Stat Clamp Choice

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by qECLIPSEp, Dec 23, 2021.

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  1. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    Why? Can you not play the game yourself and queue Omnibus a few times to see how the queues flow? See which instances often end up with a "a player has declined" message?
  2. the solowing Unwavering Player

    A chronic decline penalty will sorta that out.
  3. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    I think we already have a 1 minute penalty for declining a queue? If you suggest increasing it, I could see people accepting the queue and then leaving after materializing inside. Which could be good for who actually wants to play the instance for what it is, you would be able to progress through it while the queue stays open, but it still can be potentially disruptive if a tank or too many people left, or if whoever joins afterwards also keeps leaving.
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  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

    My idea, would be to place the character on a internal loot lockout if its possible they can implement it. I am going to assume, if they can get loot-lockouts to work for 3-7 days. Can they tweak it so after the 3rd leave itll place a loot-lock for all content for 20 minutes?

    If they cant be stopped from entering, let them in. But no loot table/mark/feats will generate.
  5. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I always say the mark of any well designed system is having to implement increasingly punitive measures to keep it working.
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  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    You dont have any measure against people inconveniencing you at all.
    Itll encourage some etiquette with players.

    Im not asking for anything that would be seen as out of the ordinary. Its a anti-****** measure.

    If you arnt queue fishing, you wont feel it.

    If you arnt ditching a group after a single wipe, you wont feel it.

    Its a deterrence for those who do. Rather then give them the freedom to ditch at any point leaving 7 people needing to look for a replacement, while they go off to do a league run.

    How would this negatively impact anyone not trying to game the system?
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  7. Enemy Ace Well-Known Player

    The "struggle" isn't with getting through the content successfully. The struggle is having any kind of fun doing so.

    The debate here is really between groups with different styles of preferred play. One isn't necessarily better than the other, its just a matter of preference as to what is fun.

    I, and other players like me, enjoy reaching a sort or pinnacle with our characters and then reaping the benefits of that time, effort, and yes, money we put into our characters. The stat clamp has taking some of this away from us in order to benefit those who prefer a different style of play.

    We are unhappy about this, having less fun, playing less, and ignoring large chunks of the game as a result. An optional stat clamp would seem a fair compromise. But instead, the attitude towards the impending departure of a large chunk of the player base seems to be "good riddance."

    Ok, I guess.
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  8. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    FFXIV comparison
  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

  10. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    Unfortunately there's a clash in mentioned "preference" between those who want to backtrack to content and treat it like Superman fighting Lois Lane (literally no contest) at the detriment of anyone else at level for said content getting to do anything except run through empty hallways (or god forbid fully loaded hallways while the boss fight is going on and locked from entry) and those who actually, you know, want to play the game and contribute in a group setting.

    I've personally dropped the game for 5 odd years when I had reached the last straw of people blowing through everything just because of "speed runs" making me feel like I'm wasting my time as an off-role (tank/troll/heal) and being enormously disrespected on top of it when gearing my 1 dps character ("hey T7 tank, go dps so we can get through this T4 alert faster").

    So far upon attempting a return to the game, not dealing with people bolting ahead of everyone and soloing what should be a cooperative instance feels great in comparison to seeing 1-5 extremely overgeared people walking in and making me, at least as someone who wants to play legitimately (can't speak for people who are fine with being carried and don't play the game like a game), consider either literally pulling up a youtube video to do anything other than run through an empty hall or get 0-1 hits on things that die in 1-2 aoes.

    The game isn't single player, why in the hell would you try to justify making group content solo at the detriment of other people, especially at level or gearing players? Half the issue with not being clamped as well was an influx of players who didn't understand most mechanics due to the fact that so many of them just sat at the beginning of the instance or ran through watching as someone overgeared as hell did the heavy lifting for them, so they reaped the rewards of being a leech and learned nothing.

    The only way I see clamping not being a hindrance to the population at large is letting full pre-mades, and only full pre-mades (2 group duos, 4 group alerts/operations, 8 group raids) have the option to go in unclamped though at the risk of losing out on marks and gear, but if you go through public queuing, then screw your wants and deal with the clamp because it's not even that bad to deal with.

    Your stats are still higher than the average limit so it's not turning into a slough but you're not gonna blow through it solo either, not to mention that it's healthier for the population at large to not trivialize content, outdated or not, since there will still be players that are *gasp* new and should be learning how to pull their weight instead of soullessly traipsing on through to endgame and knowing nothing so now they become dead weight to your group expecting to be carried by overgeared players again.
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  11. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    You're posting self portraits now?
  12. Enemy Ace Well-Known Player

    Yes. You've articulated the difference between player types PERFECTLY.

    I do not wish to cooperate or otherwise rely on you to complete missions I've already completed dozens of times 5 years ago.
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  13. Catastroflare Well-Known Player

    I'm not shutting down your POV, I'm just telling you it's wrong. And most do not agree with you. It must be lonely on that island by yourself...

    Good for you then. You're in the minority though.

    And by the way, it's couldn't care less.

    This made me laugh. If you truly believe this to be true about DCUO's old/outdated content then I've got some land on Mars I'd love to sell you...

    So why don't you educate all the newbs and show them how it's done right? Of course you're all talk and zero action. And if you think it's this simple you're even more dense that I previously thought.

    Destroyed? Where did you get that? Removing the stat clamp or making it optional won't destroy the game, but seeing as it's you, I'm not surprised you would make such a wrongheaded comparison.

    You guys? You mean the bulk of the players who are against wasting time and unnecessary bloat? Those guys?

    As usual, you have no clue as to what you're talking about.
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  14. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Then you are playing the entirely wrong genre of game.
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  15. Enemy Ace Well-Known Player

    It was the correct genre for a decade giving me thousands of hours of entertainment. Interesting how easily you discount others experience in order to promote the continuation of your own.
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  16. Catastroflare Well-Known Player

    Thanks for taking the time to articulate why the stat clamps works for you. In a group setting the clamp makes the most sense, especially for new players but for player who've already done all that enough times to do it with their eyes closed, they should be able to go in solo and not be clamped. That is basically the point I'm trying to emphasize.

    Besides, I don't have as much time to play like I used to (family, work, etc) so what precious time I do have I don't want to waste waiting around for other people. Let me do it myself.
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  17. Darkred Dragon New Player

    spend a few 85 min +( SOME NEVER GET DONE because thy end up leaving ) run and you would think different, me I gave up on running any thing below T6 WAST OF MY TIME. PS THEY SHOULD OF NEVER LET PEOPLE JUMP CR, Now I pay the price for their stupidity, Random cue on-less its T6 is a waste of time, too many 60 mins + then you don't even get the run done; won't play unless I know the players;
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  18. the solowing Unwavering Player

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  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    A oversight that had to be corrected at some point.

    The game stopped being fun when i was a passenger in my own raid. Waiting 30+ minutes for a raid because of only the previously released 3 DLC were relevant to the endgame community and anything outside of it was having queuing issues (on Playstation, no less)

    Everyone here im sure wants this game to survive. But Jesus the hostility in actually wanting to set ground rules for a code of etiquette.

    Be considerate of your your fellow player. How can we say we want this game to grow, when we treat newer players like undeserving burdens?
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  20. Darkred Dragon New Player

    This Game is going down hill, Dev lack imagination or creativity and seem to only look for short cuts to the problems they themselves cause. I said it from the first time they started the CR jumps, this is going to cause problems down the road, hence THE CLAMP.

    They think that this Clamping will cause or encourage people to play old EP, LOL what genius came up with that, IQ much
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