Plz Help me Understand: Future Stat Clamping Old Content

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Magician, Jul 27, 2021.

  1. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Little tough for me to take all the "majority says" stuff without a sizeable grain of salt. It's way too easy to fall into echo chamber discussions in online interactions, plus people tend to see what they want to see so they can back up their claims (sometimes without realizing they're doing so).
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  2. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

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  3. Plowed In Loyal Player

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  4. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    I know you're thinking WTH. but really
    Do you think the new owners ENAD GLOBAL7 and DCUO's management have not done their homework?

  5. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    No one:

    You: random replies that have nothing to do with anything.

    But hey, keep quoting me, hon.
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  6. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    EG7 is an investment co. They don't interfere with the daily operation and direction of the game. That's not how the industry works. This is right up there with some of you thinking that the executive producer outranks the CEO -- that's Panderus these days and spoiler alert he doesn't outrank Jack.

    EG7's research is thorough about their investment and the people in key positions being able to maximize profits. Because they specialize in the industry they can better assess those roles, and potential, than an unrelated investment firm could.

    They've done that. The rest of what you wrote, is just not what's happening or how it works. Welcome to capitalism. Cheers.
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  7. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I've been keeping my CR at relevancy while I run content that I missed. The plan was to clean up bounty feats like time torn area 51, while overgeared. For the most that has been something I found fun to do solo. In fairness I was grumpy and having other issues with the game when I quoted Mepps. I'm still dropping the sub, but that's more about the time it takes to evolve and experiment with characters. The lack of a solo game has always been my problem with dcuo. I value solo content far more than elite group content. Game rewards have always favoured groups. I guess I needed to return for a reminded. ;)
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  8. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Maybe something that we have in Final Fantasy 14 would work here. We have what is called the Main Story Quest (MSQ). The MSQ for the most part is run solo. To advance in the MSQ you will have to run the equivalent of an Alert and a Raid. After completing those then you are able to continue on the solo part of the MSQ until the next mile stone. Maybe some thing like that would be beneficial to DCUO?
  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

    If hes willing to engage with me, im willing to engage with him. Hes more of the more reasonable posters on the clamped threads, even though we disagree on some of the finer reasons.He does bring up some reasonable points.

    I enjoyed collecting some mounts in WoW. To collect this 1%-2% dropped mount is was best to run the dungeon alone (its unclamped if you walk in) and run the dungeon yourself and run it (loot lockout still applies). Thats what i did and it dropped. Had i gone in with 4 people, id have to then roll against 3 others now for a mount. So i can completely agree and understand the reason why he wants a unclamped option. However hes aware they cannot do a un-clamped queue at the moment. But i do agree a un-clamped version need to be developed after the clamp is implemented. If its rewards are nearly useless to endgame players and rewards no marks, then yes. That is the un-clamped version of instances i want.
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  10. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    He's only trying to be reasonable because that's all he has left.
    Like I said. He's one that will disagree just to disagree. I've been watching his comments since he first come around. Saying that this guy is passive aggressive would be an understatement.
  11. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    If the goal is to force people into group content, yes it would work very well. I think DCUO already does an outstanding job with team building and group content. My time with a league was great fun and I played (was carried by) with some of the best in the game at the time. The problem is that leagues and group content create major time obligations. I want a pastime with character building. I don't want a career or to depend on other people, contributing to how I enjoy the game.
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  12. the solowing Unwavering Player

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  13. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    Where did the devs remove solos?
    As it stands right now. After the DLC?/ update you will have all the solos that you can run and collect marks from every past DLC. It looks like you're on the winning side of this whole thing. You lost nothing and gained every solo from every past DLC.
    Why would you complain about having more solos to run and without loot locks if all you want to do is run solo?
  14. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Open world bounties will be scaled for groups now. So, you couldn't go back, over-geared for bounty feats. I had a ton of fun doing them on my own for CC and the others. From what I understand, all the Gotham and Met. bounties are going to be scaled. You're leveling a new toon and can't go get the 'kill funhouse feat' without a group for example. I'm currently grinding Age of Justice and can't go back to solo the paradox dudes while over-geared.

    As far as solos go - I gained marks in content I've run 100s of times? Why would I come back after 4 years to run lighthouse or gotham subway that's ridiculous. If I wanted to do that It's far better to start a new character and experience a true levelling process. I'm not playing to 'just to grind marks' I want to experience new content as I level up. That's why I have 200 unattuned gear pieces in my inventory.
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  15. Proxystar #Perception

    Nah that's not true, the bounties can be killed solo if you have the time to sink and have the right build and patience, is it worth doing it by yourself, well from an efficiency perspective, probably not, as with some bounties you'll be at it 15mins+, but you have to remember they're realistically intended to be group objectives. There's already a reasonable compromise with how stat clamping has been set in that regard.

    However, not all the bounties are equal, some are purposefully easier, even clamped, the central city bounties for example can be solo beaten in DPS role, as can the Paradox creatures in Age of Justice - Area 51, if you play at least somewhat cautiously.

    The bounties that require a group even after the clamp can't even be solo beaten very easy on live right now, so there's nothing really changing in that regard. I mean were you wanting to be able to go back and solo squash calc-bot or something? :D
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  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Guess I could go with aggressive aggressive....Like some people.

    You saying someone said something....and building an argument off that...then not being able to cite what was said.
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  17. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    I haven't dabbled much with the open world bounties in my testing, but that kinda sounds like what I'd do with the Sub-Avatars in South Gotham back in the day. I think you may have given me a fun challenge to test out when things go live. :D
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  18. Steamboat23 New Player

    This update is going to get me back in the game after over two years removed. One of my biggest issues was running lower level content with alts and being left behind while some full cr guy kills the boss.

    Just adding my name to that side
  19. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    This is correct.

    Bounties won't be solo-able going forward. Or at least they're not intended to be -- haven't tested this specifically, personally.

    Like you point out, even the open world content is clamped so that it's as hard today for you as it was when it launched, more or less.

    Make sure you have your Reapers and your Manbat, Wonderverse, Legion etc and whatever other aggravating feats because people won't be doing these much.
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  20. Proxystar #Perception



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