I love DCUO so can you remove the stat clamp already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by llllDeathstroke, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    ... yeah, I'm curious, which ones are we talking about?

    Because the ones I can't solo are either (some of) the Timer Bosses in Patchwork and 31st (and I can still solo most of them) or the ones I haven't tried to solo yet...
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  2. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Actually no, I wasn't at all. Like I said, I was just being literal and technical. A hardhat for the sake of being a hardhat.
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  3. The Con Dedicated Player

    Wait.... Have the 2 threads suddenly merged?


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  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Nah, just having crap cell phone service from 'can you hear me now' company. Couldn't even listen to streaming sitting by the fire. Luckily I had my full ABBA, Bee Gees and KC and the Sunshine Band libraries loaded on the phone! The fire was a ROCKIN!!!
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  5. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Oh I'm very much aware, that's why I wasn't actually being serious.

    But hey, I can also say that the game will probably be shut down before any of these new players "catch up" as well :p
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  6. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    When did arts come out and when did the clamp come out?
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  7. Grim931 Committed Player

    Seriously hoping for this to happen, also hoping for the new Unreal Engine to get used after the Superman-style mod was released from someone messing with the Matrix demo... wasn't that one person that made all those animations?

    The movements and controls looked incredibly smooth either way, and the graphics were insane during the entire video. Put this game's movement mode to shame in a heartbeat.
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  8. The Con Dedicated Player

    When does the movie BLACK ADAM come out? Next month... It's not even out yet.

    When was Dwayne Johnson cast as Black Adam?
    ANSWER: 2014

    When did marketing start for the movie?

    Plans and release dates are two separate things.

    It seems pretty obvious those were put out as a precursor with the clamp in mind....
    You still not grasping this concept pages later is worrisome to me.

    DISCLAIMER: To be fair with the Black Adam reference...
    There was a pandemic involved that slowed down production and ate up production time.
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  9. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    You can’t seriously be using that as a way to show that the arts were made to sell back our stats from the clamp. Can you actually be that delusional?
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  10. The Con Dedicated Player

    It was merely a way to try to explain to you in the most mind-numbingly simplest way to get you to understand the concept of plans and time,...

    I thought reducing it to being that basic.... I might crack that shell of yours...

    But, you are right..... I was just being delusional. o_O
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  11. Plowed In Loyal Player

    They changed the system and now you feel starved, while others have shown it’s quite manageable.

    They gave you + 10 CR…and you want more.

    They gave you + 15 CR…and you want more.

    They gave you full stat piercing…and you want more.

    What you want is an optional unclamped version of everything.

    Maybe Oliver Twist was too tongue in cheek (because you’re far from a starving orphan in EEG content when scaled down).

    Veruca Salt is more “on the nose.”

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  12. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I can actually understand the stance on "selling stats back to us" thing. Since the clamp, artifacts and SP are heavily relied on even more than pre-clamp... Thus a higher desire to get as many as possible and as quick as possible to "keep up" with the changes. Thus more desire for newer players to purchase skips, artifact XP, and especially time capsules to get quick fast SP and "git gud". Basically, an unintended marketing ploy.

    That's just my take on it.

    Edit: The catch-22 here is many players NEED the SP to GET the SP running clamped content, so the desire to purchase said items for a "boost" to stand more of a chance.[/i]
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  13. The Con Dedicated Player

    I just want what I earned.

    What literary chacter should I use for that?

    I don't think I need one. That's just pretty much everybody.


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  14. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    One being more important under a new environment has absolutely nothing to do with them being part of a plan to eventually reduce our stats just so that these items become more sought. His idea was completely ludicrous. Arts came out in 2017 I believe. And he claims they were created so that we would want to buy them for the clamp which would be released in 2021… all while they also add items to the vendor after the clamp to make it so players don’t have to spend money on seals anymore.

    Sorry but he is delusional
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  15. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Yeah idk about any kind of ulterior motive or plan conspiracy, and it might not be as extreme as being stated, but the desire and everything I wrote is still a thing.

    Edit: remember to add emphasis on the word unintended, so you don't think I'm creating a conspiracy as well XD
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  16. The Con Dedicated Player


    See... That's the thing..
    You mention how funny it is that they now have a system that requires real money for progress.... then it turns into an argument about that....
    ...then, in that argument, you mention that they probably had it in mind before they came up with the clamp... then you about have to argue about that.... because somebody doesn't understand that plans happen before enactment.

    Look, I don't really claim to know their motive beyond all doubt....

    Just pointing out that it's probably likely that they placed them in the game with motives in mind... and pointing out how it was possible.
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  17. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    If it was the case, that's pretty genius, not gonna lie.
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  18. The Con Dedicated Player

    How much forethought is also a question...

    Remember those boxes that we got to open for free if you were a member, but you had to buy keys to open if you weren't?

    They might not have had time capsules in mind at the time... but, you can definitely see how one led directly to the other... or even them possibly having time capsules already in mind.

    You know the frog in the water metaphor.....
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  19. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    There isn’t a single system in place that requires money. So still wrong
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  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Because a half step is still called PROGRESS, but with that progress comes POWER CREEP. Power creep is always going to happen but it's up to the developers to mitigate power creep.

    And you're asking for them to allow for rampant unchecked power creep.

    By T5.5 anything from T2-T4 was a joke from solo's to raids and every dlc from there made deleting previous tiers easier then the last.

    Sure it fun for you, but you aren't showing regard for you fellow player who maybe wants to play the game and not simply spectate someone wanting to showboat n flex how "elite" they are, by deleting everything without restraint.

    The fact you had to admit to having to restrain yourself to allow the other player to have fun and you just sidestep that and dismiss the fact that you're dictating how someone can engage with content via your overabundance of stats. And yet that's not a single thing wrong with that to you?
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