Lightning Guide

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Max Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Cyro Committed Player

    My loadout is egen, bio c, bio s, arc, group trans, and flux

    Group trans is used when the boss uses their big aoe attack that hits everyone hard. With proper timing you can avoid everyone getting hit. Then during times when group trans is off cooldown or another mech that i have to worry about appears(lava during avatar of sin in um) i use flux. During tank and spank bosses ill just rotate flux and group trans, after all don't have to heal what doesn't come through.

    Edit: For alerts i sub out group trans for eburst

    Once i get my 8 affinity mods i have thought about doing a Hot loadout using a bunch of little Hots, prob won't be all that effective but i'm still curious
    egen, bio c, bio s, arc, gal, eburst
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  2. krytine Loyal Player

    Right now I am goofing around with egen bio cap surge eBurst ionic drain and arc lightning. As I said playing with if 69u clip arc with ionic drain it becomes much more 3ffec5ive of a heal plus eBurst and egen for the hots active seem to do ok but again just playing with it 8ts not my usual load 9ut was getting bored with 8t myself so I am trying this
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  3. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    I may have to play with it next time I am in a raid
  4. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    Normally I use Invigorate because it helps with the pi for the bio cap/surge healing....may have to look at the transducer
  5. Cyro Committed Player

    I used to as well but by keeping a watchful eye of whos health goes down and moving around to different people and using bio c its never an issue. To be honest nearly every raid for quite sometime has a boss that has a aoe attack so it seems far more useful to have a 8 person shield.
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  6. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    You could try out using arc and eburst together for fights with stationary adds, like all of PB up to and including the 1st boss. I used eburst a bit on BD but didn't always feel comfortable with it. Otherwise the loadouts you already use are pretty much the best ones. I don't see eburst being useful for the Grodd and Dr. Light fights. Flux and Egen seem better suited because of the constant moving around and constant blocking.

    I was surprised to see an electric dps in a recent PB elite run. I didn't pay too much attention to his loadout, but he seemed to do fine on damage. He switched to his ice dps for the Grodd fight after a few wipes, but was fine on the scoreboard. Maybe the other dps weren't that great?
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  7. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    I needed beast heals last night. Where were you?
  8. Cyro Committed Player

    Watching my new fav tv show or sleeping
  9. Black Jaq Devoted Player

  10. Max Volt Committed Player

    I like your sig

    Elec healer/carry. I mean dps

    that's how i feel....I got my munitions Alt to 160 CR just so I wouldn't feel worthless anymore :)
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  11. Cyro Committed Player

    I have recently got back into the dps side. I was doing the duo(WW) with an atomic, they were 155 fully modded and i was 150 with no mods but the white ones. I forget the actually numbers we got but they weren't a hell of a lot far of so it looks like im not a total carry ;p.

    Loadout if any of you are curious. eburst, wired, circuit breaker, ecute, shockwave, and vbolt. Also using a pi applier that i crafted
    (adds would have died too quickly to justify using egen)

    Edit: was hoping you were talking about the community gif :p
  12. Tilz Loyal Player

    everything about community is simply great :D

    A bit bursty and elec is not toooo worthless in solo/duo content. especially with melee weapons. I've made the experience that the HB uppercut does good results in small content.
  13. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    So far I've been healing for a while and I'm really enjoying the fantastic healer side of electricity.

    The loadout I've been running is:

    E-gen, Galvanize, Flux, Invigorate, Bio-capacitor, and Bio Electric-surge.

    Basically what I've been doing is:

    If teammates take minor damage: Pop E-gen and Galvanize together.

    If teammates take a good chunk of damage: Pop flux.

    If teammates take a lot of damage go to burst heals(Bio-capacitor and Bio-electric surge.)

    It works great especially in those "Oh we're in trouble" moments.

    I've avoided spec'ing into Ionic drain simply because with the groups I've been running with they take a lot of damage really quickly, so it's not viable for me.

    I'm also curious how well E-burst and Arc lighting works in healer role. I've never bothered with them since I felt they were useless compared to the other hots and burst heals.
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  14. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    Glad you are having fun with the power. I am with you on Ionic Drains uses....I do not care for its use but I love the animation. As for Arc lighting....IMO probably the best tank heal you could use. I find it very helpful on Fire tanks and when it crits.....nice big green numbers. Plus you can clip bio sugre/charge with it. If you are in a good spot when it bounces back to you it will hit your entire team also. Again that is IMO. I would suggest taking it out for a trial run and see if you like it. If you do great...if not no big sounds like you are doing great without it. When you talk Eburst....i do not use it but I hear in the right situations it is very beneficial, mostly from its knockback component....if I remember correctly.
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  15. Cyro Committed Player

    Egen is a hot, you should have it up all the time. its range is akin to sorc circle of protection.

    edit: Further more for everyone that doesn't have the aura they get healed by both the auras on you and their teammate. So imagine you are sorc healing but instead of having one circle of protection you have two.
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  16. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    but isn't that just spamming heals?

    I mean I get I should have it up, but I really don't wanna keep it up if the teammates haven't started taking damage yet.

    Edit I see.

    on a sidenote. I figured out today that Bio electric surge will do 2 burst heals if your hp drops around 65%.

    That's something they need to add to the power description.
  17. Cyro Committed Player

    Pretty sure it doesnt. what you may be experiencing is bio charge being consumed. When ones health drops below 45% they get an instance heal
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  18. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    I've actually tested it out.

    With and Without applying the Bio-charge PI.
    Further more. (Thanks to Dark reign in advance) Here's proof that Bio-electric surge gives two burst heals when your allies HP is at 65%

    Set your video time to 6:45 and you'll see what I'm talking about.

  19. not_again Dedicated Player

    It is not intended. Just no one complains about it because it only works when you are below 65% and above 45%. In the era of the one shot or almost one shot it does not get noticed.

    You said you tested this today. If so, does it now work without the bio-cap pi if they fall to less than 45%?
  20. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    No the 45% still requires the Bio-cap PI.

    If it's not intended it should be looked into.
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