Has everyone stopped queuing?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by OMNILEGION_EU, Aug 6, 2017.

  1. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    funny i thought marvel washes it the most...it wasnt n@zis really..it was HYDRA...led by ALIENS..of course "aliens" can be inhumanly evil..but that's not what happened..humans were inhumanly evil..DC at least shows that ...to some degree...even Capt N@zi...is an altered human..hes not an "alien' or "demon"...hes human when hes torturing whole populations to death with his powers...
  2. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    All Aliens are EVILLLLL.

    Look at Superman. He KILLED Zod. ;)
  3. TheDrone Well-Known Player

    I hate the way Zod is written. Half the time, he's portrayed as a guy who's trying to do what's right for his people. The other half, he's portrayed as a sadistic, power-hungry, maniac who wants nothing less than universal genocide.
  4. Sooner Well-Known Player

    Southwest..... most schools go back either this week or next week. If you do sports, then most of them were back about 2 weeks ago to start getting ready for the new year.
  5. TheDrone Well-Known Player

    Well, that's interesting. I wonder why it's not more uniform across the country.
  6. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    This would be great, but it would involve them coming up with a complicated algorithm where they have to calculate the new costs in MoV instead of Ancient Coins, and then take into account the other sources of MoV available, decide if it makes it too easy to buy gear, elite gear, OP collection pieces, etc., raise the prices...I'm guessing that for tier 9 this system will be better established. Instead of ancient coins and war bonds and fortune cookies (cause of riddles, I don't know?) we'll probably have something like Bloody Credit or something that applies to several episodes.
  7. VariableFire Loyal Player

    Some places are experimenting with year round scheduling. While they generally still have the same number of days they're more evenly distributed throughout the year so summer break is shorter. Others try to work a little more with the weather. It's more efficient to avoid bad weather in the first place rather than have to delay or cancel school days entirely.

    As for the mark system, if they're going to make everything match up to the new system, they need to include some way to change the alternate marks into MoV. Bad enough they made the old content out-of-proportion difficulty vs. rewards but reducing the rewards further by adding marks that many endgame users can't use at all?
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  8. Mightyhon Well-Known Player

    Yesterday did Nexus raid, AnB and FOS 2 with pugs. Carrying low cr plp is still perfectly possible, just takes more time. Not so much time if it doesn't matter whether they stay alive during battles.
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  9. LT Schmitt Committed Player

    Just to add my 2 cents: I use to run almost all old content t4 and up looking for some styles but since the revamp I have no desire to que in any of that content. The reward is not worth my time. I feel for you but this what the people wanted.
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  10. iLoveDCUO Well-Known Player

    In bigger news, our entire nearly quit before the Revamp. It wasn't the revamp though, it was the stupid Auras and Pay to win feats out of the boxes. Most of my league was nearly 3ooSP when 306 was maximum and we had plenty alts in league too, our SP average was the highest on the game at the time. We had 2 players in top 100 for wavedox as well. Once the feats got attached to auras and other elements that people could buy for feats spending money I started losing plenty of great players in league and friends in other leagues.

    So my wife and I decided to stop playing the game and retired our league. Last DLC we played was with GOMr/E and the other cake walk raid. I deleted the app and everything. Revamp wasn't going to save the stupid idea of pay to win feats. We didn't really replay content as it was and were never max CR for awhile through the DLCs because of it. Never needed max CR to obtain the basic feats the game offered. Only feats I didn't have were gathering blah...and PVE legends....more blah. I wasn't even max CR to obtain the GOME feats and I solo healed them as hybrid. Game was never really difficult. Everyone claims to have these eras where the game was crazy difficult. But as most know I hybrid every single role forever and most of the rest of our league did too.

    The only difficult thing about the game was finding others to work with. Being married, with kids, and deploying to other countries as a soldier and having to help rebuild the league when I come back from overseas 'cause people like to be in a more active one when I was gone. We were never a huge league was the biggest challenge on the game to be honest. When your league was 50 characters, and you were 9 of them...LOL Shows you how small we kept.
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  11. VariableFire Loyal Player

    The deceptive thing about older content is that with all the gear and stat increases we shouldn't be Tier 8, like OnDuty implies. We should be at least Tier 10 by now, if not higher (part of me wants to exaggerate to Tier 20 but we're not that bad...I think).
  12. piohh Well-Known Player

    Heros and Villians on EUPS4/PC where are you?
    I q the duo "The Will of Darkside" and I'm waiting since one hour. o_O
  13. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Good luck trying to queue for only 1 mission unless it is the most recent content... and even then you might wait a bit.

    If you want to queue for older content.... you pretty much NEED to queue for .... pretty much everything if you want anything to pop before they finally release the PS6. ;)
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  14. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    The Will of Darkseid is a 2-player Operation. That means you haven't got the ability to queue up and be put into a group with people of the opposite faction.

    Which faction are you on? If you're a villain, then you only have a pool of 7,700+ characters that are eligible for the content (CR150 or higher). If you're a hero, you have a slightly higher pool of 25,400+, but that's it. That's just eligible characters, too, not players, not active characters, not number of people queuing. Just characters who can queue into the content.

    You'd be better off asking a friend to run it with you or a league mate, because the odds of that queue popping are low.
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  15. piohh Well-Known Player

    Im a Villian and so this not really low content and a Duos!!!

    This Duos don't pop up yesterday. I run each Day t7 and T8 Duos but the last days I can't finish all.
    I use this Duos to run stuff before I stay boring in Hall... but if we cant run this stuff... so turn the game off.
  16. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    To be honest Tori it's sad the population is that low for end game. At this point I would support a US/EU merge like they did with Xbox in all honesty.
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  17. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    There was a time earlier this year where my old League had more members in it, than there were CR190 or above (max CR was 192) characters on the EU XBox One Villains faction XD. I think that league had just under 200 characters in it, too.

    I wouldn't say it's that bad over here, yet. Granted it's not great. I'd rather see changes made to the game before a merger of our servers, though.
  18. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    I guess it will depend on how big a hit the game population took with GU73.

    If we took a BIG hit and lots of players left as some suggest.....
    odds are they will merge the US and EU servers sooner rather then later. :eek:

    Guess we will have to wait and see what happens. :confused:
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  19. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    summer football practice...brain damaging concussions just in time for school....god i loved those...
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  20. iLoveDCUO Well-Known Player

    Sounds like it's the gutters now Fatal!