A Chilly Guide to Everything Ice

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Radium, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. ice13741 New Player

    one more thing my loadout is IS,BW,SR,WW,reflect , what would be the better for the last slot WT or FW
  2. ice13741 New Player

    but which one is the better choice
  3. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    I actually like Launching Roll in that last slot to break out of juggles, really helps in Nexus IMO.

    As for deciding, there is no "better" there is which one you like the best. It's going to vary, personally I have never liked WT, BUT I know many GREAT ice tanks that love it.
  4. ic3m4nnw New Player

    Ice is best for dps as melee class but I use same loadout for range just stay back lol. Ice dps done right can keep up pretty well with just about any class only class hard to beat or tie is hard light in t5 raids
  5. ic3m4nnw New Player

    I like WT when tanking the batmans that like to run around like Ninja and Future. Just makes it easier with agro lol
  6. ice13741 New Player

  7. ice13741 New Player

    what's your ice tank loadout
  8. Jockin Jay Well-Known Player

    To those asking what consumable is great to combo with ice I would like to share...*drum roll"

    Karmic Hex! It has great damage it has a fast clip. There ya go
  9. TrueMarvel New Player

    Welcome me brothas. A New Ice DPS has arrived in your midst. Got him to level 30. Only thing I can say is that I am ashamed I haven't tried this great power before. I'll post my loadout later(when I remeber it). But I do have a question:

    Does resonating gale split differenly then other powers?

    I love it. It's AoE dmg is alarming large lol
  10. Radium Devoted Player

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  11. SmokingGuns New Player

    Hey fellas what's up? I'm sure some of you recognize me from the HL guild anyways can you straighten me out with my loadout?
    My alt is a t4 Ice tank but now I'd like to try my hands on dpsing so I switch my main from HL to Ice so I can hunt down some of the tank styles. Here is the loadouts melee/range I've been using

    Melee= wintery tempest/ ice bash/ bitter winds/ snowball/ frost blast/ super charge
    (With the fix to impaling I'm thinkin of taking snowball out)

    Range= wintery tempest/ ice bash/ snowball/ frost snipe/ frost blast/ super charge

    Super charge= blizzard or freeze ray

    Thank In advance.
  12. Zim New Player

    You are 100% right. I think all 4 of the innates need a reboot. The health, defence, vit, and dom iconic innates are all so minimal when you are full T5 that the power point cost to get one of those innates just isnt worth it. They should be changed to a percentage increase. I posted this thread about a month ago but it kind of died out. MAybe we can get it back on track.

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  13. DEATHTAG New Player

    You can also use the dazing consumable. Clips just as fast as karmic hex with the animation throwing down towards the ground. Plus the dazing shards from the animation look more like dark ice chunks so it fits ice a bit better imo.
  14. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Res Gale doesn't split at all. So yes it's damage is huge. But it's damage is less due to no solid PI (the icy field is pretty bad honestly).
  15. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    IMO use your range loadout in both situations, of course now that IMpaling is fixed do as you said and sub it for snowball.

    Frost snipe is our big spam power. It's the only move that gets the extra 10 base daamge from the PI that is reasonable to use. The other is Ice Boulder Strike and it's animation is far too long.

    What I do in melee is basically melee combo clip with impaling ice jump and hit frost snipe. Above 35% it's not always worth the power, and when I'm limited on power I don't do it, but it's still an extra 100-200 damage. Under 35% though it's pretty sweet, getting double frost snipes out basically hitting ~35 base damage twice in < 1s is sweet. Of course it's good to use as a standard finisher as well, I just like to use it as a way to slip in extra damage the way I said.

    For me there are 3 powers I never want to Ice DPS without. Ice Bash, Impaling Ice, and Frost SNipe.
  16. SmokingGuns New Player

    I was thinking about adding freeze wave as a spammable AoE but the would mean replacing something like WT, frost blast or my SC. Or should I not bother with that power?
  17. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Freeze wave is a base avg 24 damage power. It's PI is creating an Icy field if the enemy is frostbitten. Frostbite however seems to be something enemeis can break out of or even resist. That combined with it being a DoT PI vs burst makes it IMO a pretty poor PI

    Frost Snipe hits for 24 base damage but with the PI something like 35 base damage. It's about as good as it gets on a single target and the PI is easy to set up being just keeping chill effects up. That's easily done with ice bash and personally I like reflection on my loadout instead of a SC, put the SC in when it's a fight you want to burn SC on. Faster to ice armor which is nice for when you can't use frost blast or if you choose to not use it and just go with the uninturruptable/increase defense finisher mod.

    Ice armor is great 1 min 50% mod is great. Of course if you're maintaining your 60% mod then it's pretty useless other htan backup if you let the 60% fall (which will happen sometimes). That's the one thing that's made me contemplate swapping reflection but I still like it.

    Spammable AE though, res gale is unbeatable on 4+ mobs, under 4 you'll do better with snowball, and at 1 frost snipe can't lose. Ice Boulder strike has damage just like frost snipe but I find it unreliable and a long cast time. So I'm personally not a fan. BUT it hits a pretty decent size AE with the incraesed base damage making it the best damage for 2-4 mobs, but the animation time makes it not worth while unless you clip it imo.

    Wintry Tempest is still going to be an incredible amount of damage IF you get all the ticks of damage. If you get less than like 60% of the ticks then just tossing a Frost Snipe would be better on a single target, and snowball would be better AE unless you get half the ticks.

    Frost Blast is a GREAT AE if you have 3-4 targets. the no split damage is great AE on a single target I'm not a fan of the damage but still worthwhile every 20s for the mod. Big downside is that you can get knocked out of it pretty easily, so if you can't accurately gauge if you would get it off it's going to hurt you with failed attempts. If you can you'll definetly want someone in the group electrifying or burning the mob as frostbite PI is unreliable.

    In the end my loadout is:
    WT-IB-Reflection-Impaling-Frost Snipe-Frost Blast

    AE situations WT/IB-Fost Blast spam
    Low health drop impaling to finish it off.

    Single Target WT/IB-frost blast-Impaling/jump - frost snipe

    Toss a HB solar flame in between every power in the above two combos. Things go down pretty well. It's honestly VERY similar to my Quantum's Loadout and rotation.

    Might be more info than you asked for but think I answered the question in the first paragraph the rest is just kinda my general thoughts on Ice and different common damage powers.
  18. Radium Devoted Player

    What he said.
  19. SmokingGuns New Player

    Wow you weren't kidding when you said go with my range loadout it's pretty close to yours lol but thanks for the info and the when to use what!!!
  20. N4TURALKILLER New Player

    Read what I posted earlier, it's a very solid melee DPS loadout if you don't mind using staff (I'm only half t5 atm and literally 2 hours ago out dpsed a full t5 guy in veng and out dps HL guys all the time). I'm not a big fan of bitter winds in DPS mode, to small aoe and too small of ticks for my money. I'd switch it with reflect as JEEBIE said b/c it 1) gets you 1 chill effect closer to ice armor and 2) you can clip anything with this. Frostblast is soooooo beastly BUT like JEEBIE said it's very situational which is why I ultimately went with downdraft in my loadout instead. If you're going to run with freeze ray in a raid I'd highly suggest using the FOS 3 neck piece for tanks. It'll regen your SC so fast it's stupid.