Survival Mode and Speed Hackers.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Caroline, Feb 16, 2021.

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  1. N-IX Well-Known Player

    i don't see when i was rude
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  2. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Why? Because it ruins the integrity of the game, that's why. If you don't care that's fine, but to tell other people not to care about outright TOS violations? Your post gives me a vibe that if theirs a speed hacker in your group, youll allow them to stay and take full advantage of it.
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  3. Caroline Dedicated Player

    10000% this.
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  4. inferno Loyal Player

    You may not have used the words but you definitely targeted zoe and the gazette for no reason that I can see, other than what seems like jealousy to me. You could easily have said your comments without putting out names and pretend to joke about it. Be mindful of others.
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  5. the solowing Unwavering Player

    DCUO was never that difficult.
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  6. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    well if you have to cheat to beat dcuo that means you are terrible considering DCUO isn't very hard at all.
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  7. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Generally speaking, the devs don't talk about hacks/exploits OR any actions taken against those who use said hacks/exploits. So just because you don't see them saying or doing things publicly doesn't mean they aren't doing something about it.

    Also, if you see or know something that's going on or have some information the devs can act on to help prevent hacks and exploits, let them know. A PM to Mepps or someone else on the dev team will go a long way towards helping, especially since it's a constant never-ending fight to prevent hacks and exploits. It's not a "one and done" fix, it's more like playing Whack-A-Mole from what I've seen.
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  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    It was actively monitored last time. Do you remember the bug where people figured out how to invite more than four people into the match? And then I think they reviewed all the logs for groups that made it to 30.
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  9. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Once it releases and we have the feat id's like Season 1 we can track the progress of who has 20-25-30 round completions and it won't be hard to determine who would have cheated by the names in the group. In regards to what would be done about it I don't know, I would certainly be covering it again in a video if there was enough names.
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  10. Caroline Dedicated Player

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  11. DCUO SmackThem Well-Known Player

    Well that sucks. It kinda devalues the feats and rewards but it’s up to DC to stop it.
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  12. Warped Dimensions Level 30

    Agreed. There are certainly ways to track it and I think it’s safe to say it’ll be easier to track with season 2 as opposed to season 1.
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  13. Proxystar #Perception

    Because it undermines the integrity of the game, cheaters cause problems for everyone that flows through to all aspects of the game.

    People that use these speed hacks think they're heroes or legends, they'll make every attempt to rationalize and justify their use of these things including but not necessarily limited to thoughts such as "oh but I'm helping others get things done, I'm a god send, just let me help you"...

    In reality they're not... They're just delusional, self aggrandizing neckbeards.
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  14. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    You just convinced me. As one not wanting to be lumped in with said neckbeards, I’m ceasing all helpful activity! :p
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  15. glamazom Level 30

    You must be new.. as Zoe has stated this has been an ongoing issue throughout the life of the game with only now it being very rampant and you have heard the response from the developers **crickets**.

    The fact of the matter is, it isn't hurting the developers bottom line. People exploited paradox wave with the clown box, Throne of the Dead elite with quantum, need I say more? They are still making money off of replays, artifacts, and membership from everyone including exploiters. Cheaters included. I am not condoning or advocating for this behavior, but it's the truth.
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  16. Caroline Dedicated Player

    Imagine thinking I'm new lol, I've been playing since 2013 and have all feats in the game.

    Another thing - just because they don't take action, doesn't mean we must keep quiet and accept the wrongs, it will simply never happen. :)
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  17. N-IX Well-Known Player

    a thumbs up for what you say, the Forum is used to express oneself no offense to some :)
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  18. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Again, the devs generally don't discuss exploits or punishments related to exploits. So even if they are doing something there's a decent chance we won't hear about it.

    Also keep in mind the winter storms that have hit Texas pretty hard and the havoc being caused by them. If there are widespread power outages taking place it's entirely likely the devs CAN'T do anything about it for the moment. The SWTOR team is also based out of Austin and they recently announced an incoming update was being delayed because of the storms, after all. Kinda tough to log into either the forums or the system to check on things (or fix them) if you don't have any power.
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  19. Eve YouTuber

    I didn't say players should do nothing though. I said the Gazette is also doing what they can do.
    I just don't appreciate when we are targeted for no reason at all after all the hard work we put to help the community.

    There's expressing yourself and there is targeting people for no reason at all...
  20. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    For what it is worth, we're considering changing some of our policies so that being in a group with a speed hacker is treated very similarly if not just the same as speed hacking yourself.
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