
Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Empress_Orana, Dec 19, 2022.

  1. VariableFire Loyal Player

    Wow, I thought it would take longer for them to add Elite+ exclusive feats. But then that's always how it is with this community. A small number boast and brag about needing difficulty, that it will satisfy them in and of itself, that it will build up the population. Devs add it in and lo and behold, number of players that will do it without some stat reward is minuscule. Add in that clamping has already sealed off most of the older Elite feats and I don't get how people can't see the problem.
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  2. GabeKnowBest Level 30

    I touched on this on a popular youtubers page, its a major issue on this game where players feel like they should get everything. That doesn't lead to successful mmos, some stuff your always going to get if your not willing to put the work and time into getting it. It is indeed depressing the amount of entitlement in this game. When you play MMOs generally special things are gained from the higher content, FFXIV, ESO, WOW that goal would force players into improving. You want this special head cosmetic then improve learn the fight and get better if not then you don't get this or that it's simple. Your not forced to get everything in the game.
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  3. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Please directly and succinctly identify the problem (as you see it). Then suggest solutions to the problem. Expect feedback. Speaking in generalities doesn’t really move the conversation forward imo.
  4. GabeKnowBest Level 30

    Exactly, it makes no sense I read someone saying those that can beat this content don't need the skill points, How does that make any sense. I legit had someone in the watch tower ask a question, then the answer by others was provided they fought back saying they only needed low skill points anyone else had no life if they had more. That mind state is a reason the harder content can't be beat people don't want to work for anything just hand it out.
  5. GabeKnowBest Level 30

    For starters do you mean small by the very small amount of the player base on here? Cause in 10 plus years playing the game the players I've met generally want harder content, just on here have I seen the constant asking for content to be easy, hence why you get content that last a week and it's steamed rolled and people play something new a week later.

    that it will satisfy them in and of itself, that it will build up the population

    I have never heard of people asking for harder content with no rewards...

    Add in that clamping has already sealed off most of the older Elite feats and I don't get how people can't see the problem.
    You don't feel like any of this is partly due to players not fully learning the game, getting in a good league this is a MMO? The issue to me appears that people want to play a MMO as a single player game that they can change the settings on and beat everything. I mean all this with respect but you have to make this make sense.
  6. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    And this is all justified by adding stat points to feats for content that is only completable by the top tier elitists? (Or in my platform case, for some instances not completable at all?)

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  7. GabeKnowBest Level 30

    RaVNoc my point is those that invest, yes doing harder content requires that you invest, to invest you need to give more, more time more effort to do something that may require acquiring more skill points. Why would a person feel entitled to feats that lead to skill points for content that by logic you don't need it for? You want to have the same amount of skill points while your doing regular content then someone whos attempting harder content?
  8. Proxystar #Perception

    You don't structure the game around the premise that Xbox has population issues your request to do so is farcical.

    The solution to the problem is bigger population, even if that is outside of your control.

    I think the issue here as well is that some of the people in this thread are pretending you need elite+ feats prior to attempting elite+ when you don't.

    The reward from elite+ being a small statistical improvement by way of feats is icing on the cake, the people running elite + and even base elite don't get the feats they need to run elite content from elite content, they build up their SP elsewhere, picking up all the lowest hanging fruit as they then head in to elite. They also understand the importance of joining leagues, they're following the pyramid from the base up.

    Then you've got this other lot up in here trying to turn the pyramid upside down while not following the right path, if they even want to follow the path at all lol.
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  9. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    No matter how you twist it, feat points in Elite+ are uneccessary. For "progression", for "incentive", for anything at all. They exist only for for top elitists and hackers to hold over everyone else's heads.
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  10. Proxystar #Perception

    Given you're clearly a feat chaser (its in your signature) I'm confident your view would be entirely different if your servers lack of population wasn't gating you and causing frustration, so I'm not sure your view is genuinely held, no offense.
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  11. Plowed In Loyal Player

    If you can’t rise to the challenge, then have the challenge reduced or eliminated to meet your needs and only your needs…
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  12. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I don't know. For me if it is not possible for me to rise to the challenge, I abandon it. There is no use in putting in effort and wasting time & energy in an endeavor that is futile. Accept it that there are somethings I can't do. Forget it. Move on to something else.

    If others can do it, good for them. Give them their prize. I don't want a participation trophy, I want a victory trophy.

    If you want the challenge reduced or eliminated to meet your needs I think it very selfish.
  13. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I can understand your frustration. Those top tier elitist can be so obnoxious to the point one wants to throw her controller at the wall. There will always be players like that in every game, even in real life. It's up to me to make right choice how to react to their toxic attitude. Some are just not happy unless they are making others feel bad about themselves be it holding some laurels they achieved in game or in real life over someone else's head to puff up their own ego.

    Not all elite players are this way, some are grounded people who are just really, really good at what they do, again both in game and in real life. I don't have any issue with some kind of reward being issued to them for achieving something others just can't be it SP, special cosmetics or special gear, or even a title.

    I think our goal should be just to try our best with what we've got, try to improve our actual skill (like reaction time or movement for example, knowing what combos to execute, ect.), and just enjoy stomping the ...., over coming content we are playing. We have 3 DLCs of End Game to play which is really great even if like me, you're kinda burnt out on Death Metal lol

    I play Elite, I don't play Elite+, just my preference. When I do play Elite it is with my league mates because I know they won't be mean to me if the instance goes bad. Other than that its just Reg / Event for pug groups if no league mates/friends are available.

    RayNoc, I hope you find enjoyment in DCUO, I wish you were on PS/PC, then I could run content with you.

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  14. GabeKnowBest Level 30

    well said.
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  15. GabeKnowBest Level 30

    One of the best comments I've seen on here in years.
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  16. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I can see your point. I remember when I first started playing waaaaaay back in 2014 when new content came out like the raid for example, it would take like a week or more to get good enough to beat the content. I personally like the current difficulty level of Reg content. Elite content is for those who want a more challenging experience and it is good that DCUO offers this tier. Elite+ is for those who want a challenge above & beyond Elite content. Again, this is a good thing. I am all for most anything that will help with player retention. It depends on a case by case assessment of what the "anything" is that was created for player retention.

    However, I have to strongly differ with you on your conclusion in the final paragraph of your post.
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  17. GabeKnowBest Level 30

    Dc has that system in place it allows a MMO that for better or worse anyone can beat the content, I do like the Event versions of content I do like how everyone can progress through the games story. But in all honesty Dcuo fails a lot cause it doesn't offer long term playability say in comparison Sub Construct and Prime Battle Grounds raids was harder content then the elite plus raids we have today, yes a base raid was harder then the elite content we have now. That challenge created better players, It gives players weeks of trying to beat something and finally getting over that hump made it rewarding, players knew you needed to focus on gear if you couldn't beat it much like other mmos.
    The Conclusion I had is one i'm always open to talk to with the other part of the player base cause I would help them in the game if they open or learn the issues they face, honestly its really not hard to take pretty much anyone on Dc and bring them to another level, Dc is one of the easiest MMOs on the market a lot of issues is players want to play solo on it, you can see it every day by the sheer amount of leagueless players who even if in one doesn't speak to their mates. This game these days doesn't promote teamwork.
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  18. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I believe the shift to what we have now in DCUO in regards to game play difficulty is maybe driven by their marketing research. I can only speculate they have found a large number of their player base to be Casuals. I believe this is the reason you have found the long term playability to be lacking. Elite, and Elite+ for that matter, is Daybreak's attempt to offer something more compelling for the harder core gamers to play. An increased challenge. They have a delicate balancing act to follow. They have to make content that is entertaining enough for the more casual player while also being engaging enough for the serious gamer (like me) and the hard core gamers to find desirable and hopefully hold their attention.

    Maybe there are a lot of the more introverted personality types who are discovering DCUO who don't really want to be part of a league or social group. MMOs by their very nature require some level of interaction with other players to help one achieve their goals. Sadly, I have no solutions to offer that might help increase teamwork by greater social interaction with other players.

    Your specific examples are from a bygone time in DCUO. I really wish it could be recaptured, maybe not to the level of frustration of failing over & over & over again as I remember when that content was new or newish, I don't really remember if it was already released in Jan 2014 or if it was released later. I just remember it being crazy difficult with a lot bad attitudes displayed.

    There is so much I want to express to you as to the contributing factor of my difference in opinion with your conclusion in the prior post, but it isn't worth the amount of harsh push back I will receive, not from you but from other posters replying to my stance. I don't want the drama.
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  19. GabeKnowBest Level 30

    Right trust me over the years I've learn its not worth the push back you will get solely on here, but I def know where your coming from.
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  20. VariableFire Loyal Player

    Solution: remove feats that add stats to players from Elite+. There's your solution. If players really crave a challenge, they don't need the boost. Give titles, styles, base items. If you must give them anything more, increased currency rewards. But not stats.

    Elite over 4 players is not puggable. Yes, even the latest 4man. Unless it's your league and/or friends you'll almost always run into that one person who screws it up for everyone, whether expecting others to be perfect, play in exactly a way that complements their style, or drops at the first sign of trouble.

    Elite damages the player base. It encourages carries and drops. I can barely get through duos due to players either wanting a carry or screwing up and leaving without even trying to understand what killed them. At least in duos I only have to get one other decent player though.

    The retroactive evaluation of Origin Crisis and its effect on DCUO is sad.
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