Counter Immunity Removal

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by CosmicIV, Jul 2, 2015.

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  1. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    This is so true! From most of the arguments I'm seeing here, you'd think nobody EVER block or block-broke or lunged when they were pvping lol
  2. Ogat New Player

    If You perform an aoe combo you're not aiming to hit 1 single target opponent but the area around you, aka you're hitting them too are you not? Is paying attention to your surroundings really that much to ask?
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  3. Sir-Ivy Dedicated Player

    I know they're fundamental, others are fixed on the grandiose reward. There's no mutual exclusivity to lack of immunity and not being countered after landing a counter yourself.
  4. Sir-Ivy Dedicated Player

    By extension, they do take damage, that still doesn't make them targets.

    Since you probably won't understand it any other way, it is asking too much.
  5. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    Remove AMs and WM or reduce the damage from PvP Arenas.
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  6. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    The risk not there for the screen blocker, because he has to be targeted to get bb, while the same rule don't count for his screen block.
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  7. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    So your solution is for one to just stand there and do nothing because that is the "smart" thing to do in that situation? LOL Okay!
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  8. Ogat New Player

    Such a vast improvement over the current system :rolleyes:

    Except he can get ... You know blockbroken... or You could stop your combo...
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  9. Ogat New Player

    The Soultion would be reevaluating my actions and bbing the screenblocker or not perform the combo like a blind monkey so i get sent to the ground.
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  10. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    But aoe bb don't work, and aoe blocks do. How is that skill? Screen block is an almost free counter, unless you just hold block while i stop my combo, and switch targets
  11. Absolix Loyal Player

    And you can switch targets and blockbreak him. It is actually pretty easy to switch to a target right next to whomever you are currently targeting on PS. Just press right or left, whatever side your the blocker is on relative to your current target, on the D-pad and boom you are now targeting the blocker. Throw a blockbreak and you have successfully punished someone for trying to screen block.

    Also, there is an AoE blockbreaker with Handblaster's Pulse Discharge that makes screen blocking incredibly difficult not to punish.
  12. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

    I'm on the fence about this still..
  13. Ogat New Player

    Like i said You can always retarget or stop your combo i know the urge to clip and spam your face off is strong, but you're really not obligated to do that hold which you know will send you to the ground, and it's not like you won't get screenblocked without immunities so uhm...
    The short vid in the post you quoted ilustrates how perverse and chaotic pvp will be with this change.
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  14. Sir-Ivy Dedicated Player

    Once you've sequenced the combo, there's no return. Martial flowers leave me in a vulnerable state long after I've stopped pressing buttons and that's a short, tap-hold combo. The dynamics you're describing are to the effect of tap-wait, tap-wait, tap-block, tap range, tap range-block, wait some more and finally lunge that person throwing a BB because that's all you were looking for. Tip toe around until you can play safe flashing blue.

    You know that "wait and see" meta? You're nailing it.
  15. E Clip Dedicated Player

    Yeah, I think a compromise would be the best thing to do. Keep the immunity but make it so that you cant farm immunity after immunity.
  16. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    You didn't answer the question, how is screen blocking skill? I have to be aware of my surroundings while the screen blocker don't. Aoe bb don't counter the player not targeted, that's how screen blocking should work. Guess a screen blocker can be the "blind monkey"
  17. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    Thanks for providing a video for one of the things that I was going to bring up next for adjustment. Counter vulnerability windows. They're clearly to long. Thanks again.
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  18. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Lol you bring up a nature bug weapon combo. A player don't have to stand right next to a player for a screen block. They can stand behind the target too, and it's not easy to switch targets in a 4v4 or 5v5 on the ps. Screen blocking is almost no risk, because the screen blocker have to be targeted for the bb counter, and not for the melee counter
  19. RagingNature Active Player

    Yeah....haven't changed my was definitely still Raging...

    Well besides you, who were the other people (im assuming who have a similar level of influence as you/are part of the community council) that pushed for these changes? I understand that most of the members are very experienced and fantastic players but perhaps they aren't best suited to make these decisions. As Liberty said, there are players out there that know more about certain aspects of the game than the devs do. A PvP council comprised of many of the games most knowledgeable/elite would certainly be better suited to be feeding the devs direct feedback. Many of the elite have been voicing their opinions here but it seems their voices are lost amongst the clutter of the less experienced/people who flat out don't know what they're talking about.
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  20. Absolix Loyal Player

    Pulse Discharge is a Handblaster weapon combo. It is tap range, tap melee.

    If you don't want to actually try and put in the effort other players are putting in to playing PvP, don't be surprised if you find yourself reaping those benefits. You are vulnerable to a counter mechanic while screen blocking. It has an associated risk even if you are too lazy to take advantage to it.
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