
Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Empress_Orana, Dec 19, 2022.

  1. the solowing Unwavering Player

    People want to have fun in the game yet for some the reward is the only thing that defines that fun
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  2. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    I remember when elite feats didn’t grant sp at all, yet people still ran the instances and farmed the feats
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  3. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    When you have everything else, all that's left is feats.. You don't need to be a completionist to chase what turns out to be the end goal when all is said and done. But when you hit a wall, such as an instance being uncompletable, it's quite frustrating, no?
  4. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Yeah, pretty much. And when there's nothing else to do, it's kind of a real bummer. Chasing feats is just what I like to do, kind of a motivation, since there's nothing else left for me. But hitting a wall as previously mentioned, really makes me wonder the direction the game is trying to go. The small minority of groups able to get such things done, usually don't want to run the content with anyone outside of their tightly closed circle. They like to hold it above everyone else's head, as per usual. Plus, in my case, they are usually all heroes who definitely don't want to help out a villain :p

    Edit: Toxicity is all I've come to find this kind of content creates. Perfect example being Survival Mode. Without speed hacks or macros or whatever on my platform, it's even easier for others to boast and brag. The need to exclude everyone else is massive.
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  5. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Except that SWE+ is completable. Certainly so on EU PC/PS and US PC/PS servers.

    If you have a full group of competent endgame players, 4 tanks 1 heal 1 buff controller 2 DPS, and more so if you have voice chat or are in Discord with each other. Then you have a shot. Voice chat makes a big difference to how elite or elite plus runs go if you have that instant communication with your team to callout mechanics. There are still some challenging elite plus feats but that gives players something to aim for for that extra SP.

    For you you are on villain side on the Xbox. Probably one of the least populated factions of the least populated server in the game. I do acknowledge that on your side.

    The issue is a population issue. Taking feats with SP away from elite plus isn't the answer. SWE+ is completable. The most recent elite plus content is certainly completable. Server population is another issue.

    The only other thing is regarding elite plus or higher elite stages in now non-endgame content. Given the scaling of non-endgame content this may need to be looked at a little bit in the future (balance wise), as very few of even the endgame population run this. For example the higher elite stages of FFE. And likely SDE elite stages after the next episode launches. But certainly for relevant current endgame content (Legion of Doom, Dark Knights, Sins of Black Adam) and going forward elite plus feats with SP should still be a thing for those players.
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  6. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    SWE+ is still run by endgame players as there are still feats to do here. Some of the feats are very challenging but there will still be players trying strategies to do those.

    I do think non-endgame elite plus content may need to be looked at in the future, as omnibus scaling may make it very difficult and there isn't enough of an interest from the endgame community to play FFE elite stages for example. SDE stages after the next episode launch may also need to be looked at in terms of balance. So I do acknowledge your argument to a degree there.

    As you say the elite endgame community (at the current time) will be interested in SWE+ for feat runs, and the elite plus content from Sins of Black Adam. SDE elite stages might be run by a league/friends on the occasion for feats but generally not many will run it. FFE elite stages will be played even less unless again it's for feats.

    Even if elite plus content just isn't stat clamped. Then players 4/5 episodes later can go back to that content and try again for those feats.
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  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I was going to say what BumblingB said...but yes, he said it. It's supposed to be 'stats'.

    To me they quit being 'skill' points the day that TCs came out. I mean Hive base speed feat took very little 'skill' too, but it was more than dropping your CC down and opening TCs. The menu does name them as 'stat' though....and it was 'stats matter', not 'skills matter' update.;) But yes....they should probably complete the naming with that remaining 'skill' named spot for uniformity's sake.
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  8. BumblingB I got better.

    Yeah, it was renamed but they missed some. But it was basically Skill Points for Weapon and Movement "Skills" not because skill was required to get them. Which is why grind feats and the like existed.
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  9. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    Found another mis-label; when you have an unspent 'skill point' and the white text where your objective is.
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  10. Proxystar #Perception

    LOL, nah I'm just not scared to call you out on it.

    Let's be real this thread reeks of "if I can't get it then no one should get it". We're not even talking about the balancing of content difficulty itself here, we're talking about you not liking the "stretch goal", it's a case of entitlement gone too far and deep down you know it even if it will never suit you to admit it.

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  11. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    That was my general impression too.
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  12. Proxystar #Perception

    If we are talking about the completion of content itself that's one thing, if' we're talking about a feat being literally impossible or unrealistically obtainable that's also one thing and should be proven as such

    What's being displayed by numerous people in this thread however is neither of those two things, but rather a sense of entitlement that they shouldn't have to chase these feats, even if or when they get easier through player progress. ;)
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  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    More like if it's made for 2-3% of the population to get, maybe it shouldn't be progression related.

    But yeah...if you want to say 'I' = 97% of the game's population....that helps your point. Whatever makes you feel bigger than everyone else.

    And as always, all numbers are estimates....but probably pretty close. As the census is down...as always...just taking an educated guess.
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  14. Proxystar #Perception

    No, you're misrepresenting the issue and distorting the actual truth.

    They're made for [insert %] of the population is capable of not only completing elite+ but stretching themselves even further, initially.

    As the content ages the % of players capable of completing the feats greatly expands

    You're trying to make it seem like it's a smaller minority than it is to justify your position, you're quite literally just strawmanning the argument, as usual.
  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Ugh...I had it all typed up, but why bother. Keep talking to yourself.

    Enjoy the holiday.
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  16. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    This thread is just a breeding ground for argumentive opinions.

    "Sure. Add Elite+ feats. Make people chase progression. Thats what makes the game fun and a grind."

    But the argument to the above statement is... People who can do elite + are already pretty much end game with 90% of their feats done anyways. Why in the world is elite + adding feat points to further improve the 1% of the community who can actually run elite+. This also is a problem because sometime Elite + content is brutal and hard for most groups (Not really looked into SoBA so im sorry if difficulty is tuned). The people who run Elite + Source wall as its released have most of the feats due to speed hackers who are using the hacks to better the 1% already.

    What is the point of bettering the 1% with more skill points? It will eventually create a very large gap in the player base.
    Those with 700+ SP and those who wish to get more SP but cant find people to do the obscure feats. The better players already have the feats and are more likely not going to do the hard challenging ones again because they got theirs with speedhacks or an established group.

    If you wanna give feats for Elite+ Just make it so you get 0 feat points + A unique title (Maybe add golden,silver, red titles to stand out).
    Add styles to the feats. Like source wall E+ gives source shard supply drop, or it could give death metal {Insert iconic char here} Styles/Chromas/Materials/Henchmen. Hell, a very nice reward could be a 1 time reward for doing the feat on the account. Could give you a good ammount of Ally XP. A few stabilizers or even say 25 Replays for being in the top 1% of players, spending boat loads of money on the game to be able to run E+ hard content on day 1 with already capped gear.
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  17. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Okay so you acknowledged that I've stated that it's not completable on Xbox, but screw us as long as it it's O.K. on your platform, correct?

    Good to hear the stance from an elitist point of view.
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  18. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Heck, this is 100% precisely what myself and many others were trying to say.
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  19. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    in my eyes, in an open world mmo game like this, giving content that only the top 1% or hackers can do, that includes progression of any type if a hugely bad idea. Not only are you giving the cheaters MORE gear and reasons to beat the lower players, but the 1% who can complete the content can now use there overly stat carried characters to still beat the crap out of the 99%.

    If the community of super duper high end, 100% everything maxed out, 700+ SP, perfect knowledge of the raid was more in the 10-15% of players then yes. Maybe adding progression to the elite+ would be a beneficial thing. But when you add it to where literally only less than 1000 people will ever do the elite+ then its kinda silly to make exclusive progression just for the cheaters and people who abuse glitches.

    This is not a rant by any means ^
    I am well aware that some groups have done some elite+ Feats legit and dont rely on speed hackers and to them i commend them. But they should not also be rewarded with more power if they are 8 of only 64 people to complete the raid and feat. At the end of the day, its 10-50 feat points. Just give them something unique like a style or aura or idk, cool titles with different colours.... then they will then all cry about "Oh BuT ItS NoT UnIqUe. HaCkErs HaVe ThEm ToO"
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  20. loupblanc Dedicated Player


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