Long time players punished bc new players can’t use LFG

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Sgt. Rock, Sep 2, 2021.

  1. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Not gonna disagree with you. I'm just pointing out the glaring gigantic unfair advantage we had that they've lost
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  2. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I dont have anything against feat hunters despite not being a feat hunter (as long as people arent rubbing their Sp in peoples faces) But it put every new player on equal footing, the veterans would be grandfathered in (unless you want to reset all Sp to truely allow everyone to be on equal footing)
  3. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    You do understand that old players leave all the time. It's a thing called customer attrition or customer churn rate.
    Unless DCUO starts focussing on new players. There will not be enough players to play the game. It's just that simple.

    Now, weather or not you like the changes. It really doesnt matter at this point. Why???
    DCUO, like any other competent company would have done. DCUO planned on losing a few players over this change. Their goal is to focus & bring in newer players not keep on wiping the older players buttz. Those guys (us, we, you) eventually leave anyway.

    In order for DCUO to attempt to keep going for another ten years. DCUO must focus on bringing in newer players over the long term and stop continually catering to one select group of players.

    If you cannot stand the changes.
    I suggest that you pick up your ball & go home because I highly doubt anything will be changed for a while.
  4. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    What about all the RPGs that have level mechanics and trophies? Why should DCUO be different from those?
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  5. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    Keeps alienating?????
    When was the last time DCUO did not do anything for end game players?
  6. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Yeah but thus is life…it changes…I don’t get more money back from the past taxes I paid when they change current tax law.

    I think everyone here would agree that you don’t need 600 SP to effectively do your role. 300/350/400? I’d say that’s a ballpark that is achievable to anyone with enough time.
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  7. Sgt. Rock Active Player

    I think what he means is this change being the first & more changes are coming, if the devs continue on this trajectory the game will suffer more & more, until it bleeds out the vets, whales, etc & dies.
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  8. Shalayah Committed Player

    So why not knock out the easy to get ones first and then focus on the hard to get ones?
  9. Sgt. Rock Active Player

    Thx for the feedback & advice, I like many are not onboard with the changes, for a variety of reasons.

    The CHURN you speak of is probably more applicable to new players getting tired & quitting before they reach any level of experience or skill level in the game.

    Most of the people I run with have been playing for years, you see once you have that much of your time & real world $$ invested in this game it’s more difficult to want to leave ( this update not withstanding).

    new players come & go every week, every day. How many players that started nes have never even got to level 30, guessing a whole lot.
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  10. Sgt. Rock Active Player

    I have done what you are suggesting, started doing it years ago. That’s why I do not want or need to re run the old content, until now for Source Marks. That breaks the game for me & a lot of other vets.
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  11. Shalayah Committed Player

    People have been saying that since PVP got ruined by GU 41, till the Revamp back in what 2017. All in all the path you think DCUO is headed down is simply based on your own personal feelings about the game, and it’s way too early to predict said path. The community is divided in regards to the clamping and the Devs themselves have mentioned tuning content that may be deemed broken so we’ll see what happens when the smoke clears.
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  12. Shalayah Committed Player

    So then put together a dedicated feat group and get to work…
  13. Sgt. Rock Active Player

    ?? Again I have already run the old content, I have a good amount of feats / SP & won’t run old content anymore, regardless of the clamp.
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  14. Shalayah Committed Player

    So then don’t run the content and do bounties or solos for source marks. Like I said earlier. The new episode will be out in a few short months and if you just don’t feel like old content is worth it. Take a break
  15. Sgt. Rock Active Player

    Thx for your suggestions on how & why I should play this game. You see everyone’s play style is different & what is fun for you I see as a waste of time & that’s ok, you do you & Ill do me.

    Everyone needs Source Marks & taking them away from end game content is a game breaker for me & a lot of other vets who have no desire to re run old dlcs we have beaten to a pulp for years.

    I have dropped my sub & won’t continue to support this game & after playing dcuo for a decade or so I probably wont bother with it anymore, I’m not alone.
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  16. Shalayah Committed Player

    Noo don’t goo!
  17. Sgt. Rock Active Player

    Glad you understand now, also understand this isn’t just me.
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  18. Jaden Law Well-Known Player

    It was sarcasm... Get out pure boy, we don't need your N accounts on this forum and in the game actually too.
  19. Sgt. Rock Active Player

    Yeah, I got that it was sarcasm, right back at ya.

    However I’ll continue to do what I please in & out of game, like I have for about a decade.

    Bullying & calling people that disagree with you names on a mb... well it’s just sad & it shows your true colors.
  20. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Well-Known Player

    Ok so the argument about new players need to learn lfg cause older players should not have to teach them the game is the most selfish thing I have heard. What mmo have you been playing cause dc, eso, wow, final fantasy xiv all required old players to teach cause aside from the biginner tutorials none teach more than that. Its a mmo not a solo player game. I would bet when anyone started someone told them some good advice and u chose to listen. Anyone who thinks they shouldn't have to help or teach new players your the real problem and its u who needs to go cause you don't no what team work is