Can players please stop queing in as Tanks and Controllers in Alerts?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dominic Blue, Sep 17, 2020.

  1. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    I'll have to check but I'll try that instead, Thanks
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  2. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Or I either leave and put you on ignore for not understanding how useless your Troll was in an Alert. Seriously why are you guys not getting this??!!!!!?????
  3. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    It ain't so bad. :p

    CoP is doable in any configuration. Failure is on the players and bad RNG with Poseidon's pools.

    Only toxic thing here is the mentality alerts are supposed to only be 3 dps 1 healer. That needs to go away.
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  4. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Thanks Proxy, it's like you're the only person who got my point. I'm not trying to dictate how others play but everyone in this thread should have the experience of every day for a whole month only run all content with below endgame build Trolls and tell us how it went. I bet not smoothly. So why not it you insist on main trolling at least PUG que in as a Dps so there's a chance a healer and another Dps will get in?
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  5. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Seriously not everyone is at that level of play, what are you trying to accomplish by thinking you're somehow rebutting the obvious frustration I'm having with other players WHO CAN'T TROLL WELL ENOUGH TO FINISH CoP???????
  6. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Well the Alert role system has to be looked at again by the Devs cause this is ridiculous. If I que in as any role but three others que in as Trolls we're not finishing the Alert, plain and simple.
  7. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    If people not performing their role well enough to complete content is your problem, then why didn't you just say it outright in your OP or thread title? Oh, nvm, you just said in another post trolls are just utterly useless when they are not. They will be cc'ing the adds and keeping them away from you, they will be buffing you and debuffing the enemies, they will be using their SC troll shields when you are on low health. Bloody hell, I'd rather have a troll than a healer in almost every alert.
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  8. Jurandyr Ross Well-Known Player

    No, it doesn't. It doesn't care if you queue in and get a group of 1 dps & 3 trolls, or 2 tanks & 2 trolls, or 4 healers. If you don't want that to happen just turn "optional roles" off in your gameplay settings menu, like I said before. You will be guaranteed a healer and no repeated roles.
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  9. Jurandyr Ross Well-Known Player

    If the group can't offset the dps debuff put on everyone for missing a new role, then of course . Better off have people do the role that they know and are geared for, than making them play as dps and do minimal contribution.
  10. Proxystar #Perception

    1. A player who is running VMF and CoP is likely a paying subscriber or DLC purchaser, which means they're spending money on the game, they could buy an armory with their free monthly stipend, especially one for any character they purport to be a "main"; We're talking about $5 here, so don't act like it's some how an act of enforced empoverishment to buy an armory "extra cash" come on that's absurd, it's a one-off $5 purchase, skip a meal at McDonalds...

    2. You don't need artifacts to play regular content, in fact some people don't even need them for elite; a DPS playing with DPS gear in DPS role even with support artifacts will still do more damage in almost most circumstances than a support role.

    3. You get trash gear just from playing, there is access to more than enough gear, just from playing naturally to have gear for both roles.

    I appreciate you have your viewpoint but personally and don't expect you to agree, but I find your position to just be an "excuse".
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  11. Proxystar #Perception

    response is probably similar to my last one.
  12. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Anyways maybe my tone of the thread was too harsh. I'm not trying to troll against well trolls. Everyone's free to play whatever role they want. I'm just frustrated with PUGing into instances so I'll just not do that and use LFG exclusively instead.
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  13. The Dackman New Player

    I rarely post on the forums because I prefer video format but there are a few things I have to put my 2 cents in on.

    Seriously? Please? It's almost impossible to PUG either VMF and CoP now because there's always somebody who doesn't realize if you que in as a support role either than Healer you'll take that spot. And yes you can probably make it thru to the last boss baring some wipes but when you get to Lex or Poseidon you're in trouble without a healer.

    First, I think your entire post is based on misunderstanding the queue system. If you run with "role optional" off, you will have someone who queued up as "willing" to play a healer. If they refuse to switch I don't know why you would subject yourself to that. Leave and PUG again if you are determined to PUG for whatever reason.

    This seems the way that players do this every new episode. The Tank and Power buff in Alerts should be enough.

    Second, this is why we have a problem with players not knowing how to play their roles. We rely far too much on a buff that we are only given because too many players think this is DPS Universe Online. Then we get to real raid content and players don't know what to do.

    I have a hard time believing that new plsyers choose either Tanks or Trolls as their mains cause you need a bit of knowledge of mechanics to do both. But regardless if your super special main is a Troll or whatever then before you que into an Alert switch to a Dps in the meantime beforehand.

    Again I'll say I don't think you understand the queue system.

    I'd even be ok if after the four group members get in and after it's qued as three Dps and one Healer if a player switchs back to Tank or Troll cause that's what their gear is in I'd totally be fine with that. But seriously this happens daily and the frustration of not being able to get thru the Alerts that have been out for months even years is really stressful.

    I'm starting to sound like a broken record. You are just one option in the UI away from solving this problem for yourself.

    You can't pull this amount of ignorance in bigger MMOs so I won't let it stand in DCUO. If the majority of players don't get how support roles work in DCUO perhaps Daybreak could educate them more? I dunno but trying to run BoP bonus week already makes me not wanna play period with this ignorant playerbase.

    Dimensional Ink, could use a better way to teach roles however in a game with such a small Dev team, their time is better served trying to make quality of life improvements and content for us to play. Considering you speak as if you know how each role works, you could try helping these players learn those roles. People are only ignorant because they aren't taught.

    I'm open to suggestions on how we deal with this. And no LFG is not a solution. Try shouting in LFG for VMF groups every day. Also it'll be hard in USPC imagine on Switch?

    I'm not sure why LFG is not an option? VMF is still pretty new content and there is a special bonus week tied to it. That should be pretty easy on the US PC/PS server. However if that is an issue you can always......Nevermind I'm tired of typing it.

    Frankly you won't find a suggestion to "fix" the issue because there isn't an issue to fix. Players pay their fees and play how they like. Personally I can't help but sigh when I get into a group with a role player. You know the one. The Mental character who is wearing a Western Costume, using dual pistols, and spamming the lasso iconic power because he wanted to be a telekinetic cowboy? Yeah that guy. Just like you, I have all the power in my hands. I can go along and suffer through it, I can leave and PUG again, or I can use the LFG chat to find exactly what I want because no matter how much I'm annoyed by how that player plays, I don't pay their Sub and I don't have the right to force them to play how I think they should.

    Just my 2 cents
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  14. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Ok point taken, thanks you might not have agreed with me but you gave me a suggestion which is what I asked for in the OP.
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  15. Proxystar #Perception

    I told you last time!! I'm a "psychic cowboy!" :p
  16. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Man why is everyone opposed to an early option of not trying to Troll in an alert which is not really helpful to anyone? You're just giving power (maybe) and not debuffing, shielding or crowd controlling either because most Trolls are trash who don't know their role. I'd rather have a crappy Dps than a barely functional Troll. But anyways defend support roles who do diddly squat. And no it would be nice if DI explained the Roleless buffs and Roles are chosen in random ques for Alerts since a lot of us including myself I'll admit seem confused on that.
  17. Legasei Well-Known Player

    Here’s my 2 cents. I hope I won’t get any flack about it. If I do, please be gentle with me.

    As a healer, I spend more time looking at health bars than looking at actual gameplay. Feels like I’m playing for people rather than playing with people, even though I’m doing both. So I’d prefer this game leave roles behind and make every player responsible for their own heals, their own power, and their own crowd control. I like how Ryazan plays this game. It lets me know that it’s possible for this game to be completely role-less.
  18. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    What makes you think its tank and trolls fault? I've seen some pretty trash healers here lately that made me cringe as a healer only player.

    So I ask why not inspect the healer? I always do if theres a 2nd heal in alerts and usually ask them to switch to DPS even if they're higher CR then me. You know why? Because I know that I know my role and can without a doubt say I heal anything solo minus SM and elite without issues with my current level of artifacts and SP.
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  19. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Exactly, I blind queue COP VMF daily and could care less what roles I get, only role I dont want is a 2nd healer obviously lol
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  20. myandria Item Storage


    Been there, done that. If the team isn't going well, I just excuse myself, leave the team and find another or get "kicked" for not switching to DPS.["shrugs"] 9 times out of 10 I am Pugging content. I never switch out of my role gear nor que in as DPS unless I am soloing; I don't use DPS gear unless my toons are brand spanking new. Does that make me a "less than optimal" player? In the general community's eyes, probably so; oh well. If it takes a bit of time to completely finish a raid, so be it; you cannot fail most missions due to time constraints (races are another matter). Pug Life = Thug Life; pugging removes the control and strategy of building a team to get the job done. This equation is one of the main reasons why some players use LFG to find a group and/or only play with people whom they have come to know well and become friendly with.

    You seem to forget that the main reason that "below endgame support characters" end up in "endgame" content is because of the way the content is given to us; namely, the length of Event Mode for new content. Oh, and there is the "CR Skip" as well, which gets you close to endgame CR but not anywhere near an endgame build. Both of these options allow "less than endgame build" characters to join in and play endgame content; it's like telling a 3rd grader with 3rd grade knowledge that he/she can skip the other grades and start attending high school senior classes and do well.
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