Creative Director Jens Andersen Reveals DCUO's Next DLC Pack, Amazon Fury Part I!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Spytle, Mar 19, 2014.

  1. winter13 New Player

    No...I don't think they are. Just because gear will be unattuned drops, does not mean that you will be able to gear up right away. In the current loot system I got over 60% troll and tank gear drops while on my healer. With unattuned gear, that is simply going to change from role specific, to piece specific. What I mean is, it is likely that we will get the same chest piece to drop 60% of the time. The people who think they are going to be able to gear up in 4 -runs, I believe will be in for a rude awakening. There are going to likely be extremely rare pieces, that will encourage players to sue replay badges, just as the current system of giving non-role usable drops. We'll just have to wait and see I guess.

    Edit: I believe SuperiorMouse is right - we will likely see the unnatuned gear drops be lower stats/item level, than what we can buy from the vendor in this DLC. We may not even see vendor gear in this upcoming DLC, and not til DLC11. The best gear will drop from raids in future DLCs. I still think the drops from DLC10 will be 93-97 item level gear.
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  2. Remander Steadfast Player

    I'm thinking 91-93, myself. Highest T4 was 79 (Norsemen), and the drops from OC were 81-83 with the rare 85. IMO, 97 would be too high too quickly. We'll likely only see 10-12 item levels in the whole tier.
  3. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    Brace yourselves, the "I can't get the head and feet to drop" threads are coming. LOL
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  4. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    I can almost garentee that the best drops are not Unattuned as the drops arent going to be better than the T6 gear it will be like BIA and FAM gear that will be Unattuned and the gear you buy will be t6 so there not really changing anything serious the best gear will be bought not drops so it doesnt really matter about it being Unattuned
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  5. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I was speaking about the drops (however I can understand how I didn't make that clear so I accept that that was my mistake). I think our understanding of "Tier" gear has changed since Tier 5 though. Tier gear is no longer one specific item level of gear like it was with Tier 1, 2, 3 and 4 when they originally came out. I think we need to view "Tiers" as a wide range of item levels. For example for me Tier 5 is Item Level 81-90. I think the devs are seeing it the same way now with Tier 6 starting in Amazon Fury and continuing on for multiple DLCs, with each DLC bringing (hopefully) a higher item level of gear under that Tier 6 umbrella. The alert gear, which will be unatuned, I'm assuming will be below the item level of the vendor gear, but both will be considered "Tier 6." "Tier" no longer refers only to a specific armour set, but more refers to an entire tier of missions/instances etc.
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  6. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    I agree.

    I would much rather the developers designed the "best" of the unattuned loot drops to be rare overall, rather than specific pieces of it be rare. So for example, it should be a rare sight to see the best pieces drop, but when you do see it, there isn't a further barrier of certain pieces being more rare than others.

    I guess what I'm saying is all pieces should have an equal drop ratio, but the overall set should be harder to obtain than in instances such as A&B.
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  7. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    This got me thinking, maybe we should get rid of equal or better-than-vendor gear drops in instances. Make us chase after styles, plans, recovery kits and maybe one super special item like the omnipotence stuff or even better if they made up other stuff for ust to chase.

    The problem i see with the direction of loot no is that no matter what devs do, there will always be people complaining. They complained about ninja looting, it's gone. Complained about role specific gear, gone. As you and winter aptly predict, the next step is complaining about specific piece drop ratio (i.e. always getting the same boots). If they make it even, then they'd have to reduce the drop rate for, so people would complain the drop rate is too low like for norsemen gear.

    And if they make unattuned gear, drop often and at an equal rate for each piece, then people would complete the set in minimal time then complain they have no incentive to keep runing the instance and that there's nothing left to do.

    It's a can't win for devs, better to just scrap the idea of gear in instances and make up some other rewards that'll keep people farming the instance with less frustration for everyone.
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  8. Infinity New Player


    2 Solos
    2 Duos
    1 Alert

    Almost everyone I know has quit playing because there is nothing to do at end game anymore since PW/Nexus became a joke. So now you give us this? Who is this DLC for?

    With this T6 gear all the content that was already too easy will be ridiculous...
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  9. Azrael New Player

    I like the story telling in this upcoming DLC and new content is always good. BUT weapoon mastery thats mainly dps focused and now tier 6 it will make all content easy as pie. People are 3 or 4 manning paradox.... I mean at least this give Deathmike more solo videos to post. I personally going to play this DLC sparingly and then play hardcore when DLC 11 where they will be challenge and reason to gear up. I never have the mentality to rush gear up, be overpower, then be bored.

    oh btw for more detailed info about DLC 10 like names of alerts and duos:
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  10. Azrael New Player

    we also get daily solo missions and bounties:

    New Open World Solo Missions

    Players will travel to an alternate version of Gotham City – Gotham Under Siege. From there, Heroes and Villains will each have access to Daily Solo Missions and Bounty Missions. The bounty mission will direct players to one of four locations within Amazon-controlled Gotham City where they are charged with defeating an iconic boss. Heroes will combat Catwoman, Killer Croc, Mister Freeze, or Cheetah, while Villains will fight Donna Troy, Wonder Girl, Nightwing, or Supergirl
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  11. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Where was this written? It's not in the original announcement post.
  12. Azrael New Player

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  13. Azrael New Player

    I dont think we will be getting new hairstyles sadly since it was not mentioned in the article , only thing mentioned was nicer-slimmer gear
  14. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    Keep in mind, this is the way it always was. This idea of the best gear dropping in instances, as a complete set, began with OC. As far as I'm concerned THAT WAS A MISTAKE. Tiers 1-4, the best tiered gear was purchased at a vendor. Then in Prime, they added the best weapons and 1 legendary drop. That should be the template that we follow. This is MY opinion : The Battle For Earth set the standard for robust content. Instead of giving us robust content of that sort, they decided to put an entire set of gear at the hardest boss in the raid to keep us grinding it. I don't agree with that direction. Think of this. BFE gave us 2 Raids (1 easy, 1 hard), 1 Alert, 3 Duos, there were 4 Sets of Tired armor further adding to replay value, South Gotham open world mission which dropped 4-5 new style pieces. The best gear could be purchased with marks, but you had to beat the best raid to get the best neck pieces and weapons. THAT SHOULD BE THE STANDARD. Even with the abuse of replay badges, that content lasted A YEAR. I don't want to hear that it didn't look as good as SOT, or WOL, it was better content period. WE NEED MORE OF THAT. That's what I'm hoping for.
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  15. Mermaid Dedicated Player

    I saw this too and wondering if it's real but it looks like it. If this is true, I am not really fond of the choices they made. I was expecting for Giganta to return again and some Wonder Woman rogues gallery. Even if they're not that well-known they would better fit the story. Silver Swan, Dr. Psycho, Ares, Doctor Cyber, etc.
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  16. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    I agree. I have spent FAR too long looking into and researching the whole loot and how it's earned situation since I basically became active on the forums.

    No matter what factors I considered, I always arrived at one conclusion. The best solution is to "pay" us for our efforts, then we, as players, can make conscious decision on what pieces we want to buy and even strategise about the best way to gear up.

    The only people who are against this idea are the ones who hate grinding marks for gear. Yet those people were first in line with their 250 MOR waiting to buy the level 90 gear when DLC9 launched.

    The team got it more right than ever with DLC9. At least the issues with people not getting into groups for the hardest content because they didn't have a CR reflective of someone who has beaten the hardest content multiple times is gone. Everyone can achieve CR103, now. The trouble is, they just didn't quite nail it. They basically created Traces in Time 2 and removed all importance of the vendor gear.

    In my opinion, the best get should always be the vendor gear, but if there is a set that's better, you should only have 1 shot at getting it (by beating the final boss), it's stats shouldn't be much higher than what's available in the vendor. It should have an equal item level to the vendor gear and it should drop unattuned. Basically, Runes of the Norsemen at level 78 compared to the T4 vendor housing slightly weaker level 78 gear. That's the best solution to satisfying everyone, in my opinion. Especially as the anti-vendor group take full advantage of the vendors anyway...
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  17. Jamie New Player

    And where in the definition of MMO does it say grindfest? Just because some MMO's do this does not mean that it is the best way to do it or that everyone else should follow suit. If DCUO was just going to copy WoW then it probably would have already died like so many WoW copycats. SOE decided to do something different and now are making changes because of the clientel that those differences bring.
  18. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    So you prefer earning your gear by running content and receiving it as a random drop right? Because it's quicker and less grindy yeah? How come I've already bought the entire Parallax set of gear yet I'm still waiting for a controller Vestments of Rage head to drop?

    Instead, I'm stuck with this stupid Parallax head which has inferior stats on it compared to the Vestments of Rage controller head. Instead of running content and earning my gear that way, I may never see the Vestments of Rage controller head. All because players such as yourself (assuming you are one of those based on this response) believe the best way to gear up is through completely random drops in instances.

    Just saying, you hate grinding... yet I'd have been done with Level 90 gear a few weeks ago if the best gear was that vendor gear. Instead, because I'm not blowing hundreds of replay badges on repeating it every day, I have to put up with my ******** inferior head.

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  19. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Don't we all. :rolleyes:
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  20. HermanRuth New Player

    Oh they win. As long as we keep buying replay badges, they win. I'd like to see some kind of escalating replay cost implemented. For example, once you replay, every replay after that increases by some compounding rate until reset. Sort of like the hit you would take early in the game each time you would respec.
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