Tell us what costume styles you would like to see next!

Discussion in 'Developer Discussions' started by Mepps, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Groovy idea. Perhaps use the make-up color for the second tone?
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  2. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    I was thinking the same thing! +1
  3. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    didnt know this was still getting answers. ill throw out a few ideas
    ¤Butcher Knife. the hospital patients have them, im jealous.
    ¤Skeletal & Ghostly skins
    ¤4 eyes like the demons all have
    ¤Back length hair for males
    ¤Headless head style
    ¤A realistic tintable Bear style set. would be neat to mix and match pieces incase your bear wants to wear pants
    ¤Zombie set. id imagine the arms and legs would have bites, & the shirt & legs would be tattered up.
    ¤Shirtless Bandolier
    ¤Year emblems that could be given to characters that are that old. 2011, etc or titles "of 2011" etc
    ¤Machete waist
    ¤NEW iconic weapons. Scarface Rifle. (it would be the puppet firing it from his tiny hands, & the player would hold him like a rifle)
    ¤Something, Anything, related to Black Mask since the game never touches him. he deserves some love
  4. DC Urban Committed Player

    It was tied into WW, a popular character.

    I cant think of any style that was not popular, or affiliated with a popular character which conveniently tied into an event. Black-hawks would have never seen an emergence in DCU if it was not affiliated with WW the Age of Justice
  5. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    And yet there are many more recognizable iconic costumes associated with WW and Age of Justice, and they didn't even make it into drop gear.
  6. DC Urban Committed Player


    And it does not negate the fact that Black-Hawk gear set was tied to WW, therefore was released.

    If Something silly as batman's cape was tied to WW/Age of Justice it would have been released as a style.

    It does not matter which styles out of WW and the Age of Justice were released, they all had a good chance because they were tied to WW.
  7. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Except this wasn't even WW episode, it was JLA episode.
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  8. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    • Like x 2
  9. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Thank you. I almost said AARP.
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  10. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

    Wet Hair style. either out of the water (straight) or in the water (waving and floaty) particularly for Long hair looks.
  11. HARDL1GHT AC3 New Player

    aquaman inspired gear
  12. Megzilla Developer

    This is interesting! I'll ask if we can do this.
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  13. Megzilla Developer

    In theory, the best we could do is a trinket where we literally swap out the model. We won't be adding new body types (would have to go through every gear piece and size it to the new model. Our stuff wasn't built with morphing meshes.. it's all manually done)
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  14. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Yeeee! Thank you!
    • Like x 1
  15. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Oh since we're on the subject of dual tone hair, could we get dual tone hair styles that are more normal (normal vs Two-Face/Harley hair being one colour on the left and another on the right)? I mean things like, for example, the faux hawk hairstyle but with the tips able to be a different colour to the rest, stuff like that.
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  16. Vesper Dedicated Player

    dcmegzilla asked thatI move this post here, so.......

    I have 2 requests that are near and dear to my heart:

    1) High heel boots with designs or straps. I *need* these! This pic shows 3 different styles players would love! Similar styles could be color channeled to have the strappy design part one or two colors and the "skin" part the 3rd. That way peeps could make colored boots with colored designs OR set one of their colors to a matching skin tone to get a look like this of bare leg with strappy sandals.
    Possible idea for this: Make heeled version of the Female Wizardly boots. Already has proper color channels and strappy designs.[IMG]

    2) A real, actual Scottish KILT. With a PLAID pattern (there IS a plaid pattern in game----the blue-pink-white plaid pattern on the dress of one of the Toyman Dolls). This pic shows a nice, simple, elegant kilt with the same tartan plaid pattern as in the game, just in a different color combination----COLOR CHANELS!!! :D[IMG]

    Here's another one that has some neat ideas for belts, straps, pockets, and other blinged-out accessories besides just the traditional sporan in the other pic.[IMG]

    Thanks for taking the time to consider dcmegzilla! Crossing fingers! :D
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  17. Surtur Well-Known Player

    I understand that part. I was thinking the same thing about the styles that fit the body.

    Just a thought on trying to help this body style get into the game that people have been asking about forever.
    I know people might complain about needing to pay for it but I also understand that it take resources to do these types of things.

    Could you could make the body style as an upgrade that has style sets that we could buy? :)
  18. Megzilla Developer

    I can ask, but it's like a 99.5% no lol
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  19. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    Dcmegzilla, as a giant horror fan i LOVE creepy styles to incorporate into my characters. even though the lantern content is over,
    is there still a chance you guys could create a back style in the marketplace for Sinestro Corps member Kryb? or maybe a 3rd reskin of Teekl for the market in the form of Dex-Starr? please?
  20. Surtur Well-Known Player

    :) Like my grandfather always told me.
    You never know unless you ask. Sometimes you might get surprised.