Did DCUO get hijacked or something?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Nuubia, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. Nuubia Well-Known Player

    Game lagged so bad I had to close out of DCUO. Then tried to restart the client but was not working for a while until I get some game-pad launcher update program start. It was not the DCUO client and I did not authorize the program to start or get any update for it??? Anyone else get that?

    Was someone trying to hack into SOE?
  2. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    I sure hope not
  3. thefrogshateme New Player

    I can't log into PSN at all. But also the forum seems laggy as well. I don't know what's going on
  4. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Can't log in at all.
  5. Sin Cattvo New Player

    I can't login the psn or the playstaton main webdite...Playstaion server rest maybe...Not DCUO servers?
  6. MattaFact Active Player

    I lagged out, got disconnected, and now cannot sign in on my psn...
  7. thefrogshateme New Player

    Hm... bored. is WoW F2P?
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  8. HermanRuth New Player

    Yeah, looks like PSN servers are down. Guess I picked a bad time to start playing again.
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  9. RadarX Community Relations

    Given what's happened this week we are obviously monitoring our systems. We are verifying PSN functionality but all other systems are working at this time.
  10. HermanRuth New Player

  11. thefrogshateme New Player

    What's happened this week? I don't know what this means for us, but thank you for the quick reply.
  12. Ch3wtobacco New Player

    I had heard a lot of mmos (guild wars2 for example) have been getting DDOS attacks this week.. also heard somewhere theres a psn maint due on monday
  13. thefrogshateme New Player

  14. Awesome Barney Well-Known Player

  15. Death Caliber Active Player

    Dont see a problem with dcuo,but im reading a link i found on facebook that says a group called lizard squad is taking credit for the hack of SOE.
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  16. RadarX Community Relations

    I'm going to ask folks don't direct link to this group. Let's not give them any more publicity than they are already getting. To be very clear we are ONLY verifying functionality of the PSN. All other systems are working at this time.
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  17. Forsaken Mentalist Well-Known Player

    Looks like PSN is the issue on my end.

    Oh well. Looks like some quality time'll be spent with Last of Us.
  18. Parker Level 30

    I'm confused. The PSN status pages I am able to find tells me it's my service provider and not at issue on Sony's end.
  19. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Can;t log in to PSN... and of course DCUO on PS3.

    But DCUO seems to work fine on PC.

    Hope this helps.
  20. Sin Cattvo New Player

    mm confused..its was working..So is it you took it down to make sure it was working (scratchs head)..Or tre u saying what "that group" is saying is true..either wy my CC info is coming off sony once again..thatnk goodness for prepaid cards