Dev Discussion Episode 35: False Idols 8-Player Raid

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Charon, Sep 12, 2019.

  1. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Then it was the group's fault. This fight isnt hard on reg
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  2. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    The fight is grossly disproportionate to anything in either regular raid though. Only Mr. Freeze comes within spitting distance.
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  3. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Eh I'm gonna quote mepps here. "You might want to try event mode if regular is too hard"
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  4. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Except I can do every other fight in either regular raid with my eyes practically shut. As can most other people. This fight is way out of whack with the other regular raid bosses.
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  5. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    No it's not ppl can and have blind q it and beat that boss
  6. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I never said it was impossible, it just feels very overtuned compared to the other boss fights in this episode.
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  7. Hellclown127! Well-Known Player

    These raids are not "Overtuned"! All you people asking for nerfs to these raids, do yourself a favor.
    Play event raids.
    Gear up.
    Get Skill points.
    Switch to ranged readouts. (Tanks that includes you)
    Grow a pair, and go back into regular and stop complaining.

    Glitches are one thing but just because you have difficulty problems doesn't mean everyone else does.
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  8. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Bug report. If your in combat after skipping a few ads for the feat "you got this" the door in Olympus glitches and will not open
  9. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Who said anything about raids plural? This is not the raids, this is ONE boss in ONE of the raids that is wildly inconsistent with all of the others.
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  10. Charon Lead Content Designer

    • Not seeing what would cause the weapon to break that fast, if you see it again please report
    • I put in back up measures for the doors to open in case you skip the wrong set of NPCs (technically defeating all of them in a straight line to the boss door works for the doors but if you skip any of those it would break the chain)
    • Forged Weapon behavior has changed to be Foe Most hate when they are untethered
      • Untethering still happens when all anvils are struck in Normal mode (they stay tethered until all three have been struck)
      • Untethering happens as each anvil is struck in Elite mode
    • Due to the above change, in Normal mode Forged Weapons do less damage and have less health
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  11. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    So in normal they’ll have proximity aggro until all the anvils are struck, at which point they’ll switch to standard aggro? Just want to make sure I’m reading that right :D
  12. Charon Lead Content Designer

    They still prefer to go after anyone securing the anvil (striking it) and will stay tethered to it - meaning they can't be dragged away for long and will strive to go back to the anvil they are protecting, and after all are struck they won't stick at any anvil. In Elite that happens per anvil struck, Normal it's after all 3 are struck. Event they just go poof when each anvil is struck.

    They are foe most hate in all phases now unless someone is actively trying to strike the anvil.

    See how that feels and I can adjust as necessary (make them proximity until all anvils are struck, etc)
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  13. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    I want to clarify it's the door before the 2nd boss. If you skip adds before 1st boss. It glitches
  14. Charon Lead Content Designer

    It's intended that you have to defeat all Olympians before progressing further into the instance. Doing so opens the doors to allow progress.

    The activities in Themyscira do not influence behavior in Olympus with the doors.

    If you are saying that the door didn't open for the Forge room and you defeated all the Olympians going to that door then that's something all together different and unheard of.

    I thought you meant doors in Themyscira being weird because you skipped a group that had amazons in it, for the feat. So, at least that won't be a thing, if anyone does it. :p
  15. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    No sir. I tested it if u skip adds b4 1st doors b4 2nd boss glitch out because your in combat. Any other time they dont glitch
  16. Charon Lead Content Designer

    I'll see if I can repro that internally and investigate.
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  17. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    It's weird. Hope you can fix it. I hope someone can post a video for you. I think if some hits one the Amazon glitches if you proceed
  18. CCPONCHO Well-Known Player

    I's all dependent on the group. The first and last boss fight is a cake walk but the second boss fight is really all about team work and coordination like you said. I've had mixed experiences where one group disbanded on that part, second group we steamed rolled with no issues, and the 3rd group I had to battle troll with 160 claw to get through. I'm on xbox so the player base isn't as big as ps/pc so getting the right group of people can be a challenge(especially for elites), but I agree with everything you've said.
  19. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Good job on this elite raid I really enjoy it aside from a few bugs.

    I really only have issues with the second boss. Sometimes he gets stuck in a weird phase where he will only throw block breaks at the tank for ever lol and while that is happening usually the phase we're about to go in say the lava phase there will be no lava or last night we had it were he would not stop spawning the lava adds over and over.

    Speaking of the lava adds, not the forge hammers the dudes that blow up when you kill them. Those adds need a change in how they work. They continually jump into the group one after another no matter how far you get from them or what the tank does and since they are all programmed the same way it leads to a never ending cycle of add after add jumping on you and thats a little over the top especially when trying to dps them cause sometimes theres just no way to move cause your stuck in a animation and get one shot.

    Now I don't necessarily mind if they one shot you if they jump on you but when all of them are doing it over and over your gonna get caught at one point trying to dps them and it makes the fight pretty frustrating at times. I think they need to be a little less jumpy or tone down the non skull attack they do when they jump at you. There will be times when theres 3 or 4 of them jumping into the group and its even hard to get away when that many jump in cause if you unblock to roll one will kill you or even blocking they will kill you. Sometimes it just turns into a lose lose situation no matter what you do.
  20. Charon Lead Content Designer

    I've changed it so the Magma creatures leap just once after spawning.

    Are you on EU or US servers? When the lava didn't show up was there still damage from the lava? Trying to track down where the break in data can happen if lag gets in the way so I can add backup measures.

    I have added measures for the lava to not rise during/after the outro matinee.
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