Resurgence Mega Capsule & Powerset Auras

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 21, 2018.

  1. Multiverse Creator League

    Prabably once a year??
  2. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    There's no way to know. This is the first time this has happened, and the devs said they have no plans either to or not to have it return. It's like a test run, basically.
  3. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Who the crap is Don Heck? :D
  4. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    He’s the alter ego of Phil, the Prince of Insufficient Light :D
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  5. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    All the auras were beautifully designed, so far 2018 is looking good, but I must say we desperately need more casual fashion, bomber jacket etc.

    Side note: this is the best thing that happened to the marketplace imo.
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  6. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    He was a comic book artist. I remember him specifically for a long run on The Flash in the 1980's, but he was quite prolific, with a long career around the industry.
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  7. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    That's funny, lol. I thought it was just some southern expression or something.
  8. Exodusblack Well-Known Player

    The new auras are awesome. The method of sale is extremely flawed. I purchase stabilizers and support time capsules, but there are seventeen different auras crammed into RNG. They could have been sold in four packs with the celestial being unattuned, so you can pick wicked or divine. $20 for a four pack and they are for all of your characters. This is a missed opportunity to give the players what they have been asking for in a way that isn't a huge rip off.

    I just bought the furious aura I wanted from the broker. Then i went and bought a combo meal from McDonalds. $7 well spent. :)
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  9. Kestral Committed Player

    I am aware but thank you for the information if I had not known. The person I was responding to was suggesting that the devs add stat boosts to wearing a particular aura.
  10. hero turner Well-Known Player

    ok Mepps help me to understand, are the capsules permanent but have a 14 day expire or are they for a limited time with a 14 day expire because buying stabilizers gets expensive and it takes a while to collect them when doin the stabilizer duo, plus the capsules get dropped a lot I mean a lot and there really is no time to collect thus buying them in market place,so if that's the case I hope they aren't for a limited time.
  11. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    The whole thing is for a limited time (until April 18th). After that date the Resurgence capsules will no longer be available as drops or purchasable in the marketplace.

    The Resurgence Capsules that drop in-game have a 14 day timer and do not stack (likely because of said timer). The Resurgence capsules from the marketplace DO NOT have a timer and they do stack...but again, you will not be able to purchase them after April 18th.

    The dropped capsules can be opened with 7 stabilizer keys, while the marketplace version are delivered to your inventory unlocked once you purchase it for 700MC (630MC if you're a member).

    The time capsules and Aura boxes contained within both versions of Resurgence capsules are identical, they do not expire, and they do stack up.

    I hope that answers all of your questions...but if it doesn't, feel free to ask whatever wasn't covered here.
  12. MessiahXHD Level 30

    The Resurgence Capsules was a Great Idea , BUT I am Positive These Power sets wont be back next year, They will and must do something new, 3 Reasons #1 Who is going to open those capsules knowing you are just getting the same old Aura's #2 Money , They must be able to capitalize off next years Resurgence Capsules ,You cant do that with the same old Aura's #3 The only way to profit is to Bring us something new !!! The Community Loves NEW Items what ever they are.
  13. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    Power Set Auras 2.0
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  14. MessiahXHD Level 30

    That would Be Great as long as it's not the same Auras
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  15. Multiverse Creator League

    Mepps did say they would bring back the Power auras in some form.

    We had the Resurgence last year.

    This year we had the Resurgence MEGA capsule.

    So.... next year we will see how they tweak the Resurgence. ;)

    #1.... Why do you think it will be the "same old"?? Obviously they will add some new stuff in there.
    Also who would buy the "same old"?? How about all those who somehow missed out on all the previous Time Capsules??

    #2.... They will capitalise by adding something new to the Resurgence next year.

    #3,,,,,, you just answered you #1 and #2 right there...... so... you already knew the answer to your questions to begin with. ;)
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  16. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    No, Mepps said ‘might or might not’
  17. Multiverse Creator League

    Here is what Mepps actually said;

    Let's overanalyse what he said bit by bit... because.... what else are we going to do?? ;) ;)

    "We don't have plans to offer the full auras in a different way after this resurgence ends,"

    If they were to bring back the Resurgence MEGA Capsules next year WITH the Power auras..... it would not be a "different way".
    It would be the same way.... so what Mepps said would still be true.

    "but we could bring back resurgence or do something else entirely in the future."

    They could decide to give us the Powers aura in a different way in the future.
    Style vendor?? Quarks vendor?? We don't know at this point.

    So they could bring the Power auras back the same way by bringing back the MEGA Capsules.

    Or they could bring it back in a different way.

    Pretty sure they will bring back the Resurgence in some form for those who missed out on the previous TC.

    Pretty sure they will bring back the Powers auras in some form for those who missed out on the MEGA Capsules.

    Guess we will have to wait and see what they end up doing. ;) ;)
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  18. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Right. Continuing/completing/summarizing your over analysis, essentially, they currently have no plans that involve bringing back the full-body versions of the auras, but the modular ones will forever be in the quarks vendor. However, the option to bring back the full-body ones in the future is still open.
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  19. HoneyIShrunkTheKids New Player

    how long will they be available for in game before you guys take them away
  20. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Did you not read the OP? It’s right there at the bottom...
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