People Who Leave Duos Because of Support Role

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ryazan, Mar 20, 2020.

  1. Monkeyboy Committed Player

    Running the duo with a support role is not bad unless they think they're dps! If a tank groups the adds up, you can burn them quick. If the troller CCs the mobs they go down quick. If the healer can heal you threw damage, you can stand there and just burn. Example, on last fight, let the adds or mini-bosses all attack Batman so they can be grouped up, you can burn them at once. But there's always that support role that attacks right away causing you to burn 1 or 2 at a time.
  2. Proxystar #Perception

    Isn't there a degree of irony in that though, you're not wanting to do it because you are "lazy" or "frugal" but then you're critical that someone else doesn't want to put the extra effort in to carry the defincies you admit exist within your character because of the choices you're making not to bother?

    I'm not being critical of you, it's perfectly fine for you to do what you're doing but at the same time if you're going to do it, you probably have to appreciate that there are people out there that aren't going to share your approach and may therefore react negatively towards it and leave the instance.
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  3. inferno Loyal Player

    Personally, I don't care if the other player plays support or dps. What matter to me is whether it can be finished. So, yeah I will probably inspect the other toon for mods or artifacts but only because I know what I can do in the duo ( meaning barely average dps) in my numerous alts. If it were in my main toons then I don't care. it will get done.

    I tell you what's got me flustered tho, I have been in more than 1 duo where the other player is in support role and below cr 276. I wait to see if they're just putting in new gear or whatever. Support role and you're wearing a mish-mash of gear as to put your cr below the minimum requirement? Sayonara.
  4. Proxystar #Perception

    when I say carry I mean carrying the reduction in damage, I didn't say it to imply you were worthless and just dead weight, so my apologies, if that was how you read that. I would put to you that I don't really need your power in that smaller content, I also don't need you to control or debuff anything because it's insignificant and I'm not saying this to diminish your role, it just simply isn't required in small content (rightly or wrongly, that's a different debate, I'm just stating the reality)

    Therefore it is simply more efficient to both be damage, it simply won't be "faster" with you in support role, because nothing you're doing is increasing the damage output of the other DPS to an extent than offsets your damage reduction, I appreciate you feel like it is, but it really won't be.

    You could possibly get a battle spec somewhat close, but if you're doing a battle spec I assume it's not necessarily raid viable which would probably indicate you have an armory, which would probably raise the question of why you don't have a pure build for both DPS and support so that you can be more efficient ;)

    Edit - Again, I don't personally leave duos because of support players, so this isn't my behaviour, I just see the rationale and logic behind why 'some other players' choose to do so, don't get me wrong they're crap people too, but, they have their reasons haha, not reasons I share, but reasons nonetheless.
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  5. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    It's like they're as lazy as I am when they leave, I get it. At least I try to put a band-aid on the problem by battle tanking with berserk and providing SC to both players, I was only thanked once specifically for that.

    And out of every time someone left the duo, only once I got a tell explaining they left because they need it quick as they needed to go to work afterward. I'm not asking to get tells explaining why someone left, but when someone just leave, it does leave a somewhat bad impression, only made worse by how it's usually someone at max CR or 1 or 3 bellow max. But still not as bad as those who leave and send a message before or after about how they're entitled to have a dps in duo and how I should only be doing raids with my character or not playing at all if being only support, it's these people who made me decide to make this thread at last.
  6. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    I feel normal? My tank's gimmicky loadout for the duo has an output of an average dps, so I'm cool with it. It's actually even better if I get a troll, then I can switch one more power in my loadout and output more damage.
  7. Faerie_Knight Well-Known Player

    Simple, you use your support role in solo instances and dailies too. You seem to think "support" equals "lacks damage". It's lower damage, yes. But it's actually faster since there's no downtime waiting for health. My hero main is a troller. Yes, I have a DPS armory. And that setup is equally geared as my troller setup. It's also unneeded 99% of the time, and a pain in the rear to keep the armory updated. Supplying both builds also slows down my progression because I have to worry about keeping them roughly equal.

    Most of my characters only have the single free armory. I don't feel the need to spend money on them for every single character. Not when I've come to realize I don't switch roles very often. Or if I did buy an armory, it's used for PvE and PvP loadouts.
  8. Faerie_Knight Well-Known Player

    And you keep assuming that the extra damage is actually needed to quickly power through duos. Assuming we're both roughly the same CR and doing content of the appropriate tier, you're 2 to 3 shotting the trash mobs with your powers. Well guess what, it's only taking me one more attack with my gadget controller. In addition to the damage I'm dealing, I'm reducing incoming damage via debuffs and crowd control. I'm allowing you to use those super powers more often. Or to ignore being hit if I'm a healer. If I'm on one of my healers I'm buffing both of our damage as well. In fact, your damage is going up because the enemies are helpless due to my crowd control. My being in "support" mode isn't slowing you down. It's not making it take longer to complete the Duo. And I have to wonder if some people don't realize just how much controllers and healers can add to a group's capabilities, even in a duo. if there's a "defend this NPC or turret" objective, I'm locking down 3 groups of enemies so they are not attacking the objective while you run off to attack that one group that showed up.

    My heroic nature healer only has three and a half offensive moves set up. I use them all the freaking time. But my main damage comes from my dual pistols, which I'm also constantly using. I'm clearing groups quickly with those guns. Maybe not quite as fast as if I was in DPS mode, but still fast. And I'm giving both of us Heal over Time stacks constantly. Meaning you don't have to worry about keeping your health up. If it does drop, I'm healing you (or me, or both) right away and then immediately going back to damage dealing.

    As I keep saying, I use my support role almost exclusively because I've found it is more survivable and plows through content faster and easier then if I tried using DPS mode. The only time that's not the case is if I outclass the content anyway due to having out leveled it.
  9. Proxystar #Perception

    Very true, It would probably be helpful if people communicated rather than just leaving, most people are pretty understanding, they're just also really bad at communicating :D
  10. Proxystar #Perception

    It's simply about efficiency, all skill levels being equal I disagree with your position that a support player and 1 dps will blast through a duo quicker than 2 dps of equivelent skill level.

    As I've said you can narrow that gap with battle support but that raises the question of why you're not just going DPS in the small content, however incrementally you're slowing it down you'd still be slowing it down. I understand it's possibly somewhat negligble in certain content and at certain times and again leaving an instance isn't something I do or a view I share, I just understand the view of why they do it, they're players especially bent on having the most absolute efficiency ever in everything they run, or they're simply in a rush as might have been mentioned, perhaps they're going to work etc.
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  11. MrPlumberman Active Player

    Got no issue as long as the person is putting forth an effort. I don't jump for joy when I see a role but I wouldn't leave either.

    Now not skipping the cut scene though is a different story. I'd bounce in a heartbeat instead of sitting through another cutscene.
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  12. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    On the one hand it’s typically correct in that leaving and re-queing takes more time. This is doubly so for alerts. On the other hand, I also think people should at the very least have a basic minimum DPS loadout for open world, duos and alerts and even raids when someone else with the same role and is being stubborn. My alt is pretty much just for tanking and farming but the small investment I made on the DPS side has provided more value in time saved and group flexibility than it cost in time and resources to create and level. Admittedly, I tend to go beyond the basic minimum for DPS simply because it’s a Dr. Manhattan toon and it tends to feel stupid that Dr. Manhattan takes a while to kill open world adds, lol. But my point still absolutely holds true.

    IMO, it adds fun, diversity and utility to my playing experience to have a battletank loadout for my tanking alt. And since a good battletank loadout is mostly likely going to include a DPS artifact or two that have tanking benefits (ex. Tetrahedrons high health or all around stats from EoG, Philosophers Stone, etc) you might as well do a little extra work and make a full DPS loadout. But that’s just the way I see it.

    On my main, it’s probably an even swap of advantages and disadvantages between my DPS loadout and battletroll loadout in duos and alerts. But because I don’t want to have to explain that I’m battletrolling and that my battletroll loadout is OP or deal with people leaving or complaining before seeing that it’s roughly the same, I just stay in DPS.
  13. Brit Loyal Player

    I'm in the same boat. Each character only plays a single role, because I'm not about to double up to have 6 Artifacts per character when I could put an equal amount of effort across 2 characters and then get twice as many lootlocks out of them.

    Personally, I've never cared. I let people play whatever they want to play. I figure a Healer in full Healer Gear is going to be more helpful than a DPS in full Healer Gear. Having somebody play a spec they aren't prepared for isn't exactly going to save much time or anything anyways.

    Best advice I can give you, as a Tank in duos, at the end if you group with a polite player who doesn't complain about it, tell them to add you and invite you if they ever need a Tank. If running a duo 2 minutes slower ended up getting me a semi-reliable Tank for raids, then heck yeah that's the best investment of time I could ever imagine.
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  14. gemii Dedicated Player

    meh the subject isnt that big of a deal on the flipside. You que up for a duo and your partner will mostly likely expect a dps partner. if they leave because your playing support so be it thats not a out of the norm scenario thats possible to happen so you cant really get mad over it. Find some friends that are more willing to help you through it and dont care your in support role if anything or play with your league if you have one.
  15. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Waiting for health? If you're waiting for health in solos and during dailies you are doing something massively wrong
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  16. randomkeyhits Dedicated Player

    Its simply about efficiency..... errmmm no?

    Its about fun,

    If with whatever role pairings it gets done smoothly, without problem and both players have no complaints then its all good.

    If the only complaint is that its going to or did take an extra two minutes to complete then that complainer can take the stick out of where it doesn't shine and go buy a sense of perspective.

    if its a genuine complaint then that complaint can come from either side and I mean what self respecting support role likes to carry a sub par damager?

    All these years where the complaints about not enough tanks/trolls/healers for end game? Yeah, well this is where it starts.
  17. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Just ran the Batscape duo with a healer. By the end I had taken a whopping 29K in damage and received 26K in heals. They had taken about 350K in damage and received 340K in heals. So they were pretty much just keeping themselves alive, lol. And no, they were DEFINITELY not battlehealing. I still gave a thumbs up and thanked them cause my momma raised me right, lol.

    Ultimately I believe people should feel free to play the game the way they enjoy it most. Plus, if it was option, I’d probably solo the duo for little extra challenge anyway. So it’s no skin off my back.
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  18. Brit Loyal Player

    Sounds to me like, in addition to healing, they were also Tanking the entire thing. If they had fourteen times the damage-in that you did, then they definitely held aggro through basically everything, which keeps the pressure off of you.

    I dunno about you, but when I DPS, I find that having less of the obnoxious interrupts and stuns will dramatically increase my DPS.

    Maybe you didn't benefit greatly from their Healing, but the incredibly low amount of damage-in that you took would definitely suggest that you benefited from their tanking everything.
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  19. Proxystar #Perception

    I don't leave duos for this reason, I was explaining that the people that do leave, do so, because efficiency or perceived efficiency is a reason, not necessarily certainly the only reason for which they do it.

    You suggest also and I'm assuming you're talking about yourself that you play support for "fun" that's fine but understand not everyone is going to find playing with a "support player" when its more efficient to play with a DPS "fun".

    The very argument you're running with cuts both ways.

    And honestly with respect as well, all players are able to play both roles in the game for a reason and this is literally one of them. A player that wants to just 100% of the time run support is as equally bad as a player that refuses to play support when the need arises.

    A good player in this game not only plays both roles but also knows when their roles are most efficiently used, I get that you enjoy support which is fine, but let's not pretend running support in a solo or duo is more efficient than simply running DPS, it just simply isn't, in terms of sheer speed through the instance.
  20. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    On my main character, I have Armory, a set of armor and a set of artifacts for DPS and for support (to be honest, it is DPS that is support and the tank and the healer are the foundation without which raids can not do), but alts are a completely different thing, doing the next alt I have a specific goal, maybe a tank, maybe a healer or a controller ... sometimes even a DPS ... making alts, I’m rarely interested in playing more than one role, farming 2 sets of armor, and two sets of artifacts on 10 altos , then buy each an additional Armory, despite the fact that I’m only interested in playing for one role ... sorry but I don’t have any time for this ...
    Respect other people's time and resources to the detriment of their own? Sorry, but I'm not a servant for everyone I meet .... I'm ready to give the maximum out of the role chosen for the game, but only ...
    You know what ? I have a Healer (to make it fun, he has an additional Armory ... alas, it is also intended for a Healer), I use Batle Healing in duets, and you know what? Very often, those who say "go DPS" (full DPS equipment and DPS artifacts) are not able to do 1.3 more damage than me .... what does this mean? which means that if I were at this time, for example, my Rage DPS , the ratio of damage would be somewhere around 3 to 1 in my favor and the only reason why they require another DPS is that they are too bad in DPS ...
    As for speed .... an interesting fact ... there is a noticeable increase in speed only if both DPS are good, if you are a good DPS and your partner is just average ... then the speed with a healer, controller or tank is almost the same .. .
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