Lightning Guide

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Max Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Max Volt Committed Player

    On that note ..... with heavy heart I'm announcing i'll be switching powers today, unfortunately I never really enjoyed healing (in general) and our very lackluster DPS side pretty much forced me to become a full time Healer sucking out all the enjoyment out of the game for me, so it was either tossing the towel on DCUO or try something else.
    But no worries, i will still keep an eye on things and poke my head on the boards here and there, and make adjustment to the Lightning guide as necessary. Feel free to PM me, kicking me in the shin or whatever here on the boards or in game if you need anything.

    I'll be switching to Atomic since it's the only powerset i will be able to get away with without changing toon name also (Nuclear energy, power plant ..... electricity, Max Volt :) . and i'll stay Atomic until the DPS side of Lightning gets balanced.... which unfortunately appears to be at the bottom of the devs list at the moment,... but i'm keeping my fingers crossed.
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  2. Ringz Dedicated Player

    No wories, same as you I been electric for 3years untill last week I switch from it to earth untill notice of water power or electric update. 1 thing i dislike in any game I play is to be restricted or a burden in both aspects of pvp and pve for both roles. Bad enough im playing another mmo as a replacement but when i logged in to dcuo just the sudden feeling of not being needed is a HUGE turn off. So switching things up for gameplay reasons was the best way to keep me interested in game. Untill we get more details on this "To be announced soon" dilemma, do what u can to enjoy the game.
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  3. Cyro Committed Player

    I am shocked at your decision. Their are so few of us left now only 62 elec at max cr. I fear by the time elec gets it balanced i may be the only one left.
  4. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    You're so funny.
  5. Cyro Committed Player

    O i know, i had a league that wanted to add me because im that funny... that and my super awesome healing
  6. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    Sorry to hear that you switched powers but it is completely understandable. If I did not have 3 alts to play I would have swapped powers also. I hope (fingers crossed) that they get to our update soon and that it will be worth the wait. However I am afraid that it will turn out like GU 50 and we will still be in the same situation.
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  7. Max Volt Committed Player

    Yeah I'm kinda afraid of the same thing, I wish the Dev would have at least thrown at as a quick bone by maybe increasing the base damage of Voltaic Bolt or anything like that just to bring the numbers up a bit until we get "re-balanced" again.
    I just don't understand how they can let lightning be so under par with other powers without doing anything about it.

    Last night I was stunned to see how I can do a full AM Atomic rotation in just few seconds with a finisher that hits for 200k while on Lightning I never seen anything higher than 17-18k with my best WM combo and buffs... or a tick of 6-7k damage per second after a long AM set up.
    I mean really guys? you hate Lightning?

    Anyway..... I'm keeping my fingers crossed

    and yes I do have alts as well, one for each role, I just don't have the time anymore to keep up with 3 toons, so my main has to be what makes thew game fun for me.
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  8. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Im pretty sure Electric and Nature are going to get some looking at after weapons.
    Its kinda telling how there's been neglect on Nat/Electric... listed low priority before... -_-

    I understand how y'all feel. It doesn't help that roles do dismal damage either, so healing wasn't as fun as it could've been.
    It sucks even more that roles once again get a shaft in lieu of DPS but oh well.. typical thing in this game.

    Have fun as Atomic :)
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  9. Max Volt Committed Player

    Thank you.....I do still have an electric toon on the PC side so I might still be able to jump on it and fool around with it sometime.
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  10. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Once it's up for testing, I'll be looking for ya. :)
  11. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    I had a power respec token sitting in my inventory ever since the 50% off sale when I bought it. I finally used it for my rage hero, so now I'm atomic too! :D I haven't tried tanking a raid, but I did tank PZ alert when our healer walked out. All my generator mods are Precision 7.3's, so I'm running duos trying to get Might 7.3's (no luck yet :().

    I have thought about switching my main more and more often lately. I just heal the 2 raids each week, but I got my healer weapon box in my latest BBS run so I might just stick to lpve and the seasonal for awhile. I'm missing the back from PBE but that will be obsolete soon. My ice dps duo partner asked me to switch to healer after he kept dying and I almost lost it. He was just typing in chat how terrible electric damage is, which is true. But duos and solos are my only break from healing! He just floated above the Flash statue while I took out all 5 turrets by myself and decided to join in on the Kalibak Mantis fight.

    I decided to level up my electric villain while waiting for the next episode. I got her to 105 so I'm starting PC for the 98 drops. Even as a 102 electric dps with only 43 SP that solo was super easy. I did get below 1/2 health a few times on the harpy but beat it on the first try. No mainframe trinkets either. I remember that solo being alot harder when I first did it on my main, but maybe I know it too well now. I just love the power so much. If I can get my villain up to end game CR I'll consider switching my main and keeping at least 1 electric. It just stinks that we have been stuck at CR 130 dps level for almost an entire year now.
  12. CS2016 Committed Player

    any tips for a new elec healer?
  13. Cyro Committed Player

    My loadout is: egen, bio cap, bio surge, arc, group trans, flux. I have solo healed top content with this like a few sm rounds bbs..basically everything :p

    Egen put egen on a certain person, tank is good but if an ice dps is in the group or any other dps that is on top of the tank give it to them instead. Safer for you, gets heals the tank because the dps is so close, and might heal te group as well.

    Bio cap, use it before anything starts bio charge everyone, you will save on power and be better at healing

    Bio surge, with bs if you clip it with bc you will heal someone back up to full health.

    Arc, use this to heal the tank and pets. Clip arc with bs to heal most tanks up to 75% health

    Group trans, the devs are very one shot happy in top content so pop this before the one shot and no one takes any dmg EXCEPT in pbe if you pop gt and you dont block you will still die, it hits that hard. If you are in a fight with no one shots just rotate between gt and flux.

    Flux, use it to do pickups, help out that dumb dps who will not get out of the bloody fire(idk maybe they are cold...or dropped on their head), to prevent a mech in the fight or just rotate it with gt if you dont have to worry about any mechs

    Final notes:

    In the spring seasonal buy the blooming spore trinket(costs 16 seed pods) it gives a hot every 5 seconds for an average of 350 which doesnt sound like a lot but it has huge range and heals pets as well. It also has a fast cooldown. For some reason i dont know how but, it survives longer than my henchmen or my servo in sm

    Make sure to get 6 elite affinity's so you can get the mod that reduces the power cost of the next power you use after you use bs. Doing this will GREATLY reduce your power cost, i have had zero complaints for my power intake partly because of this.

    Use brawling as your weapon and get wm so you can reduce your power intake.

    Elec gets a bad name in almost every regard so do your best to prove them wrong :p and only heal when you need too

    If you do use galvanize dont spam it...its not a hot

    Remember to make elec puns every chance you get. It may be shocking but people love it even if they pretend they dont so make them all the time.

    I copied and pasted what i said in another thread
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  14. CS2016 Committed Player

    This may seem like a weird question I asked in a different thread I made as well, do you ever see your powers wiffing / missing at all? Or is it me just not using bio cap or simply not being within the range to heal that elec takes?
  15. Cyro Committed Player

    Ok so the only powers that have range problems are: egen(range of CoP, tested it myself), gal(forget the range i think its something like 10m), eburst(which is a touch shy of midrange), and arc which is full range to connect to a target(red marker) then it will arc to enemies/allies that are within mid range. Every other power is max range. I have never truly tested the range at which cap, surge, flux gt and others will heal from but i have healed fos sm and the aprox range is more than enough for nearly every piece of content - unless you are playing catch up to the group. I think the only time a heal wouldnt hit is if you and your teammate are hugging either side of the walls in hh

    What you may be experiencing is line of sight problems, if something is between you and the person you heal(rail, column, box) you will not be able to heal them no matter what power you are. You will have to move to make line of sight to heal them

    Funny story, one of the few times i had someone complain about my elec healing was when i was in bdn and the troll was in a completely different room saying it was my fault she died yet the entire group was with me fighting adds :p

    If you have problems healing at range try using arc, it will jump to whoever is midrange or closer to the boss/adds which nowadays is just about everyone :p. Arc is also a great heal to use if you have line of sight problems with a teammate but not with an enemy. You have no idea how fun it is to heal someone using arc when they are around the feels.....electrifying
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  16. Tilz Loyal Player

    cap, flux, surge , gt are all max range
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  17. Cisco Sama Well-Known Player

    Poor electricity
  18. Pults Loyal Player

    87 now! wow!
    Also 89 red lanterns.
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  19. Cisco Sama Well-Known Player

    Holy cow you aren't joking across all servers hero and vil that's crazy
  20. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    So according to what the devs have been saying WM will be viable again for dps. That means we can dust off the WM loadouts while we wait for our AM's to get fixed....of course our AM's will probably be the month after so not a huge bonus. I am curious why they did not start with WM then do the powers so everyone had a viable option. I am also concerned that with the weapons buff our AM will not get much attention. I hope I am wrong.

    I plan to still push for Shockwave to be in the AM and hopefully have that power as an alternative to using weapon attacks so we can have the choice of a WM loadout, AM with weapon attacks (like how we do it now) and a play from the tray option for those that do not care for weapon attacks.
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