Why Survival Mode should never see the light of day again.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Caroline, Mar 27, 2021.

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  1. Caroline Dedicated Player

    Sorry, english isn't my first language, fan
    • Like x 4
  2. SmWasMyLife New Player

    Have a good day though Caroline cya when you get on dcuo. Be safe
  3. SmWasMyLife New Player

    I'm a big fan of crybabies, they are sour at first but when you eat them enough, you tend to enjoy them.
  4. Caroline Dedicated Player

    I'm on DCUO right now, LOL. Care to add all of my 20 alts? Buh-bye
    • Like x 4
  5. Caroline Dedicated Player

    Says the one who made a forum account specifically to show how much of a fan they are. Love ya xx
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  6. SmWasMyLife New Player

    Did you call off work to get online today or is that just an sm strategy?
  7. SmWasMyLife New Player

    I wanna know, I'm dying to be accepted by you Caroline.
  8. Caroline Dedicated Player

    Damn, you got me good
    • Like x 4
  9. Caroline Dedicated Player

    Get in line then LOL
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  10. SmWasMyLife New Player

    Proud of 20 toons, can't wait to hear the stories you tell your family members 20 years from now. "I was an og in dcuo" "Whats dcuo grandma?" Caroline replies "Was my life before my life..." family replies "She is off the meds again.."
  11. SmWasMyLife New Player

    Someone get Caroline some milk, the vains are starting to pop outta her forehead
  12. Caroline Dedicated Player

    Yeee, sounds like a dream
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  13. Caroline Dedicated Player

    Mmmmhm, you better run
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  14. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    because of what GTA did to PvP and PvE???!!! :p
  15. LOLxLOL New Player

    Oh Kari, i remember that you was very devoted to game and could spend many hours on feats when we was in TheObservers (good old time) , but... its just a game.
    If game dont give you joy, then... there isnt worth it.
  16. zNot Loyal Player

    Are are you a twitch streamer? If yes then i remember you i watched your SM stream :)
  17. Caroline Dedicated Player

    Ye, I stream from time to time :D
    • Like x 5
  18. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Kinda creepy that the same 4 ppl like each and every one of your posts. Streaming gone wrong... uh, oh.

    "You're the best Caroline! Can you share your home address, just so I can send some flowers?" Don't do it!

    Edit: And the fact that they have the words "murder," "sick" and "farting" in their names should raise a lot of red flags in your mind.
  19. PolishEagle Dedicated Player

    I am enjoying SM, but I havent really been in a league since late 2012. Well I had a hero in one, but I play primarily play on villain side. A lot of the reasons you list was why I dont do leagues. Truthfully my league wasnt good enough to beat Fos 2 and Prime so I learned pug life and I love it. No more explaining to people sorry loot locked. No more watching video game friends pointing the fingers at each other over a wipe. If SM is destroying your league thats too bad, but its just a video game and a lot of us are enjoying it. I really dont know crap about running leagues nor care to but maybe instead of complaining about what a lot of us enjoy you can try and recruit.
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