroke Active Player

    Not just Nintendo, EU servers are all ghost towns on consoles lol... compared to US servers.... *sigh*
  15. KingFLT New Player

    its needed more than ever right now, the new dlc just released and we lost another 2 big spenders. this server is literally kept alive by lockdowns and a few players rerunning the relevant raids on multiple characters to cover support roles so everyone gets to do those raids at least. and with people getting a ps5/xbox or just some other games that are being published its going to be even worse
  16. Wildcat Committed Player

    just merge all of them for both us and eu..
  17. rebelheart88 New Player

    I was playing on the switch EU server, the only reason i did ok
    was the events I ended up missing loads of stuff and missing
    loads of very basic feats. The EU switch is dead almost no players can’t get even the basic stuff done.

    I gave up it got old very fast, I want to come back to the game it’s fun and I miss the people
    But when you can Queue up for everything and 6 hours later nothing it makes it almost impossible
    To do even the basics

    I played back on ps3 many years ago it was so easy to just do stuff I miss that
  18. Thomas Wayne II New Player

    The Owlman would love to have the Switch merged with the pc and the Xbox merged with the Player Supreme Machine.
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  19. Godtr0n Active Player

    Give us a serverwide global stat buff during primetime based on population count. ;)

    At this point I do feel that even a merge with US Switch would be good.

    Make more old content walk ins like the Fortress of Solitude raids currently are.

    Make a consumable that creates an illusion of another player allowing you to count as two players when queuing. LOL

    Please fix current DC Universe Online load screen bug. Also please fix switch character crashes.

    At least Atlantis doesn't seem to crash anymore though! *thumbs up*

    Allow villains and heros to group together properly.

    Make LFG a channel you automatically join when you reach level 30.

    Email all the Nintendo players telling them about all the cool changes above that you made to get them to come back.

    Also let us properly delete armory builds when we no longer want them.

    Pretty please with a cherry on top.

  20. Aesthete Well-Known Player

    My main problem with these server merges is players with the same name. Who gets to keep their names? Surely it's the PC/PS4 players correct? It would be extremely unfair for us if we're forced to change names we've probably had for years simply because of new platform merges.