Long time players punished bc new players can’t use LFG

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Sgt. Rock, Sep 2, 2021.

  1. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    Omnibus can be qued using built groups also, so the option is still there to not help newer players regardless of its intent for blind que.

    The over abuse of rushing to end game through CR skipping which I readily admit the Devs caused can be pointed for some of the blame in most of the arguments of "get gud."

    The fact that there are DCUO snobs who exist in this game compounds the issue.
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  2. Sgt. Rock Active Player

    By snobs are you referring to new players & CR skip players that expect to be carried by vets who have learned & know the mechanics bc we have run said content hundreds of times, wiping repeatedly before finally succeeding?
  3. Sgt. Rock Active Player

    It’s the reward system, Now you HAVE to run OmNiBuS in order to progress in game
  4. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    Speculate much? Never inferred I was new or a CR skipper. In fact, if you actually comprehended my post, I am against CR skipping, but also am for new players learning the game, and taking advice from vets.

    The fact that I assessed that there are DCUO snobs in this game, which is also a true statement must have hit a nerve.
  5. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Yes lfg was used to form groups back than when they were end game and when there was less content. It’s been years and the amount of content has group immensely. Finding 7 players who are at the same range as you is harder now than it was before. Now most newer players try to form groups with what they run into while queuing up and hoping someone joins. Most of the time it will be end game players going back to get feats and stuff to sell. You can’t compare the game to each other from 2 different time points. It’s not possible.

    And the new update exposed many players new and old. Just because you played a game a long time doesn’t make you good. A lot of so called vets also relied on excess stats to simulate being strong or good at the game. That those stats away and you see who actually knows what they are doing. The update didn’t discriminate against vets. It exposed both groups based on their actual skill level.

    Again, the vets YOU know don’t like it. Not all vets are against it. The divide is more 50/50 than people want to admit
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  6. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    You're not forced to run Omnibus...I repeat, YOU ARE NOT FORCED TO RUN OMNIBUS (apologies for the all caps, but I needed to highlight this for a reason). Yes, it's true...if you want to acquire Source Marks you'll have to run older content. However, you get to choose what content to run for those source marks, and it doesn't have to be through Omnibus. The ONLY reason to run Omnibus is if you have OCD and NEED to get the Omnibus mission off your Journal. Otherwise you can just Archive that mission, and not look at it again.

    Meanwhile, you are free to choose any content up to Episode 38 to get Source Marks from. You do not need to use Omnibus. They would like you to use it, to help out new and returning players, and if you feel like doing so, you can use Omnibus. You are not required to use it in order to run any older content for source marks. You can easily just put a group together for whatever content you DO want to run and do just that. And just in case you may not know how to do that, you simply click on the Custom tab, which then takes you to the old On-Duty queue up menu.
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  7. Sgt. Rock Active Player

    Ha! It was a joke & it went right over your head, didn’t mean to imply I was referring to you as a new or CR skip player.

    Think whatever you like about me, I have played this game for a decade or so & really don’t have anything to prove.

    You see to me the snobs are the new players & CR skip players that need us vets to run with them in order to complete the old instances, this is evident by the fact that the entire reward system has been reworked to accommodate them, talking Source Marks.
  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    You actually don't have to touch Omnibus at all or ever. You don't even need to open the On Duty menu to get Source Marks.
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  9. Sgt. Rock Active Player

    Thank you for the info you provided, it’s good to know all of that. Still, as I understand it, game progression is still severely stifled if you do not run OmNiBuS. Also forcing me play this way honestly isn’t fun & guessing, from history of the game, this is a bad sign of things to come.

    Currently, how about Leave Source Marks for End Game? Don't make it so obvious that end-gamers are being pushed to lower-end content. That’s a gamebreaker for a lot of vets.

    Again thank you for the info, it is appreciated!
  10. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    Snobs exist across the whole community, not just newer players. But, by my assessment there are more DCUO snobs floating around amongst the vets than that of newer players who actually are seeking advice, especially among certain select few leagues.

    Which is what prompted the omnibus system in the first place, not that those types of leagues are even using the system any way. So, the bickering back and forth is moot when that option is rarely used or cleverly circumvented by vets to begin with.
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  11. the solowing Unwavering Player

    You arnt fixing anything, you're simply dumping the problem in the new players lap and telling them "figure it out" while letting the veteran players have the easy way of finding a group
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  12. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Meanwhile you’re basically telling people like me who sometimes need more than +10cr to beat things to “figure it out”. Dumping that problem in OUR lap.
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  13. Sgt. Rock Active Player

    Well I never ran much if any old content prior to the change sooo I haven’t experienced what you are describing as “one shot”

    The solution to Not run with players that are too powerful for you is to MAKE YOUR OWN GROUP in LFG.
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  14. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Jeezzz mannnn, stop trying to dump the problems that other players have dumped on your lap by dumping them back on their lap.

    Ghuhhhhh dear lord.
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  15. Sgt. Rock Active Player

    Quite thee spin huh?
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  16. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    I really don't get a trolling vibe from them. I do get that they are very shocked by the massive changes and seem to be lumping several things together and causing mass confusion, but i'm not getting a sense of malice behind what they are doing.

    The one thing that i'm seeing that people need to correct themselves on is saying that they "need to run Omnibus in order to get source marks". The actual fact is that they "need" run older content in order to get source marks, but they are 100% free to completely skip the Omnibus section of the new menu, and just manually pick what older content they want to actually run and who they want to run it with.

    The second interrelated issue is the fact that players have no choice but to run the older content to get source marks. If they restored source marks to the current content, players could then choose to run only current content or also play older content....when they felt like doing so (like on the weekends when most people have more time). Nobody likes to be forced to do things, and right now this is the case.
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  17. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I just love all this. Truly amazing to me. You can't have what you had cuz others didnt like not having it so now we all have something else that no one wanted. Next dlc should just remove currency. Let's go back full stop. Drop gear only and the best in elites. And role drops cuz my healer really wants that unusable tank chest
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  18. Sgt. Rock Active Player

    Agreed, My point is that it is snobby, entitled or whatever you want to call it for new & CR skip players to expect vets to enjoy re running old content, again being forced to do so.

    It’s not my job to explain the mechanics especially when my advice is ignored & the group wipes bc of it. Yeah that’s not worth my time for several reasons.
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  19. Sgt. Rock Active Player

    How do think all of the vets got good? No one carried me, I used LFG to form a group, then joined a League. We wiped hundreds of times to learn the mechanics & eventually conquer the content/ dlc.

    New & CR skip players NEED vets to carry them now, still. So much so that the entire reward system for Source Marks has been reworked to accommodate them.
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  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    If the rules are loosened enough, we are right back where we started at the same problem. If you want it to be easier, then it has to be easier for every other role, you put all those roles together and you have a trivial run.

    I cant account for every situation, if i did id say just make a instance where you walk in and get loot. I understand you have conditions, but i cant really design around it or others with different conditions will also want something, and you have to account for them as well. Eventually your entire design will be compromised accounting for everything people ask you to account for.

    Im not saying this to be mean or anything. The question because how do you keep the instance engaging, but also allow it to be easy enough for you to complete, but not trivialize it. Thats a hard balance that sits on a knifes edge.

    I get its a hard subjects, and to be honest not one i really have a answer that would satisfy you and i apologize about that.
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