This new update is a nightmare (clamping)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Civil, Aug 26, 2021.

  1. Khaoy New Player

    worst mmo I've ever played I just can't complete anything anymore, wastes time, game turned to useless garbage deserves to be uninstalled

    it was better when it was extreme p2w becasue very limited but it was fun and im able to could run for some feats , now only frustration and failure

    thanks god blade and soul will update to unreal 4
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  2. the solowing Unwavering Player

    If my queues for raids arnt popping, im simply going to go elsewhere where they do pop. I can choose to wait it out, but because i wanna run stuff i choose not to wait an hour.
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  3. Steamboat2302 Well-Known Player

    I'm having a hard time believing you would care if people like it or not. I came back to the game because of this update. That should be enough proof to falsify your theory.
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  4. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    I'm the who never left.

    Your history of being lukewarm towards this game falsifies your existence in it.
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  5. Steamboat2302 Well-Known Player

    Yet, you aren't growing the fanbase by only appeasing those who never left are you? You're like an old nascar fan who doesn't see the changes for what they are. Necessary in order to survive moving forward. In the end, to survive the game needs new players and to attract disillusioned players who have left over the years. Both of the changes in episode 41 went a long way to doing that. Whether it works depends on execution of said changes.
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  6. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    I just visited the nightclubs (villain) checking on the original bounties. I KO'd the statue in metropolis and Bizarro easily. Just got a box for a reward that gave Victory Token. Noticed from the portal in the safe house/club, that Hall of Doom is not an option to go to. :eek: It does include House of Legends.
    Calling it now, Hall of Doom and Watchtower are gonna be removed. Under renovation, for something. Might come back after renovations are completed. :p

    Warp Menu go to Hall of Doom from anywhere. :rolleyes:
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  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yes...options are always nice. Glad we agree.:D
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  8. theAverageGuy Well-Known Player

    Is anyone really surprised on the rude awakening from clamps?


    Regarding the "players failure knowledge". Step back and think a bit, can anyone really blame those (relatively) newer player base, if a good chunk of them are not year 1 / year 2 players, and never did them at level. If they never had to learn because of curb stomp, I'm not going to wag my finger at them for not knowing.

    Players adapt. If you're one of these knowledgeable people in the groups; teach so you may reach. If a group doesn't have one of those people, then well good luck.
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  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Had 4 CR 60s in my FoS2 run earlier, it warmed my heart, then i forgot they were not able to soak a hit and told them to stack on Blizzaro so i can give them all aoe heals. Until firebreath took them out because they didnt know to block xD Alil bit of bad advice but now i know for future reference lol
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  10. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I beg to differ. I played for 6 years from launch. Every DLC, the same routine, raid drops, new mechanics, new gear, max the gear out, farm for the next 3 months because I burn the content down. Rinse, repeat. That got boring. When I came back about 3 months ago, I had a lot of new content to discover. The stat clamping is something I wanted years ago, I just needed to be more patient.
  11. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    You could have clamped yourself at any point. Being clamped wasn't what you wanted. You wanted other to be clamped. That tells us everything we need to know about you.
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  12. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    Not sure what brought on that hostile response. I related my experience, I made no call about what others wanted. And yet you've decided to run with that and make some sort of psych profile on me.

    I bet you're fun at parties.
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  13. valiant Villian Well-Known Player

    Exactly what I did before the update. Vault, stabilizers, dailies, Flashpoint, League runs, feats, raids, alerts, duos. What would you be doing?
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  14. Proxystar #Perception


    The clamp isn't even hard. some tips though, you have a block button, sometimes
    you can even roll and imagine if you complied with mechanics :)
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  15. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Ran multiple content as an atomic battle-tank was very fun knowing I can survive and dish out damage and not worry about not having certain roles in the group such as healers and trolls. Did all events and low tier content with no complains about stats clamp.
  16. valiant Villian Well-Known Player

    That's not the problem. The clamp is in insult to people who grinded to the top of the heap. It is apparently a blessing to those who did not.
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  17. DevilSlayer80 New Player

    The update is great but there’s one thing I truly and seriously hate THE CR CONTROLING Mepps no one likes that cr controlling every time you do an mission it bumps down our cr SWITCH I BACK CAUSE NOW THE GAME SUCKS REALLY SUCKS so switch the cr back the way it was cause no one likes their CR messed with
  18. Roocck Committed Player

    I don’t understand why so much back and forth, if you don’t like the stat clamp like myself then just don’t support it. Y not playing the old contents. I come in do my FP dailies, duo, alert and raids then log off. If you have other characters do the same over again. Simple!!!!! Let those that wanted so badly have it….
  19. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    This is the next DLC's content. And to earn source marks you have to run the old content because they're not available in the endgame anymore -- so you have to do them for things like your artifact mats.
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  20. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    You're going to pick a harder instance and expect what on the first day of stats being clamped. What would you expect?
    There is this thing called a learning curve. It is going to take time because all of you guys are used to playing easy mode.
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