Anniversary Event 2019!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 3, 2019.

  1. Eve YouTuber

    Mepps you always get me with those gifs XDDD
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  2. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    Was it an oversight for the anti-matter motes costing Quarks instead of the Anniversary event marks?
  3. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Game works the way it has always worked. Film at 11.
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  4. Brad Sisto Well-Known Player

    You need to either Remove AntiMatter Motes from the requirements for MAKING the Enhanced Exo Styles or you need to make AntiMatter Motes cost Qwardian Crowns.

    You also need to add Prestige to the Daily Solo and the Weekly Raid.
  5. Lycan Nightshade Dedicated Player

    the only time I get anything other then the new collection from the raids is when I get a third piece. so heres hoping I get some luck because im not paying 40m a pop for the last 4 pieces I need
  6. ARMY TANK Well-Known Player

    A Base Item is glitched,Its called "Building Debris - Standing Edge" it Disappears into the floor when you try and place it :(
  7. cravex15 Dedicated Player

    Do we really have to use replays for this consistently everyday? The 8-man instance and bounty is loot locked weekly and dailies which are every 24 hours only give you one coin? How long does this event last? Where else can I Qwardians coins? This can’t be how it is. I don’t remember it being like this.
  8. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    It was. This is why it's the only seasonal where I don't not just have all the feats, but are in fact missing most of them, still.
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  9. cravex15 Dedicated Player

    Exactly, I am backed up from the first year still and still need base items from 2018 as well and they want us to buy 10 and then 25 base items AND new styles and trinkets? AND the big loot locks are weekly and the event is only a month?
    I'll never get all these items and feats! There's not enough currency be given. You get more currency during the halloween and xmas events and this event is more challenging.
  10. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Broker prices on a lot of the base items have dropped dramatically over the past few days. All the 2018 ones I looked at were between $250K and $500K wheras most were over 1.5m just a few days ago.

    Also, a day or two ago, someone must have opened a shitton of the qwardian capsules and dumped all the gear on the broker for relatively cheap. Even if all the gear boxes from that particular dump are gone, it should bring down the market values for a bit. This might help some people complete the partical power feat sooner rather than later so they can get a few extra crowns per week.

    I agree with the premise that one should be able to obtain/complete everything with th qwardian crowns available to be earned and not have to seek other means. But in dealing with things how they are and not how they should be, hopefully those tidbits of info are useful.
  11. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

  12. Jepphrey New Player

    What are the collection pieces to the feat A Crisis Collection for the anniversary event ? I have googled and can’t find anything . Thanks
  13. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    Collection is called "The Journey".

    1. Headline - Brainiac's Avatar of Magic Defeated
    2. Headline - Felix Faust Attempts an Apocalypse
    3. Headline - Riot on Stryker's Island
    4. Headline - Civil War on Themyscira
    5. Headline - Granny Goodness Abducts Heroes
    6. Headline - Ultimate Soldier Defeated
    7. Headline - War of the Light Finally Ends
    8. Headline - Lex Luthor the Hero - Is it the Hair?
    9. Headline - House of Atlan Overthrown
    10. Headline - Doomsday Returns, Superman Dies
    11. Headline - No Jewels Safe In Metropolis
    12. Headline - Psychic Starfish Invades Central City
  14. Hollows Active Player

    Will the items at the vendor get sold in bulk for the event like the holiday?
  15. TowerCitysFinest New Player

    Took the CR210 Boost for Erius Comet. This year, I'm grabbing Pack 4! Roll on Pack 5!
  16. Millefune PSN Well-Known Player

    Sorry to be a bother, but I just wanted to be sure, because of how the dates and the usual server and weekly resets work. Will we be able to get one more run of Centennial Collapse in on Thursday, January 31st? Or will the event be removed during the server shutdown/maintenance that happens super early Thursday morning?
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  17. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    I'm curious as well. I am pretty sure the event runs tomorrow and is removed on the 1st but I want to triple check.
  18. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The event will be up through the 31st, and removed with restarts on the 1st.
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  19. Supremo BR Well-Known Player

    Any bonus this coming weekend?
  20. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Not this weekend.