Stat clamping

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Solace Man, Jun 13, 2022.

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  1. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Except that that’s not what I said. I said that progression still exists because the clamp only clamps gear and everything else has full.. FULL.. stats piercing. SP and augments are the only “true” form for your character. As dlcs come and go your SP anf Augments stay with you and you improve them to improve yourself. Gear in the other hand players keep claiming that they worked years to get which is not true. The gear that got you to 378 JUST came out. Before that you had the DC gear which came out in December. The flashpoint gear was the set before that. It may have taken you all that time to get to that cr but it did not take you gear to get that gear. What took you years to get to someone else can get to in a matter of days. So that argument isn’t even valid since gear isn’t easy to get. And gear is what gets clamped.

    So no. Progression is not dead. It hasn’t been dead since they gave 100% piercing. Everything that truly took years to get is pierced through completely.

    And I also never said that feats should be impossible to get. I said that as you get stronger than these feats get easier. There’s a difference between feats getting easier and feats just being (almost) handed out. Me waiting a year to get better gear so that I can go back and steamroll a feat doesn’t mean I earned it. All I did was wait. Someone could take a break from the game come back after a year and do the same thing by gearing up with EEG gear. Did they earn anything? No they took a break. The person who worked on improving their toon and improving their skills earned it.
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  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    And those feats that were already won and earn you SP have full piercing so again. Your argument is about Santino steamroll through content for easy feats that you DIDN’T earn.
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  3. The Con Dedicated Player

    Arguing with you will just lead to me getting banned.

    Have fun being you.



    You're a broken record... Too broken for me to try to fix you. :cool:
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  4. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Was pretty sure we were to adults just having a discussion. Guess I was wrong. Oh well. Just another little kid crying I guess
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  5. The Con Dedicated Player

    Okay... We'll try again....

    One could argue.... that getting better gear so you can go back and beat feats that were harder when you were weaker IS EARNING that feat... (edit: It also doesn't mean that you "steamroll"ed it)

    Getting stronger is kind of the point of the game... A good sign of getting stronger is actually getting stronger...which means that some things will just get easier as you....

    wait for it....

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  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Oh, this should be good.
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  7. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    One could get gear without doing anything at all. I once helped a friend who just came back by giving him a few sets of AB gear. Did he earn the gear? No. One can get gear by doing the vault which is currently up now. That barely doing anything and getting free gear. One can log in daily to get the gear from the login rewards and use that to get better stats. One can sit by the broker begging others to gift them gear.

    There are a lot of ways to get gear. Taking a more p2w approach. Someone could spend money opening TCs to get gear then sell the leftover stuff to then buy missing pieces of gear or to buy AB gear. That would also push them well into EG without learning anything about the game.

    Alternatively someone could spam the trigon dlc open world for fast gear to speed level without putting in much work or learning anything about the game’s mechanics.

    Or they can spam some easy solos or the shady duo and get carried for easy gear.

    What you claim as years of work to achieve a lot of others can now get that same amount in a few days or even hours
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  8. KidKretz Committed Player

    the answer to "how to teach mechanics" i have suggested several times, to the point of prob sounding like a broken record, but here goes.

    a post lvl 30 tutorial

    if you look at a lot of the forum threads, many complaints are ppl showing up to endgame without a clue how to play or build their character, so obv something is going wrong.

    as far as ur literal question, i dont have to suggest anything, because ppl ARE finding ways to complete SOME content without learning mechanics and making it to endgame without EVER having to clear EVERY piece of content in the game. players can get into endgame without setting foot in any of the typical raids that fail due to ppl not performing mechanics.
  9. The Con Dedicated Player


    So now we have to argue about HOW one gets better gear??

    Who cares how people actually get better gear??
    (Edit: Which, the best way to get max gear is still to work at end game material... and earn it
    The examples that you cite can only get you but so far)

    Dear God, man... Is your entire complaint that people don't progress that same way that you do??

    Or, God forbid, they found a slightly easier way to achieve their improvements than you did??
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  10. Darkwalker Active Player

    That's simply not true though. Typing in all caps doesn't make the point I'm making go away. it totally invalidates your argument and I have no idea how you can't see that other than you just plain don't want to. Your claim that CR Skips are best used to level up an alt is your own opinion and has no bearing on reality. The feats that you do or don't get alongside are completely besides the point.

    Many new players use the free CR skip to advance to CR310 on their main character. They have earned nothing, learned nothing and if clamping didn't exist, they would just power through content and get feats practically for free.

    Lets take the clamp away and have two new players trying to solo the Arkham Asylum alert which has a CR of 30 by walking into it. The one player is CR 40 while the other does a CR Skip to 310. The CR 40 player has no chance of completing that content which is as it should be on their own. The CR 310 player blasts through in next to no time earning themselves a load of feats along the way. The power they used to get that done wasn't earned and it's a massively unbalanced playing field.

    By introducing the clamp, the one player is CR 40 while the second is clamped down to CR 45. Much fairer and a similar experience. By which I mean that both are likely to fail it.

    Your entire argument seems to be that earning the power to blast through content is an alternative means of earning the feat fairly but want to brush under the carpet the thing that removes the need to earn that power and literally gives it to you on a platter.

    While clamping and CR skips can be two different conversations, your argument instantly brings CR Skips into the clamp discussion as it utterly undermines your argument. If you can't see that then it's more than likely a case of not wanting to rather than not being able to.

    No... wait for it... we're not talking about CR skips so it's not relevant.

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  11. The Con Dedicated Player



    CR skips only take you but so far... I used them on 3 alts... and those alts just aren't as strong as my main.

    How one ques into groups that aren't on a level playing field is....... guess.
    (HINT: A different argument)
  12. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    You’re whole poin was about the clamp needing your progression… do you even know what you’re arguing about?

    You said the clamp cut your progression.
    I explained what the clamp actually does
    You claimed the clamp cut your progression that toon years to get
    I explained what the clamp actually does and how it affects different points if stats
    You claimed it cut your gears stats which so the clamp cut your progression
    I explained that what took you years would take most players today pretty much days

    Do you even know what you’re arguing about? I try to talk to you like an adult and then you result to this childish mannerisms…
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  13. The Con Dedicated Player

    First off... I DON'T CARE ABOUT OTHER PLAYER PROGRESSION. (How "easy" they do it)

    Second off.... GOOD. The more players at end game means faster cues... (Disclaimer: Not a serious response)

    Third off...
    You don't know what the argument is about:

    A player matching me in days has nothing to do with forcing me to match those that don't.

    THAT is the argument.
  14. the solowing Unwavering Player

    So how is making content even easier solving the problem?[/quote]
  15. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Pre-clamp, post-clamp, whatever, some people forget you still always needed to know mechanics to get most of the tough feats (especially elite). Hell I still haven't gotten all of the Royal War Elite feats and I've been trying well before the clamp heh. Some feats you have to not only know the mechs but actually tone down your DPS to a crawl to get, Bombshell Paradox being a prime example. Unless you had a speed hackers help or something, you just absolutely could NOT "steamroll" through everything. Just a reminder.
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  16. KidKretz Committed Player

    u tell me, u guys said making it harder was going to solve the problem :p
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  17. Darkwalker Active Player

    I rest my case. Clearly not capable of recognizing simple facts, just wants to present their own ill thought out opinion and ignore anything else.

    Trying to have a rational discussion with this guy is an utter waste of time. Funny but futile.
  18. The Con Dedicated Player

    Whatever helps you sleep at night....


    Next time:
  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    It's actually 999,999 so 1 mil for all intents and purposes.

    Pre clamp I had almost 10K never replaying, so it was not 999 then either(it was 9,999 or 99,999...I don't recall). I'm now comfortably over 20K on my main and probably 50K on my top earners. Never set foot in anything above and beyond what I'd run pre clamp save the omni runs for the box reward and an occasional bounty rotation if I'm bored.
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  20. Forum Junkie Well-Known Player

    Well there you go. Thank you for clarifying.
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