This new update is a nightmare (clamping)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Civil, Aug 26, 2021.

  1. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    What should be embarrassing is your refusal to acknowledge or try to understand why this DLC/update even needed to happen in the first place.

    You cannot see the forrest for the trees. have only been,hours seem like a lifetime.
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  2. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Where were you when i was getting dog-piled on in stat clamp threads over the years? lol I kid, i knowingly walked into that minefield to die on the hill i felt was worth defending.
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  4. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    Like I said. You have not been here long enough. If you would have been here longer than a year or would know.
  5. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    You were not alone
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  6. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    I've been reading the forums for a very long time. I'm a day one player.

    So, receipts?
  7. Incindius Level 30

    The things you want is to be powerful in content that you've made very clear that you have no intention of doing because you've already done it, and it's boring? That is a pretty weak argument.
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  8. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

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  9. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    Day 1 my backside. I saw the first day you popped onto the forums.
  10. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    Hard to believe.
  11. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Honey, I have Back From the Hack, the Facebook trinkets and was on The Killing Joke.

    And the less I know about your backside, the better.
  12. the solowing Unwavering Player

    It has to be forced or players will simply take the path of least resistance. Turning the Clamped queue into a barren wasteland.
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  13. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Typically they boil down to this
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  14. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    Oh forget that I have to get something in return for my work every time lol.
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  15. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    First comment you ever made on the forums.
    July 29 2020
    Hi everyone, I'm new and giving the game a go on Switch. Does anyone know the answer to this (and I guess the same would go for other episode currencies down the line). Of course, that's assuming open episodes are still going when I hit that CR. Thanks!

    Then not long after that you made an I'm quitting again post
    I bet you dont even know what caused the PC servers demise and the need to be merged with PS.

    Stop wasting everyone time with your BS.
  16. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Hmm, where would you like me to pose in my Back From the Hack hoodie to screenshot for you tomorrow? Or would you rather have a launch day feat screen grab with date in the House of Legends? Pls advise
  17. BugMasher New Player

    Just dropping in to express my thoughts. I have been a Legendary member for about 8+ years now. I have seen updates that were great some that were nightmares. During all that time I never questioned why I would pay for something like this until now. Having zero variety while running the daily Alert Solos or Raids is a joke! I mean would it have been that hard to have 5 different solo runs or 3 different alerts & or so on? Are you the devs at DB trying to make us absolutely hate this game and be burned completely out? What were you thinking did you say to yourselves that we should have the players run the same thing multiple times over & over again without any type or variety at all? Did you actually think we would like this? I have to say I hate it! I have to say unless some variety comes with the next update I won't be a Legendary member any longer. It is what it is. I won't pay for a game that I am growing to hate!
  18. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    Or they will belly ache because clamped gets marks and they dont. I'm sure the devs thought about that.

    The devs could have clamped everything and not give marks like they were doing.....then they would complain about that too.
  19. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    Whatever makes you feel better. That would be your older brothers account or an account that you bought.
    You've already been exposed.......Honey
  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    The devs havent said it but they've been very clear, trivialized content ill not be rewarded. If we are going to get a un-clamped version, I will suggest everything i can to make sure, unclamped gets only gear from that content, no marks, no relevant rewards to endgamers, Feats im fine with. Unclamped run should be near pointless outside a personal challenge
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