Is it a feeling or is the community uninterested in the game or the latest DLC?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Tolly, May 1, 2022.

  1. zNot Loyal Player

    Like i said above,the devs need to fix the meta and close the gap of groups its all tied together,but you saying the devs martyrising on Tanks to give them the impression that they should lower the difficulty is something i find not logical and wouldnt accept since its not the truth asking them to lower difficulty so you can find players doesnt solve the issue and would make it worse and will just make skilled players like me and others leave the game which will also sooner or later make you quit too.

    And yea prec is the meta, the issue mainly is Gadget prec,eog spamming,buff trolling,super speed with prec,art swap midfight,elec with prec.

    So The only solution is to balance the gap causes by meta (mentioned above),thats it and for that needs mepps to be more strict and understand its urgently needed for skilled and lower skilled players to have the meta fixxed! Asap. Both sides benefit from this in the long run.

    The community is selective due to the OP meta and aslong as this isnt fixxed we will have gatekeeping be more and more severe its time to stop it devs,its on you now. Its not on the content designers they are doing a fantastic job,its on mepps or panderus to finally come out and say they will fix the meta.
  2. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    I came back a few months ago and really enjoyed some of the stuff that released since I left and then Episode 42 hit and I was just really disappointed with the amount and quality of the content, so unsubscribed. Saw another Metal episode was in the works and totally tuned out. I have less than 0 interest in Metal and just am tired of seeing the characters.

    It’s a shame, because I think (unlike in many years past) the Developers actually care and the overall state of the game is leaps and bounds better than it was when I stepped away the first time. I think that there is some reason for optimism given some things seemingly in the works. But at the end of the day content is king. Only 1 raid doesn’t cut it 11 years in. Seems like they hired some more people and hopefully that gets some hands in the mix and more content can be provided within each new release, but as of now? I’ll continue to lurk and just hope they push something out that grabs my interest and keeps me around (again).

    I also don’t think it can be stressed enough, that this is an almost 12 year old game. It needs a massive overhaul in order to attract new blood. And older players can only stay interested for so long.
  3. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Just chiming in to say we’ve beaten it multiple times with all might dps and the few times we’ve had prec EoG spammers, they lost to the might users and most of us were being too lazy to tac swap. We’ve even done a couple of completions without the healers using eogs. It’s not that serious.
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  4. GermanM Committed Player

    I have to say you´re right. Totally but... there´s always a but...
    I always have defended the theory that you don't really need all of that to enjoy the game, what harms the experience is the people, our community is very toxic. The ones who ask for artifacts at level 160 or 200 to even consider taking someone to some instances, the people who only live to compete and show that they have the best damage, the people who kick people from instances like HH (thank God that they nerfed that thing) when they don't do the damage they consider "acceptable".
    I've taken dps partners with artifacts at 120 and less than 200SP to the new elite duo being a healer (with artifacts at 120, minus the transformation card which is at 180, but again, not that big of a difference, it would just be like 4% if I had it at 140 or something) and they're up to the challenge. I have gone as a tank with artifacts at 80 and 120 to the last alert and I have endured, I have been a healer with my same healer artifacts at 120 and we have survived and I repeat, in elite.
    In general terms, I think there are no instances that a team with artifacts at 120 cannot finish (in normal content) I grant you that there are difficult feats to achieve with that configuration, such as beating the final boss of the alert of the Dark Justice League in... how much was it? 50 seconds? (that bastard has a lot of life).
    But well... There are elites who are difficult, but they are more mechanics and know what to do than anything else. I will not deny that there others elites instances where having a good damage is important, but that´s why i am not so interested in the elites, I feel that many depend more on luck than anything else, they are like the slot machines of the cacinos, they are there so that people get frustrated and want to pay to have the maximum artifacts, which, agree, they help, but I insist, success in these instances often depends more on the coordination and respect of the mechanics than on the number of artifacts.
    You do not need everything you say to play and enjoy the game unless you are one of those who wants to be at the top of the damage table, then the issue is another.
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  5. Tolly Committed Player

    for me, there is especially elite which is not designed for all powers, hard light with a lot of combos and combos to cut, with attacks that I sometimes find long to perform and for bosses that move all the time , lost very easily in dps between the boss who walks around all the time and his attacks sometimes too close to each other (attack or sometimes we don't really know that he is attacking to block) easily lost in dps and I don't know not what hard light players think, but I find it very fragile compared to other powers, where you hold much easier with sometimes less SP for certain powers and bosses not very suitable for hard light gameplay, but the saddest part on the hard, you can almost never innovate in build, because it's always having to give slaps to cut a radius ...

    But where I want to raise the point here is that for me, not everything is thought of according to a certain power and category of player. This is right now the big problem for DCUO in recent times.
  6. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    This DLC inspired me to quit again. I came back for during the pandemic but now I'm happy to step away. I'm unhappy with the game's direction, alt-unfriendliness, and the ridiculously increased grind each DLC.
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  7. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    You have that backwards dude. If you completed the vendor or Elite vendor style, all of the lower gear got reduced in price. Completing the Purple Vendor/Drop style NEVER unlocked reduced prices for higher vendor was and still is top down.
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  8. FlexVibrant Well-Known Player

    HP on bosses are fine to me, just find a rotation that pushes the burn faster.
  9. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I just read that Jack Emmert left and founded his own gaming studio. Perhaps now that there is new leadership in place at Daybreak/Dimensional Ink, we will see talent and creativity unleashed like never before!
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  10. Proxystar #Perception

    one can hope..
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  11. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

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  12. zNot Loyal Player

    How much influence did he have? Is it the highest ranked position who left so far? What was his „job“ what did he do/decide?
  13. Proxystar #Perception

    Oh Lord, you do know what a CEO is, right?
  14. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    Chief Eating Officer? Which explains the absence of any forthcoming Matter Eater Lad story lines

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  15. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    I left in 2016, due to time capsules, and the players were far and away bad, more often than not (USPC). Heck, Darkseid had been released, didn't think they'd have more content to do. I came back five years later, last year for a year sub to see what happened. Shirley, after yet another acquisition, I'm not subscribing again. I expect EG7 to put this game into maintenance mode. It's a very old game that was created by SOE for PS3. Building on that framework can't be easy.
  16. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    Sounds like you and I left around the same time. I remember at the time thinking "what's the purpose of legendary" at the time. It seemed to me that the only real purpose to it was removing the cash cap. That and the constant farming was making the game feel like work. I'm back now, but I have very strict limits on what I'll spend, and how much time not in instances I'll spend.
  17. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Well-Known Player

    The raid sucks. I got stuck in the regular for 90 minutes cause of over lapping mechanics and 1 guy wiping us 3 time over eye beam attack on last boss. then wiping because the person next to target was in the white pool but not blocking so it said she killed us.

    Elite first boss is really hard on tanks even tanks like me with 650sp and 200 arts can't get past first boss cause of to many over lapping **** happening at once. Beaten every elite raid they have come out with but can't beat first boss in this raid but elitist will get on here and say its easy even though it clearly not and its over tuned.
    Tried that raid 9 hour could call out every attack but a adds comes out and 1 shots my heal or group if its a skull crusher or the reflection add it 1 shots the 3 boss tank.
    Because they didn't think 4 bosses was not hard enough for us so let adds 1 shot in a regular elite. Like come on devs this in not elder ring.
    Players are having to run elite alert and 2 player over and over to get the renown cause its more effective then spending hours failing.
    We trie 5 other tanks all with high sp and arts even got my friend from unholy shadows top league in the game and he a top 100 player still couldn't. For damage had to 2 highest dps i have ever met and still couldn't because of adds that 1 shot. After that day I am questioning how many players are beating in legitimately.
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  18. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I still don't see what's so bad about this DLC. To my knowledge it deployed (I think that is word for it) without any issues. There has been no glaring bugs, no game breaking exploits, and it arrived on time.

    I enjoy running the duo with my sis, I like the alert (I hardly ever like an alert), and I enjoyed the raid. I thought the raid was challenging enough to be enjoyable. Yes it requires team work oh NU! But as I am told in other threads this is an MMO not a single player game. MMOs require players to cooperate and work together towards a common goal of beating the raid.

    The DLCs have to cater to the largest possible audience. Yes there are people on either side of that who will either think it is too easy and not like it, or think it is too hard and not like it. This is true for most products regardless of what they are. I'm liking this DLC and so far I have no complaints about it. I reserve my complaints for stat clamp lol.
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  19. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    I personally have lost interest in this game for a few reasons (as a console player). You see, as a console player which is easily or was the majority of DCUO's player base, are left out of big decision making. This is also another reason why I feel not only revamp isn't as enjoyable but PvP as well. Not all but it's pretty much the fault of the PC testers who give feedback to the devs about what they like and don't like.

    Thing is, console players are on console for a reason. When an entire game's fate is left in the hands of a small percentage of people able to use the test servers on their PC's this is the results of that.

    That's why the revamp in certain cases was a terrible idea. Our voices as console players can't be heard until we play the content on live and by then it's most likely already too late. So now I really can't fully blame the dev team for what's happened to the state of the game. Many PC players have caused this outcome with them.

    Then there's PvP. I know for a fact that most PC testers don't even care about it so the people on console who do suffer for it. It's a never ending cycle of cause and effect.

    But now I blame myself even though I know it's not my fault. If only I had a gaming PC or something that could've ran dcuo decently at the time before revamp maybe my input or feedback might have made a difference. I personally hate what happened to my favorite power quantum after the revamp. I hate the change to might powers and weapon buffs, I hate artifacts, I hate episode augments that you have to level up every episode.

    But with all the things wrong there is also a good amount of things that the devs did right. I do like how skill points are used now after the revamp. I do like the new cosmetics in the game. I do like how heroes and villains can meet up easier. I do like how we can obtain omnipotent gear pieces. I do like the base selection is good.

    But even with all that it just feels like that bad outweighs the good. Console players can't be apart of a major impact of the games direction so it's been deteriorating over time because of the casuals or small group of PC testers that only care about a small portion of the game not realizing it effects all of us.

    I wish consoles had a test server application to download.
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  20. GermanM Committed Player

    Wait to see Elite plus...
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