A Chilly Guide to Everything Ice

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Radium, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. SubArt New Player

    It depends on the situation, WT and lunging into enemies will gain the aggro. However their are many boards, in fact most end game content, where due to room size, spawn points, survivability, group positioning.. and numerous other things that make having the pull necessary. I would also recommend keeping it in your pvp loadout as well. IS in PVP is a great move to debuff the annoying controller that jumps around and hides everywhere, lol..
  2. N4TURALKILLER New Player

    I use IS basically the same way as SubArt said: to group up adds, grab the ones that are far away are messing w/ my team, and as a VERY low power to maintain aggro. Good tanking will go unnoticed until close to the end of a raid when someone says "that was a quick raid". It's the little things we can do that really help. By grouping adds on us as tightly as possible this lets the dps burn more adds with one attack which saves the troll power. By turning bosses away from the group this saves the healer from having to spam heals due to boss aoe or splash damage. Same thing with using IS as your maintaining aggro move, this will save a ton of power as you only are using 200 power every 6 seconds. All of these are little things as tanks we can do to make raids run so much smoother.
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  3. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    so a month ago if i remember people were saying impaling ice was causing dps to gain all the aggro..is this still happening?
  4. Jockin Jay Well-Known Player

    If you read change logs you would find out that it does not do that anymore :D
  5. Cream Corn New Player

    IS Doesn't Hold Hate Quite As We'll As A Dps Power Like Frost Snipe. I Swap Out Based On What I Need. If Mobs Are Going To Be Resistant To Pulling I'll Just Go With Frost Snipe So I Can Just Aggro Them And Let Them Come. Also Helps With The Robots In Nexus Second Room Since The Bot Will Just Mosey On Over To You Rather than Get Pulled And Die Too Fast.
  6. Furious Wind Well-Known Player

    Back to Ice after a bit of GU. Last months i spent it being Fire nd... well...

    In t5 raids with fire is easy to top the charts, with Ice damn, I'm a bit rusty, but unfortunately the impression is that equal skill, equal gear, ranged ice can't stand a chance against ranged fire, nd this make me sad, cause I cannot play melee in paradox or nexus, if I could Ice will be umbelievable...

    Ranged Ice should hv something like Mass detonation instead of actual 60% mod power, with MD u have no prob to hit enemies also if they go away from ur nearbies, nd Ice misses another dots power like Spontaneus Combustion...

    I mean, as said, I'm rusty nd just tryed once to ride nexus and get quite smashed.... U ppl more into this power with the new raids, what do u think? Ranged can compete against Fire? Not against a random fire uh, against someone with ur gear nd ur skills, if u think to be good obv :D.
  7. ice13741 New Player

    what is the best tatical mods for a ice tank
  8. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Max Tanking:
    Neck: Fortified Blocking
    Back: Breakout regen
    Chest: Quick Healing
    Hands: Regen shielding

    DPS tanking:
    Neck: Esc might
    Back: Berserker
    Chest: Core Strength
    Hands: Regen Shielding/Improved Channeling

    For feet mods it's kinda toss up between a couple diff ones IMO. But, if you are acro go tumbling mastery, rolling and avoiding counters is great as a tank. Also weapon mod is another toss up. Personally I go with either absorbtion or the power back one. Absorbtion is just too fickle, i have no control over it and very easy for it to get 'wasted' when it goes off and I don't need it. The power back one though is nice.

    In general the DPS one above is what I run as a DPS but with a different hand mod. I only list it because well everything below t5 raids I swap those in if I have time.
  9. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    frost blast in nexus and paradox is DRIVING ME INSANE...i have to get way too close to even get the hit to count people are telling me to back off and i have to explain to them..if i dont get this close i wont hit them.... when i was quantum i could damn near be at the wall with the bosses in the middle in nexus and still hit them... its ridiculous....and needs to be fixed.

    one top of that the boulder half the time when i cast it it drops and does no damage in the hall ways cause the ceiling is too low .... this also has to be fixed.. i know some people suggest throwing it but the cast time is way too long for that and i can clip out of the one where it drops... its a great move if it only worked properly..

    i can deal with the broken pi system (although this needs to befixed as well) but these other things need to be fixed.... its such a waste of power when they dont hit and for no reason
  10. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Frost Blast is a wider cone but mid range vs Tachyon Blast which is a pretty small AE range but it can hit at full range.

    Honestly though I have little problem staying in range for frost blast, it's mid range there's plenty of room to work with, even as quantum I usually stayed in that range just out of habit.

    Ice Boulder Strike is broken in that low ceilings = no damage. It's lame, I stopped using it. The Throwing one is just too slow, in the same time I can load that and throw it for ~700 I can do a HB clip for 800 damage + power usage of another 300-900 damage. So it's just not worth while imo plus it's pretty FUBAR as well with it not landing.

    Frostbitten PI is still lame

    All that and I'm still pumping out good numbers. I've been running WT, IB, Reflection, Snowball/Frost Snipe/Throwing Knives, Impaling Ice, and Frost blast.

    Basically changing snowball and frost snipe out depending on the fight i'm going into. Personally I don't use snowball though I instead go with throwing knives as I know they don't split damage and it's the same base damage as snowball... however snowball works weird and I still need to do more testing to figure it out completely it may be superior.
  11. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    your range load out is basically my range load out and i think pretty much most of ice dps' load outs...other then i dont use reflect... although i see why you are using it... wt ib reflect into frost blast gives frost blast a 50% modifier then you are locked into that 60% modifier for 20 seconds which is nice ill have to add reflect in my load otu and see how i like it.... and snow ball hmmm i wasnt a fan of it when if irst used it..ill give it another go i love frost snipe though so i wouldnt really wanna give that up ...where exactly are you switching them out? and why?...im not acro so throwing knives is not an option
  12. Hquinn121 Well-Known Player

    Hey guys. I'm currently running ice bash, winter ward, reflect, bitter winds, and witty tempest. I like using a SC do you think I should use blizzard or vac bubble?
  13. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    I like reflect mainly because it's a shield and I always like a shield in my loadout, just personal preference. Pretty sure it's a 45% mod though if not a 40% so you wouldn't get the 50%. I may look at swapping that out though, really only just started doing t5 ice dpsing as I've mostly been a tank. Rethinking it I might go with Throwing Knives or Snowball in it's place to rotate frost snipe with. But, I've gotta do some math and see if the lower damage for the animation time is worth while or if using just impaling which is basically instant would be better.

    Snowball is better than frost snipe on multiple targets. Basically I use it on first fight up until the second fight in nexus then swap for frost snipe for the batman and swap back for hallways then swap for other batman then use that through the next fight and then back to snowball till the split guys then back to frost snipe the rest of the way through. Sure snowball will be a higher dps on the final fight, but I rather have single target than AE there to really blast the one to get it down.
  14. Furious Wind Well-Known Player

    First, I have to correct my previous post. Ice can compete in Paradox nd Nexus against Fire and all kind of powers. Need a bit to work on to top charts, but I'm on the right way.
    To me right mods to play Ice ranged cannot be all mighty based like I had with fire, need a bit of precision more to maximize Ice Bash.
    I'm astonished to read ppl using Ice Boulder... I mean it's the same as Meteor, it's a terrible, terrible power, slow and with low hit rate.
    This is my hint, if someone wants to try the loadout for t5 raids:

    Resonating Gale - Frost Snipe - Ice Bash - Wintry Tempest - Frost Blast - Impaling Ice.

    RG in some circumstances is replaceable by Freeze Ray.

    And remember to CLIP. This is one of the best power to clip with weapon attacks ( I use hand blasters).
  15. Hquinn121 Well-Known Player

    So I actually decided to run all my toons without supercharges and use shields instead which might sound dumb but I just like having a breakout of some kind with control immunity and some damage mitigation. I'm using IB, WT, WW, Reflect, and Frost Blast for my dps. Any suggestions on a final power slot?
  16. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    so ice dps pvping...what are you guys doing now with the 3 movement modes... so far if dont bitterwinds frost snipe and impaling ice... the next three powers are all the movements..i dont see them helping me that much..other then on healers
  17. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Honestly no reason to have all 3 movement mode debuffs. Pick one maybe 2. In 1v1 you only need 1. in 2v2 maybe 2 but you could organize with partner to each take one. Above that is just more coordination with the team.
  18. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

  19. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

  20. Hard Night New Player

    Sup people, I haven't dpsed Nexus or Dox on my tank yet and I'm waiting to get some gear before I do.

    I'm wondering are yall modding more into precision or might, or is there anybody buying the precision set instead of might? Since might seems to have more benefit on power sets that can have dots melting the targets...it doesn't seem as good for Ice.