Stat Clamp Choice

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by qECLIPSEp, Dec 23, 2021.

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  1. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Once again you fail to consider that there is a vast inconsistency in the time/difficulty of content that should be roughly equal. Compare Olympus to Darkseid’s War Factory, or Prison Break to Unholy Matrimony. Trying to avoid unnecessary stress is not gaming the system, or being a whatever unpleasant thing was censored is. I could (and have) decide to opt out of Omnibus missions entirely, but that doesn’t help you either, does it?

    Maybe you’re having a great time, but I for one feel permanently shut out of parts of the game. I don’t have the gamer skills, or the social skills (I’m currently looking for a new league after the one I was in for about a year suddenly died, which is a depressingly common occurrence for me, but I digress) to improve. I wish I could, but I just can’t.

    But at this point, the deja vu set in. We’ve had this exact exchange before, haven’t we? And you didn’t care. I was just collateral to you. Because you will never consider any flexibility or compromise on this issue. Makes me wonder why I even bothered typing all that. Are you still playing the altruist? A cursory glance tells me you are.
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  2. Darkred Dragon New Player

    So what your saying is that if come in and you inspect them and see base on their stats, that it going to be a waste of time running with them (low every thing ) I must suffer for their weakness and me not wanting to waste my time?
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  3. Enemy Ace Well-Known Player

    If your brand of 'being considerate' involves forcing a radical change on the way other players play, I think I'll pass.

    If you were truly considerate, you'd find like-minded individuals to play in the exact manner you all wish to play, and leave me the f*** out of it.
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  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Yes, you waste the groups time and you should be penalized for it.
  5. the solowing Unwavering Player

    It isnt radical, i think it seems radical relative to what you're used to.
  6. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    I did the omnibus runs this week because of the bonus source marks and after 2 failed raids that went on for an hour + i was reminded of why i stopped running the clamped content, the 3rd time was a charm cause i got lucky and fos3 popped so i was able to finish my omnibus this week. Next week i will go back to ignoring it cause quite frankly the stat clamped stuff is just not worth it.

    Before the clamp i would go back for fun and run some of the old stuff sometimes walk in and solo it or if someone on LFG was trying for a feat or just needed to complete a raid i would join and help out because it was fun to go stomp old stuff but now its just tedious and not fun at all so i log in do my endgame dailies and log out. On the plus side it gives me more time to play other games so theres that.
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  7. Proxystar #Perception

    This idea is excessively punitive, remembering it is just a game, restricting a persons loot is unnecessary when the same can be achieved by simply increasing the counter every time a queue is rejected.

    Even increasing it by a minute every time the queue is rejected would be enough to make a person think twice about rejecting it.

    There's no need to fix a problem this small by using a shovel when all it needs is a hand fork.
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  8. the solowing Unwavering Player

    5 minutes
  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Doesnt take long if you have a competent group.
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  10. Proxystar #Perception

    Doesn't take long to read your posts either, if you've got competent reading comprehension skills :D
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  11. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Before queueing up for a raid do you throw something in LFG? “Running Omni Raid room for more pst”. Just getting one or two more competent people can make a world of difference.
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  12. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Then I'd suggest sticking to either the newest content that hasn't been run dozens of times already or sticking to solo stuff.

    This isn't a single-player environment. There's plenty of stuff a player can do on their own, but unless someone is in an instanced single-player mission it's a multi-player environment. That means, speaking generally, it's not all about you or what you want, especially if you enter into anything from a duo to an Elite raid.

    For me, it's been sticking to solo stuff. Between the sometimes ridiculous "you must be THIS tall to ride this ride" games some players play to try and gate others from content and just not wanting to have to depend on others for my entertainment, I chose long ago to go it alone as much as is humanly possible in this game. Even the seasonal alerts can be pushing things for me. LOL

    But even though I do a lot by myself, I never forget that those green/purple markers denoting players are other people. I stay out of their way and do my level best to not interfere with what they're doing because I know that, even if I have the best of intentions in mind, I can royally screw things up for them if I do insert myself into the situation.
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  13. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    The devs decided differently, for good or ill. And since they make the rules...*shrug*
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  14. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    For whatever it's worth, you're addressing an individual who (mainly out of spite) waited out someone who told me to "go fetch" their Stabilizer Fragments when the duo was the only way to get fragments. Took over 100 minutes, but they left. :D I can be pretty stubborn.

    And there's a fair argument to be made that, if folks hadn't been carrying others for so long by overpowering older content they could sleepwalk through, those issues you're facing in anything below T6 would be much less of an issue. Tough to learn what to do when you don't get the chance to learn how to do it in the first place.
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  15. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    Sounds like you should be playing a single player game to me then and not a Massively Multiplayer Online game then. My problems of not wanting to return to the ages of "find a video to pass the time because it's infinitely more interesting" or "great, another carried player who's making this even more difficult for us" aren't an individual grievance.

    You want to not rely on someone? Fine, play the newest Solo Duty then.

    You can queue up with your friends or league and charge through everything while those of us who need to pug but don't want to be carried can go about it as per normal of any other game.
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  16. Catastroflare Well-Known Player

    Ever stop to think and wonder why you're the only one on a hill in this thread defending an indefensible position and the vast majority are in disagreement with you? No? Huh.

    Ok. Thanks for proving what I assumed initially about you to be true based on your comments in various threads and the ridiculous positions you've taken in this one.

    Again, enjoy being all alone on an island by yourself for whatever it's worth I guess.
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  17. Catastroflare Well-Known Player

    Well said
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  18. the solowing Unwavering Player

    You want this experience. Look for a single player game. You cannot impose this level strength onto a raid designed for multiple people, its designed for the group, not simply you alone.
    Only you get to have fun in this situation, and those who want the free gear. What of those who want to experience the content and have to end up a spectator in a raid for several tiers? Consider that maybe they want to feel powerful and engaged.

    It reminds me of that old Original Ben 10 episode. Where future Ben Tennison became older and more serious. Hed take care of all the aliens, but when he called the Alien "Justice League" and told them he had something for them to do, they were excited for finally something to do. Unfortunately Ben left them with clean-up duty:rolleyes:.

    Found it!

    We cant have this dude.

    The episode works great in this context.
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  19. Catastroflare Well-Known Player

    You are wrong. Plenty of MMOs offer plenty of ways to enjoy them solo. For someone who plays FFXIV I'm surprised this is lost on you. Then again I guess I'm not really surprised after all.
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  20. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    Utterly false equivalency. Stop digging.
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