The broker player selling system and time capsules needs to go!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by LighTning Emperor, Oct 21, 2017.

  1. lukelucky Devoted Player

    First we had replays. That got bleed dry to a point where to many simply don't chase elite gear
    Then came booster bundles. After bundles started coming up flat and such Dcuo doubled down
    Time capsules
    Why does my legendary not give me a clear shot at all the feats and OP items.
    I am a very early year one guy. My retired account has the back from the hack feat

    Guess what
    NEVER EVER EVEN ONE TIME DID I EVER NEED TO GO TO THE BROKER AND BUY ANYTHING so why after years of my support do I need be be a scam artist or a fake day trader? If I wanna watch the market and play the market well there is the stock market IRL not some rigged system designed to literally takes as much cash as possible while never rewarding anyone.

    Desperation set in and as a result we the customers took a hit while they added feats and OP items to time capsules.
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  2. Surtur Well-Known Player

    You don't need any of the things in the broker to compete in the game. You don't need all of the feats either. Sure it would be nice to have them but you don't need them.
    Knowing the difference between needs & wants is the real issue here.

    In all honesty. As far as replays goes. The only issue I have with them is the cost of resets. $3.50 to reset a raid. LOL, not happening never has & never will unless the price is lowered to below a dollar. I can rent a whole video game for $1.00.
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  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    hes wrong..
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  4. nawanda Loyal Player

    It's the feats that ruin the whole TC system.

    If there were no feats, people would sell unwanted materials on the broker, and the people who want them could buy them. Prices would drop significantly. Instead, you're obliged to collect them whether you want your character to have them or not, because of the feat points.

    I have all four of the TC materials. I only actually use two of them on different toons. The other two could have been enjoyed by someone else, I could have had a bit of money and they could have had their sought-after cosmetics.

    When you factor in the number of players who have left, or who have taken a break and realised they can't catch up because they've missed a rotation or two of time capsules, the decision to put feats in TCs - ignoring all feedback for short term cash flow - has probably cut short the life of DCUO by a couple of years.
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  5. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Well its not surtur university online so ur issue is note worth but that's about it. (Mine also don't be defensive)

    Save the you don't need those items,............

    We need profits.
    Won't have them if we keep driving players away hand over fist
    Making players half invested into the game certainly no the option either

    We need players in game cause well our que time are concerning. Saturday morning and it took 35 min to find 8 people for the newest raid. I had to resub to fill out my leaguemates group.

    U explain to me how all these "makes buckets of money" ideas are helping as they drive more and more people away. Just the cash spent by those Dcuo drove away covers the time capsule mess.

    We don't need Dcuo. We gamed for years without ever seeing Dcuo. Some or plenty of us even moved on and found replacements.

    Dcuo needs us to spend money and also spend more money.

    Repeat business
    That's the most important words a company like this needs to learn. I can understand many don't get that but its as cut and dry as it gets.

    U save all that need and other stuff for someone else. I am just not that guy. Time capsules as is are bad. Put everything realistically priced on the vendor and problem solved.
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  6. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    I use the broker for things other than time capsules and it's been helpful to me.

    However, I don't care for the time capsules.
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  7. Surtur Well-Known Player

    You really need to get over yourself and learn how to dance in the rain instead of complaining about being wet.
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  8. MastaMind Dedicated Player

    The only thing that would happen is that if we made more money per kill the items would cost more money. It is simple economics. All of it really is. I have already explained them once. I would draw you a picture but I left my crayons and coloring books at home :(

    All video games have a revolving door. People come and go all the time for one reason or the other. The people who would rage quit because they did not get a feat or cosmetic item were likely to have found another reason to quit. I am yet to find this "perfect" game paradise that everyone is running away to. That heaven of heavens where everyone gets everything they want, for free, and somehow is better then everyone else and beloved by all.

    With anything you do in life the truth is that you will not please everyone. Every musician, actor, or *Insert literally ANY profession here*. The same can be said about this game or any other one out there. Just because people quit does not mean that it is "dying".

    Again, there are all kinds of people who are salty about Time Capsules because they do not get what they want out of them. Just because you think someone is "popular" does not mean that their opinion carries more weight. I know a ton of people who are probably considered popular, and I still couldn't give two flying Booster Golds about them or what they think. Half the time that popularity doesn't even make sense. I know that some people get an ego over this little video game, but popularity definitely does not mean they matter. Sometimes I seriously question the people that would label someone else "popular".

    For example: I know a guy who many say is "The Best DPS in the game" and yet I've watched him run ahead in an alert that he is now far over geared for and die like a complete noob. In other words. He may be a cool guy, but people's opinions about him are questionable at best. That is a generous statement from me considering I also notice that a lot of top DPS players conveniently switch to the "Strongest" power and always have a slew of excuses when they do "lose", and I kind of feel like if they were truly good they would not need the power to do the work for them.

    You do realize that a large percentage of the missions that you queue for are cross faction? By large percentage I mean almost all of them. The game all around has taken a drop in population. It is not because of Time Capsules. It is because of the revamp. From what I have seen the game had TCs before I started, and I didn't notice a huge population decrease until the revamp hit.

    Also, I am a villain. I didn't have to join a league or anything like that. I've been farming older content for feats. Then again, I don't rely on LFG groups or pack an ego over a video game. So maybe that is why I just blind queue missions and usually get in.

    As far as your last sentence goes. Just look at Jacob's signature. That should clarify things a bit. The thing is that even if it does die that is not exactly surprising. Nothing lasts forever. That is literally all you are saying. That is the equivalent of me telling you that you're going to die someday. We all die. That is just a fact. You could say that about anything. I love Red Bull, Cigarettes, and women. None of those will be around forever. Oh knoes! :eek:

    As I said in your thread that was crying about Time Capsules. It is YOUR tactic that is failing you. Not the system. Literally until Qwarks came around you could have received every single Time Capsule feat out of my league bank at one point and time. I'm in a really, really, really small league. Just like the people crying about OP collections not dropping enough. None of them are crying because they care about other people. They are crying because they did not get their way. If the chips were turned around you wouldn't be crying. It is basic childish emotions. Jealously, resentment, and a tantrum. I can post it right in your faces 1000 times and you'll still keep doing the same thing. Nobodies fault but yours.

    All it boils down to is that you posted this same QQ thread a week ago, and here is another one posted. So you agree with it hoping that your agenda can be pushed that way. The OP doesn't care about the population of the game. He wouldn't dare lobby for a better tutorial or mentoring system. No. Neither of you care about the game. All you care about is that you cannot get what you want, and you act like there is some impossible force that is holding you back. You're right. It's called common sense and apparently it evades quite a few children these days :rolleyes:

    I missed at least 3 Time Capsules before coming to this game. The fact that I missed them was an advantage because the glitz and glam had faded and everything from them was cheap. If there were no feats they would have the rely on the items themselves being the selling point of the capsules. Sure a few people would still buy them but it would tremendously reduce the desire for anyone to pay out for them. The fact is that the emblems would have no value at all. They would be the new provisions capsules that everyone threw a fit about. "All that I got was emblems wah wah wah".

    The prices wouldn't drop any. Don't kid yourself. The prices are sky high because people break their necks to get the stuff. It is supply and demand at best. People do sell unwanted materials right now. As I stated above. They are an item that everyone wants. As a result. That makes them valuable. If any of these kids above crying got the feats added for free, and then received an email with the materials in them; we all know that they would collect them. You could probably send them a second set of those materials and they would have them on the broker for 100+ million. Exactly my point.

    The classic example of my point. I watched a player here on these forums bragging about how he was selling OP collections for 100 million back when Age Of Justice first hit. He didn't have the feat. He was just lucky. Fast forward a bit and he is on here posting conspiracies about how the Halloween items are killing the drop rates. That is all it is with the Time Capsules or anything else. Complainers did not get what they wanted, and thus they want to ruin it for everyone else. Misery loves company.

    I am really confused about the whole middle part of your post. You are complaining about Time Capsules and yet you have all of the materials? Even sounds like you have duplicates on other characters. Doesn't exactly help you argument. Either you are saying that you dumped a ton of cash into them, and as a result you regret it so you think that removing feats would make it easier to obtain. Or you are saying that they are completely obtainable without dumping a bunch of cash in (They are, trust me ;) ) which again takes away from your argument entirely. It would prove my point. That most people are only concerned about themselves, throwing a bunch of false facts around, and they just want to drag down the people who do support the game.

    I pay for legendary. Why do I not get a clear shot at the back from the hack feat? Why do I not get to buy the Joker's Flying Jester amulet? Why have I not got to play a survival mode? I did not see anywhere in the description to the membership that I would be given every single thing that I want in the game just by snapping my fingers. I'll have to go check the fine print.

    For the record. You are given the opportunity unlike with the things I mentioned above. It is your choices that are to blame. Not Time Capsules, collection drop rates, or anything else you are complaining about. You chose whatever league you joined. You chose whatever friends you have. You chose to refuse to play the broker. Suffer the consequences. It is time some of you kids grow up. That is reality. Welcome to the real world. People who pay for Time Capsules are supporting the game. They deserve to be rewarded with a feat. If you don't want to pay then don't, but if your current system is not working and you refuse to even attempt an alternative, then don't come on here crying when it doesn't work out.
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  9. ObsidianChill_DCUO Well-Known Player

    Everything that is on the broker a player can get normally through playing the game? The only exception to that is the auras from the booster bundles/OG auras which are purely cosmetic and don't impact playstyle at all.

    "This is not good for any MMO"

    lol most hardcore MMO's have even a real life money broker where players can list items and players can buy those for straight cash rather than gold so don't really see your point there either
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  10. lukelucky Devoted Player

    U said based on broker movement

    I couldn't understand how u miss how awful time capsules are but u are playing the system. Good for u. Take pics cause otherwise all u will have left is memories.

    If u don't notice how far our population has dropped lol guy u have not been around long enough.
    Anyway its clear u are protecting a system u can tolerate maybe enjoy. That's OK until it drives players away and jepordises the game and yea we are there or very close

    Before u spew any other statement understand when S.O.E. sold us to Columbus nova it was because the initial company had already decided S.O.E was not profitable enough.

    U can claim its fine but we already had a death shot. We just got lucky someone saved the day and gave us a second chance. I get it though be a broker boy (its part of the game just not for everyone) and enjoy as much as u can. I mean that. Zero sarcasim have fun.
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  11. Tekwash Level 30

    maybe go out an actually get a hustle???

    tbh all u gotta do is salvage items for complex and simple and those sell like hot cakes..

    I easily make 10 mil a day just selling old collections and simple/complex materials XD

    the thing is most of the stuff I sell I get for free too (go figure)

    there is just no excuse except laziness in not wanting to farm or make some cash

    if u don't got the time to farm, buying stabilizers and selling the extras is the way to go

    save up your stabilizers for next capsule, cash in first week when the prices are hot....a little planning and thinking goes a long way

    edit: heros and villains que up together, unless you have the option turned off...I been in many many many hero instances XD
  12. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    The broker prices is 100% the devs fault because of TC. Players were tired of spending 100-500$ on TC so most just went to the cash sellers with 200$ for 200mil and bought all the TC feats with money left over.
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  13. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    lol adds in open world huh?

    cut the BS those adds dont give no where near enough for those 100-200mil collections needed for materials ect.
  14. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Wait r u suggesting I pay over a hundred dollars a year to get on an alt kill an add store item in shared bank and repeat?

    Wow we have different ideas of fun.

    I am simply blown away how hard headed people are.
    If a guy spends money and gets nothing guess what? He most probably ain't happy and certainly will not repeat this time and time again. Sure maybe for a short while maybe even a year or two but sooner then later paying for nothing or large amounts for low cost items is not successful

    I loved in your response u said " every tc feat was obtainable in my league shared bank." Lol OK buddy sure thing.
    Let's for fun say u did. So what? I mean some rubber small percent has an account that get items while the vast majority is left out in the cold.

    To be clear at 40 my house was paid in full. Car same. I can afford to obtain every single item in Dcuo ten times over and not blink. I did not get here being stupid. Uh OK Atlantic city did beat about 80k out of me over the years but besides that. Yea I LOVE to gamble.

    The absolute funniest thing I heard u say is " I swear they know how many TCS u bought and after a certain amount u hit." Lmao are u kidding? Jackster flat out said the drop rates vary off sales meaning the more money spent the lower the drop rates. Sales drop rates go up till sales do and wham back to miricle odds.

    At this point we clearly disagree. U have fun with Dcuo. Enjoy it while it lasts. I now understand why u hated my previous thread. If everything was in the vendor for qwarks at a real price u would not be able to wheel and deal and obtain it free. Good for u.
  15. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    lol @ posting OG mentors video, when he does everything your going on about (over pricing stuff on brokers)
  16. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    yea b/c the thread after thread isn't enough to show for right?

    ppl nowadays :rolleyes:
  17. Proxystar #Perception

    that simply isn't true at all.
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  18. ObsidianChill_DCUO Well-Known Player

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  19. ChillCat Loyal Player

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  20. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    And where exactly did I make that claim???
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