Do you even like/need Trolls anymore

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ErickStrife, Apr 23, 2021.

  1. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    They had no right to tell you how to play if they didn't form the group themselves . All my years playing I've never told someone switch but allot of times in alerts a troll or tank would ask if they should dps I've always said it's up to You exactly You. Trolls are always needed in pug groups it can go either way imo but well established leagues and some players can manage there own power fine so a buff troll is strongly preferred that's my experience anyway.
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  2. zZzTorrOzZz Committed Player

    All roles are important and do things that make for a nice smooth run.
    When I healed "no deaths" was my rule.
    Troll, no one out of power.
    Tank gather them up and never die.
    DPS, pfft easiest role jmho and btw that score board doesn't
    mean you're good.

    Keep on trolling man most will be glad you're there.
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  3. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    I think, regarding Trolls, one area of underutilization:

    In circumstances where DPS Stacking lowers group aggregate damage output, the easiest way to circumvent this is Battle Trolls, or even just straight-up DPS Trolls.

    You'd still want your two primary DPS and three primary "support" Roles included (Healer, Tank, Controller) for actual Health and Power production, aggro management, what have you; but the other three "spots" could be filled by Battle or even solid DPS versions of those Support Roles.

    Now, granted, a DPS Tank may not be ideal because of the amount of Aggro they can generate, likewise with a DPS Healer, but a DPS Troll is basically *just* a DPS with a Debuff attached to it.

    Food for thought.
  4. myandria Item Storage

    Unfortunately, your experience is all too common. I have put ALL of my controllers on retirement from raids and group instances; they only do content that doesn't require them to be in a group. I will not switch out my controller gear/artifacts to go DPS for ANYONE, as my controllers are set up for only that role. My controllers are now my base builders and mules; ahh well, it could be worse.

    The Controller role has become the laughing stock of the afterthought, in my opinion.
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  5. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    Right, I always see my value as a troller, and I notice it as well
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  6. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Haha I actually asked a troll to go dps yesterday in the new elite alert. I love doing it now that im not troll. So much faster
  7. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Well I'm trying to figure out how it could get mixed up with...

    Ah, um yeah i see
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  8. Lovora Liaht Well-Known Player

    I feel your pain.

    We used to be the 2nd line of we're glorified PET DPS for the real DPS. :(
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  9. BumblingB I got better.


    What's going on in here?

    Oh, controllers have been the red headed step child for a long time now. It's a developmental foundation thing. We need content that having a controller greatly improves the success, but instead we get content that stacking dps or having a second tank matters. We get artifacts that should have been part of the role to begin with. Now we are just dps in controller stance.

    Oh well.
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  10. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Which raid did this happen in?
  11. Lovora Liaht Well-Known Player GOOOOOSHH! D:

    That's the killer right there for me. That right there.

    That was the point I realized "Dang...I really don't matter anymore."

    I remember the days when if the Controller wasn't there to stun/disable some powerful enemies, it was going to an inevitable fail....or at least a very difficult battle where one false move means wipe.
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  12. Kestral Committed Player

    some people are under the mistaken belief that the roless buff works in raids or elite content. I'll be honest there are plenty of times in alters where I would prefer not to have a troll because they provide less power then the roless buff but they are still doing debuffs hopefully so unless we are dying due to lack of power for heals I'm just going to keep my mouth shut about what role they choose to be in.

    In raids though I better see a troll because everything works better in raids with debuffs and power.
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  13. Lovora Liaht Well-Known Player

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  14. Heywiar Committed Player

    And honestly, since power doesn't really matter nearly ad much as it once did, people don't even really pop supplies as much to combat the down troll.
    It is MONUMENTALLY FRUSTRATING seeing the devs discuss ANOTHER Tank or DPS pass while our role is clearly the worst its ever been. Where is our pass?

    I also love hearing DPSes trash the role then beg for my buffs in the same breath...buddy...where's your awareness?
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  15. Heywiar Committed Player

    Gonna repeat what I've said a million times: the troll role could easily be the coolest role if the devs put half a brain cell into its development.
    And I don't mean to be so rude about this but it is very frustrating and disappointing to see something you've done since 2011 get turned to...this...
  16. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Thats so wrong. Its not faster. 1 dps + 1 troll is a faster burn and a smoother run then 2 dps.
    I have tested this...... in 100% of the runs it was faster. Trolls are valuable and awesome. Stacking dps is whats stupid and complicates things
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  17. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Thats an oversimplification. Trolls matter. Not having one may not cripple a raid BUT anyone who understands the game knows having one makes it all so much smoother smh.
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  18. Tree Well-Known Player

    In instances where there is no troll, who does the mechanics of the raids like cogs or objectives? Pickups? Oh boy. Don’t tell me these dps’s make the healer do it...
  19. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Lol the leaderboard queens will hahaha
    Real DPS’s will do it themselves so the important roles can stay doing their jobs
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  20. August Moon Well-Known Player

    what type of raids are you walking into where people dont need trolls ? at least a buff troll, a alert i can get but a raid is too much. id rather have a troll buffing might and debuffing the boss and adds vs another dps
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