Sony/DC - you're just making it too easy for them

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ScarletGhost, Nov 18, 2014.

  1. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Agreed. It's also a whole double standards thing. There are many people out there who would be first to call women dressed like this any amount of derogatory names, but they would probably also be the first to call the same women prudes if they saw them wearing a turtle neck and jeans, with only their heads exposed. It's an unfortunate fact that this planet is filled with idiots.
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  2. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    Yeah immature people can make a gaming experience quite annoying. However asking them to stop is like asking them to do it even more.

    As everyone else has said, your best bet is to ignore them. You can't reason with idiots and all of us who sympathize with you don't really act that way to begin with.

    I also don't think it's the devs fault or that it has anything to do with the way Star Sapphires are clothed. Those immature idiots would say the same sexist sh... even if they were dressed like violet nuns. Every time there's a female in a game that type of fool acts and says the same kind of thing.

    I've personally never understood sexism, women are the most amazing beings on the planet. :)
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  3. Ikyotojin Dedicated Player

    I'm a guy, but play females. Why? because they look hot. Does this mean I dehumanize or belittle women? No. But I am visual. Men and women are equal, but DIFFERENT. What you might see as an issue might not be to me. What I might see as an issue may not be for you. Equal does not mean identical- enjoy the differences.
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  4. Tikkun Loyal Player

    To me the costume fits the concept. Amanda Waller dresses formally and business-like because of her position. It fits her character's identity.

    Star Sapphires represent the emotion of love, but love can be easily tainted by things like obsession and desire without a person realizing until it's too late. The costume definitely causes a bit of desire! Through obsession and desire a Sapphire can corrupt a person into following love. They definitely are not always the good guys! It's a gamble between true, eye-opening love and blind, controlled love.
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  5. Gr33n Static Well-Known Player

    I agree 100%, it is sad that so many players only comment on the way players look. Last time I was on I had this one kid talk about this characters butt the whole time, it got so annoying that I ended up kicking him from the group. With this update it has gotten worse, but nothing you can do.
  6. Ikyotojin Dedicated Player

    Well done. Wearing a ton of fabric will never make someone else grow up and take responsibility for their own actions/reactions. The driver should take the wheel and learn when to ease off, the road should not have to bend to suit the driver.
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  7. Ikyotojin Dedicated Player

    I"m guy, but play fem toons... hey, if I have to spend all this time watching a butt, it's gonna be one I like! I was in my first ever 8 man a long time back and some kid "PM'd" me in chat:
    "are you in a relationship?"
    of course I miked back out-loud
    "Thanks for asking, but I'm a married guy. You might want to try a dating site or, maybe, a real life encounter when you get old enough."

    Oddly enough, he left.
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  8. Larfleeze New Player

    All I got from that entire post was;

    "Look at me! I'm a GIRL and I like things that usually only BOYS like! Pay attention to me because I'm a REAL NERD GIRL!"

    Next time try not to post your gender (as if that matters) multiple times. Don't like what people are saying? There's an ignore feature for a reason. Don't like what people's costumes look like? Get over it. There are plenty of costumes I see people running around in that I find offensive because of how horribly the styles and colors clash, but do you see me making a big forum post about it? No, because I know nothing can or will be done about it, and that at the end of the day it is completely and totally inconsequential to anything relevant in my life.
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  9. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    It could just be the PUGs you are running into. This isn't uncommon but it also isn't the standard. If you play on the USPS, give my league a look. We offer a safe, fun, and respect filled environment. Hate that you are having bad experiences with other players. Please don't let it affect how much you enjoy the game.
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  10. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    Immature people are going to be immature. Put more clothes on the characters, and the immature people won't have anything to be immature about.
    I mean you don't have people making fun of how tight Superman's pants are. If a silhouette of his D is showing in his pants, you bet there will be immature people making D jokes about it.
    Don't give them ammo to use.
  11. Sinastra New Player

    Seriously with this post?!? I'm a female gamer and myself and many other female players felt the styles in this game are really lacking for females and it was exciting to get new "scandalous" styles for females toons. Dc caters more to the male players than they do females and to give new styles in a female role is kinda a big deal...There is nothing wrong IN MY OPINION with these new styles, it's really just your personal preference...are you also offended at the size of PowerGirl's chest? Did the Wastelands Demons also offend you with their lack of clothing? There have been numerous threads on the boards posted by FEMALE players asking for more styles and your post totally is not reflecting the views of ALL female dc players...if anything it could hamper getting new female styles in the future! I actually applaud DC and the Devs for this new style...Spytle's wife is actually a designer and I was shocked that they came up with such hot styles for once! My toon is naked with runes only and has been this way for years because dc lacks any sexy styles for females...I hope they continue to make more sexy outfits for females going forward...

    As for your experience with immature comments and what not, remember, you are playing an MMO with a vast, multitude of people of various ages and maturity levels...Devs have no control over this nor the players reactions/comments...I have experienced in game stalking because I'm an actual girl, I hear crazy comments all the time, etc...this is a male dominated game and some players just get overly excited to game with girls....I've been in pug groups where guys try to bring in girls just to get "attention" from the girl...there are some serious nerds (no offense I'm a nerd myself) that play this game that don't get much interactions with females so when they encounter them in dc it goes all wrong at times...if you don't like the reactions from players from this new dlc then mute them/block them/ignore them...its rough being a girl in a male dominated game, I'm not saying its ok for the guys to act this way but they are MALES....guys think sexual thoughts like every 90 seconds or so subconsciously anyways, it's pretty much bread into them...use your power of ignore/mute/block or don't play with immature pugs! Boys will be boys and you can't control everyone you encounter in dc...
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  12. Fools Fire Loyal Player

    Before I experienced that, I didn't know you could hear acne.
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  13. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    The only thing I find offensive about the outfits is that they don't have heels. So totally lame that the Devs finally made a sweet female only suit and didn't give it heels.

    But for serious and on topic, sucks that you have had bad experiences. I personally love the outfits and if others are saying messed up things about the ladies, I ignore them. It's just their opinions and while I may disagree with them, my opinion cannot override theirs. Let the lonely gamers looks at the digital figures, heck let them say whatever they want about said figures, not affecting me or how I play. Why should you let them affect you?
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  14. JZtheDragon Well-Known Player

    I'd suggest a good league that stays above that sort of thing. DC can't honestly control the community to that degree, but a league with standards can certainly police itself. If you're USPS, NEW CRISIS is a great place to be. We've got a handful of female players and don't tolerate bs.
  15. Tikkun Loyal Player

    Preach on sister! We will keep on fighting the good fight! Horse foot or not, we NEED them - especially more heeled thigh highs! Give me the styles I can't afford because my kids take all my money!
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  16. Luckyme92781 Well-Known Player

    I'm female and find myself saying during the L&W cutscene, "Dang, that's some tig ole bitties!" I have boob envy :(
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  17. Impulsively Committed Player

    I hate to sound like the cynical downer, but nothing that you, I, or anyone say to the people that act this way is going to change their behavior. That change is only going to be internal within themselves. If they truly are as immature as they sound based off of your words here, odds are they are laughing it off rather than viewing the post as an appeal to them to change the way that they act.

    That said, that leaves us with two options. 1) exercise the /ignore functionality in game and on the forums where applicable. As much of a pain as it is to stop your gameplay to mute somebody, it's really the only way to fix our own experience of the game. Option 2) is to bother the devs to tighten the grip on the ToS and how people are allowed to behave/speak while playing the game. This seems less plausible as an actual option goes since it'd take a lot to move that mountain. However, it's the best we have since the people aren't going to change their minds easily.
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  18. Alekimsior New Player

    Erk... Maybe they don't make jokes about Superman in the game, but he has been the butt of MANY jokes throughout the decades, for wearing his underwear outside.
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  19. JZtheDragon Well-Known Player

    The every 11 seconds or 90 seconds or whatever you want to spout has been thoroughly debunked. 30% of men don't think about sex for days at a time. Don't be an apologist for ********; it might be easier to think this way, but easy rarely equals right.

    While ScarletGhost's gender might not matter, neither does yours in dismissing her opinion. It's not exactly a secret that women shame other women who try to get equality... and in this case that's what you're doing. I'll back off, I'm sure you're an okay person in most cases, but try and think about what you're saying when you post like this.
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  20. JZtheDragon Well-Known Player

    But you can find time to put down somebody, in their own thread, with a personal grievance addressed to the devs. Are you a GamerGater? Because you sound like a GamerGater.

    edit: also, highlighted to put to light how ridiculous that comparison is. Just gonna leave that there.
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