Why Survival Mode should never see the light of day again.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Caroline, Mar 27, 2021.

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  1. ALB Dedicated Player

    Apparently not enough or else this post wouldn't have been made. OAN, they might have been in that chat and heard that other league bashing them. It happened often.
  2. ALB Dedicated Player

    Her league is nice and they do help, but the other league she run with is toxic. I mean, it's terrible. To start off, I left before SM and don't run it anyway. I don't even talk on the mic because it's mostly kids who talk stuff all day. Not her league, but just people in the game, but that other league made me get on there and lose my temper.
  3. Caroline Dedicated Player

    I really don't know what you're talking about this point, LOL.

    The people who were problematic within the league already left long time ago. I was simply stating what happened throughout this month. ;)
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  4. Caroline Dedicated Player

    I really don't care what you have to say. I experienced all that, because I'm a person who likes helping people and them taking advantage of it is definitely my fault - I don't deny it.

    I also don't care whether you think I'm a snowflake or not. I'm still gonna get my **** done and if there's another Survival Mode, I'm still gonna beat it and nothing will stop me from achieving anything I want within the game.

    The reason this post was made is because a lot of people got crushed by SM and since I care about them and about the future of this game, once again, I decided to speak up but hey, since you're a R5 person you most likely have no idea what I'm talking about, so you can go back to your corner now. ;)
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  5. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I think a fair compromise to everyone going forward, elite episode content should have survival mode elements.

    Taking the Legion episode for example, replacing HQ Orientation (Elite) with a four-man survival arena and replacing Convergence of Unmaking (Elite) with an eight-man survival arena. The four and eight-man arenas and boss lineup can be different. Difficulty would match current survival mode, the eight-man could be more of a challenge. Any special loot drops would remain the same dropping from specific bosses, episode currency would be rewarded from each defeated boss and renown would be rewarded on specific rounds. Special episode vendor rewards can be unlocked from completing specific rounds. This survival content would be permanent just like episode content so no one will miss anything and you can go back at a later CR if you want just like with current elite content.

    And then the next episode would bring a new additional set of episode arenas.
  6. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    If you're taking a video game this seriously it's time to get your priorities straight. The content in game and released such as SM isnt the problem. It's the players and their lack of self control and obsession over such content. Thats a people problem. Not a game problem. Thats like saying get rid of all the cookies in the world because there are some with no self control and eat themselves into oblivion so no one can have cookies.

    People need to get a hold on reality and get your priorities straight. Nothing wrong with wanting to be competitive and have fun. But at the end of it, its a video game and if you cant play without falling victim to this then you need to do some self reflection. Because none of that is a sign of a healthy habit, its an addiction.
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  7. glamazom Level 30

    You know what's going to happen? The same thing that happened when N u and OC said they will "do everything in their power to make sure SM never comes back" (in the context of the community of exploiting the lunge spam from season 1).

    So.... we'll see you around in season 3 ;)
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  8. Caroline Dedicated Player

    Lmao, you probably didn't even bother reading at least half of what I said, but just to let you know - either works for me, because I will beat SM every time it comes around, however it's a problem for many other people for multiple reasons and you would have known more about it if you were smart enough to read what I had said.

    Oh well. :p
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  9. C3alix Committed Player

    SM isn't the problem. The extremely addicted players that have been here for 5+ years who dedicate their lives to SM aren't the problem to this game either. SM is that seasonal optional side mission that doesn't affect the outcome of your character's gear or stats, or greater than what the current endgame gear provides. It only becomes an issue when you allow a non-feat/gear gaining side mission affect your everyday life. If you're letting a bunch of hyper elitist dictate your feelings and performance in this game through SM ONLY, then maybe you should be just ignoring them and/or move on.
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  10. Stephen Nix Well-Known Player

    Been warning my league (which is Caroline's) and others for some time that SM brings out the worst in the player base. SM creates a toxic environment towards leagues as other members witness success, they turn against you when you turn them down to work with them to get SM done. It's like they thought they were waiting in line to be next to get to round 30. They are very quick to place blame and turn aggressive against you and the league for not helping them get to where YOU are. I've seen it destroy leagues in the past, yes leagues not cliques. It turned into a well if he goes, then I go scenario with leagues cut in half or completely torn apart. SM apparently makes people forget what we did as a league before this mode begins. It turns the friends you thought you had in your league against each other saying they are better than "insert person". Then they turn around and have struggles in their own groups or just simply never form them, while continuing to grow angry and impatient.

    I have also been saying if you don't have a set group of people to work with in advance you will not like hearing the fact that you can't find a reasonable role to help you get through round whatever. That or you will have to work backwards, and leave your original teammate in the dust. You should work with the same group of people to make your life easier. Coordinate times when you all plan to log on, etc. THIS DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN'T HELP OUT OTHERS, it just means that you need to remember where your original team left off in case you get further than originally.

    Personally I don't mind the challenge, but it just doesn't seem to be all that beneficial as a player to doing this, apart from simply we have nothing to do other than "fun" Legion content. I went to round 10 last season simply to go for the green crystal turret, it was a game changing trinket. Now that turrets and pretty much all pets are equal, there's no point in me doing SM. I may still take myself into it, but at this point holds no benefits to me. As Caroline said, people go all out for this, taking sick days, not eating properly, sacrificing hours on end to playing SM...it's sad really. I encourage players to keep playing SM, it's "fun" and challenging, but don't be stupid.

    If I plan to jump into SM I would want to just experience each round then call it quits. I kinda wish there was an event version just to show off the fights. It doesn't have to reward you with anything, I just want to experience the boss encounters.

    My 2 cents.
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  11. AquiloFury Committed Player

    I actually want to run SM. I haven't touched it yet though because of my concern of toxic players. I play the game to have fun, not to be ridiculed because I'm not super OP. I have about 350ish SP (definitely not the 600 that some have) I do want to see how far I could get, but I'm not going to try honestly.

    Also, in regards to relationships breaking up because of SM. When you're an adult with a family (such as myself), family comes first...period. My wife and I have been together for 20 years now but if I devoted ALL of my time to this game and SM, she'd be gone in a heartbeat and I don't blame her. Anyway, I've said my peace.
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  12. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    The reason why SM Season 1&2 were changed to 4man and much greater rewards created was to make it less restrictive and more inclusive for players rather than having 8man and barely any rewards. The original SM's were designed on a developers lunch break so while I can't speak for the resources for S1&2 I would have a hard time believing it took drastically more resources than SM 2014-2017. Much more time and effort would be put into creating all the unique rewards which would seem that is all players care about in DCUO just what cosmetics they can get.

    Your argument of powersets/movement modes and pvp as a counter to devoting SM resources is also very shortsighted as what you mentioned are the most wasted time investment vs revenue generation for DCUO. How many skimming players do you see compared to SS or Flight? Before SM and after SM how many water players we going to see? and how many of those water players are actually water might players? With the amount of rewards, base item market and now that you can purchase data chips greatly increase the overall value of SM to the game. Not to mention all the resets that will be spent on in SM rewards like the Horns or Orbitals. No new powerset or movement mode would ever match that.

    The reason why we see these threads pop up around SM now is because the community has been INCREDIBLY ENTITLED and think they all deserve anything and everything DCUO comes out with. Elite should be easy enough for anyone to run it, SM should be completable by pug groups, Combat Pets should all be the same damage tier regardless of where they are earned. Back during 2015-2017 out of 4 SM's per year there were only 3 groups in the world completed SM, and only 1 group during CR Scaling with rewards that were meaningless past Round 10. but in Season 1 & 2 there are hundreds of groups, not even including the speedhackers, which there were no speed hackers for 2015-2017 SM's. Now dcuo is directly changing the SM model to make to profitable so that the excuse that a small % of the game only cares about it can't be used, cause the whole % cares about styels and materials and base items enough to run it and the reason why Rounds 1-10 were made much easier compared the later rounds.
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  13. niehlsbohr Active Player

    I’ve been playing since beta and on her league at one time. Quit because you’re too hardcore not because of abandonment. Call me old school, I will not be called to play game through stupid app like discord, this ain’t a job. Screw that, no game gonna dictate my life and take away my family. SM is the same as boosters bundle some get it some don’t and lots of people finished SM, it ain’t that special in my opinion.it’s special when 1 or 2 people out of entire community can get it done but I’ve seen many heroes got it.

    Taking a week off for a game and losing a wife for stupid game, I mean cmon, really people. Go outside, take a vacation, play with your kids or get other hobbies. This is so dumb.
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  14. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    Before I go back to my R19 corner, I want to say that this post its very selfish. There is a lot of people that enjoy SM for what It is, a challenge mode to play with your friends and have fun. Game content is not the reason those players are having issues in their real life, its the same argument that people Say about films and videogames promoting violence, when in reality its a personal issue.
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  15. Caroline Dedicated Player

    I'm sorry, but why would you think it's being selfish? Where do you see me speaking fully on my behalf when a lot of people have brought it up to me, telling me how much they wish Survival Mode had never come out.

    You're trying to tell me that they don't have the freedom to speak their minds as much as you do? You want Survival Mode to stay and it's okay for you to say it, but when we say the opposite it's us being selfish?

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  16. Caroline Dedicated Player

    I remember you and I'm sorry, but you seemed like another person wanting to be babysit. It was good for us that you left, that way we didn't have to deal with your unwillingness to work with the league. So, to each their own. ;)
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  17. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    Its selfish because you want the game mode to be terminated because some of your friends and leaguemates are having real life issues. There is an option if you dislike what SM brings out of the community, you can just ignore it if represent something negative for your enjoyment or your real life, instead of trying to take away the fun some people are having running SM.
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  18. Caroline Dedicated Player

    So you're saying that the only people having issues with Survival Mode are my friends and leaguemates? Alright, sounds legit.:)

    And no, I'm not trying to take away people's "fun", I mean I ******* love Survival Mode, but at this point it brings out more bad than good.
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  19. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Awww, a condescending child. How pwecioussss
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  20. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    If you want to nitpick my words and twist it like im attacking you fine. It doesnt matter ir there is more people than your friends having this unhealthy behavior, its their fault, their problem, nota an issue related with SM. This people probably will have this same problems regardless if SM its in the game or not.
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