Grinding 750 LPVE instances per familly is too much!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by supa killa, Jan 30, 2016.

  1. Zneeak Devoted Player

    It's too late to correct them to what should look like a "fair" number NOW, since a bunch of people are halfway through these general feats, some people are even done with them completely. It's not fair to reduce the number to less than half the original, stupid number they implemented when people have gotten THIS far grinding by now.

    Next time, maybe the devs get the number right in the first place, so "completionists" that obviously aren't up for the task but still feel entitled to the reward CAN grind it out and get it without losing interest in the game.
  2. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    LPVE is not work any more. It is walk in, kill things, fly over things, get feats without too much trouble. Legends PVE of December 2014, that was work and required team work.

    I cannot run LPVE because it is wrong IMO as it is giving players 10 point feats daily just for logging into the game every day and playing for 15 minutes. That is why I dislike it. There is no real skill or tactic to get them. Simply log in, find a group, run content and get your 10 point feat daily.
  3. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Just curious.

  4. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    The 750 run feat per family is purposely meant to be unreasonable.
  5. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Yet ppl have it
  6. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Somebody finished these months ago
  7. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Nothing wrong with that. The 750 runs is just purposely set unreasonably high, so that not everyone will have it. Thats all.
  8. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Same could be said about other feats ingame
  9. Malachyte Devoted Player

    Only crazy whacked out players have that a certain Villain league leader I know..eerr, hmmm ....yeah, him
  10. wisetoons Well-Known Player

    honestly those numbers made me a big hater of lpve, sometimes i log in i ask some instances but my league mates are telling me sorry in lpve, wtf is that? they are sp260 and running that all day, so i log off because there is nobody to play with, , i understand them as well but that doesnT help i just log off with a sad face for them and myself as well, i deny to grind them crazy.

    Once upon a time i finished moon arenas 250 wins and then they suddenly reduced it to 50, that happened, and i believe that THE GREEN ONES will see this and will do it here as well, no point of replaying 5250x of nothing, is it?

    that is going to be a bitger issue because the gap between people is going bigger due to that nonsense grinding, bye
  11. Defcon 0ne Well-Known Player

    I agree, When SGC and LOA first came it out, It was really fun and challenging until they nerfed it. :(
  12. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I loved the challenge and being able to beat Serpent Claw where his attacks where 3-4 hits and death was a very good and hard challenge. They did quite a bit updates after the initial LoA I replayed it recently and it was an absolutely joke, even easier than what it was after the initial nerf to Serpent Claw.

    i know since LPVE was launched Legend toons damage and abilities damage have been increased, making them stronger, impacting the challenge of LPVE. The devs also lowered the enemies CR making it even easier. Than CR scaling came and that made it even easier.

    LPVE is a complete and utter joke and it is why i stopped playing it after Area 51.
  13. scotv453 Well-Known Player

    IDK maybe besides these grindy feats, that they just make the content to get said feats harder. Besides having people run the same thing over and over again, which is tied to stats (yuck) just make harder content and lower it. No wonder people are dropping like flies or rolling around in 100-150sp....these feats are ridiculous.

    Grats to everyone who worked....wait that is not the right word....took on the tedious task of these feats good for you. But when these are attached to SP, this shouldn't be happening at all.
  14. Veritasum Loyal Player

    It's a crazy amount. But you're even crazier if you're actually grinding those totals on the daily. The feats will get there when they get there. Not everything has to be on a short time table. IMO of course.
  15. Lightws Dedicated Player

    People already had the pvp feats. Yet they were reduced..... for good reason. No one pvped.

    There's no point for LPvE to be a thing yet alone a grind. People choose not to do it because it takes forever to get all the feats. If it was reduced more people would do it just to get the feat. Just because you no lifed 5250 runs doesn't mean everyone else has to. Some of the people who have those feats don't have most of the hard feats in the game...... I wonder why Kappa.
  16. Defcon 0ne Well-Known Player

    It's bevause they are so worried about their Wavedox standing, people also go as far changing their names so they can be on the top of the list since its in alpha-numeric.
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  17. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    To complete them all it's actually over 14 years at one per day. Which is all that you can do without using replay tokens to reset it - if you want loot. Gaining a reward is playing the game normally.

    At what point did the game become grinding for nothing...not even a base item?

    With the exo feat, you get bits.
    500 CC bounties, you get loot and can only do them once per day
    The loot locks on PvP have been removed - a player can grind pvp endlessly and get a reward.

    They are my 'last feats as well and I know that if I did spend 8 months grinding them out, completing them would just depress me. Finishing LPvE feats wouldn't even come close to the satisfaction of completing GGS while HH was the raid to beat.

    To me it seems like LPvE is punishment for those players who want to tick off all the little green boxes on their feat list.
  18. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    I feel like it wasnt a punishment but more like a way to put another grind in the game to keep ppl busy. Know what I mean?
  19. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    It's really not census, for most players. I agree census is a 'thing' for a loopy minority, but most high SP players are just looking at what they have left to complete.

    When you get to a point where the only feats you have left are totally start to wonder if you should bother playing at all.
  20. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    But, I refuse to do it.
    Knock the family ones down to 250 and I'll think about it.

    The Map feats (check lists) were enough to keep LPvE going for a couple years if new maps were added every other month and the feats were locked to daily runs.

    The feats could have been handled with better forethought.
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