These changes were dumb

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by PolishEagle, Jun 3, 2017.

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  1. xD25x Dedicated Player

    So all the people who said they are bored have obviously knocked out all the feats in this dlc already? Impressive.
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  2. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I'm autistic, social interaction tires me out quickly.
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  3. JaxonRoberts New Player

    Everything is hunky dory so long as they cater to your style of play... BTW, pug groups in this game are ABYSMAL!
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  4. JaxonRoberts New Player

    I'm not here to grind out feats, I'm here to be a flippin' superhero.
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  5. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    This game has no quality in "social" aspects to offer. I have RL friends I run stuff with in several games, DCUO used to be one of those, and may become one again once the trash is cleared out and the game is back "on track" after my/our gusto. With the... people - and I use that term loosely here - in DCUO, telling someone to "make friends" is on the same level as suggesting a visit to Syria for its value as a climatic health resort. That .... "community" - see people comment above - deserves every bit of anti-social reaction it gets from distinguished and educeted beings.
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  6. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    this is exactly the game for me and if i'm going to be picking up 5 items and moving them somewhere i want them to be really, really big with ads trying to stop me.
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  7. xD25x Dedicated Player

    So next time begin your rant with "I don't like being challenged I would rather just look like a super hero and do things like put out 5 fires as opposed to fighting supervillains."
  8. VariableFire Loyal Player

    Being challenged? Do you actually play this game?
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  9. xD25x Dedicated Player

    You got the elite feats yet?
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  10. xD25x Dedicated Player

    Honestly you just seem like the type of player that bounces from league to league because after a few days they boot you and your egotistical attitude.
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  11. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Those missions are boring. I wanted multiple on duty missions. Something like 4 raids, 4 alerts, 3 duos for example. I hate running barrels to a designated spot it feels so monotonous.
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  12. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    We wanted open world in the existing cities. I wanted to see gotham and metropolis alive again.

    I know its a pipe dream just saying though.
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  13. Please Stop Me Well-Known Player

    Well said. There were so many small and annoying things about Starro/Spring that after playing them so much I was happy to see them go. Especially since the Starro event carried me all the way up the CR ladder. Day one of this update was awesome, but from the way I understood the post about the prices we would have to pick which missions we wanted to do. So that we would have a ton of options, but had to make the choice ourselves. Maybe it was my fault for expecting it, but I felt like that would mean at least 3 a day. I have no problem grinding, but at least give me some missions to grind. Right now without resets what is the daily war bond amount received? It doesn't seem like it is very much.
  14. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    Typical reaction of the DCUO community: someone posts stuff one doesn't like, and instead of speaking about the matter they start going ad hominem. Be proud of being the prime example you are, of a community that does not deserve that name. What part of "me and my friends now play in other games" - partly due to people like you - was too hard to understand, eh?

    And besides, even if that doesn't matter at all: Just three of my characters ever changed their league - because I found some nice league names to squat after the second blank was allowed, and I rarely play that toons anyway. But I'm totally not surprised that someone like you, who suggests to random people that DCUO is a place to look for "friends" has absolutely no knowledge of what type of persons people are when trying to judge.

    PS: If you want to play that ad hominem game against me, go practice first, boy.
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  15. xD25x Dedicated Player

    Omg your still babbling on? No one cares about your opinions. Be gone troll. Stop writing paragraphs. Go play with your friends in other games and stop being a hanger-on.
  16. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    And even less care about yours, since you can't even articulate them properly. But reading your responses is like lava lamps: fun to watch though not very bright.

    Besides that, I check that DCUO is still going on despite being a low standard game - to ensure people - term used loosely - like you stick with it instead of trashing other games. Heck, if it ever was in serious danger of being sunsetted, I'd subscribe again to support keeping it up - just to keep you trailer park boys locked up in it....
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  17. Emoney Dedicated Player

    Unfortunately with how this new dlc is setup, no one can go for OP collections first.
    Last dlc, they tied the triggering feat for collections to the vendor AND TC gear. People bought TC gear, completed the feat, and started getting collections.
    Now, only the vendor gear gets you that feat, so look forward to months of grind before you can even grind for OP pieces, (unless the replay crowd gets there soon and sells to you through broker.)

    This is one of my biggest complaints....also what this forum community did to our dailies. Day three of new dlc, and I dont even care to log in. 6 years of building my toon, and I dont care anymore. I guess, for me, this is how the game dies.

    Enjoy! [Sarcasm]
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  18. xD25x Dedicated Player

    I'm still a better player than you. No matter what personal insults you throw at me. Which are probably all true about yourself. You have such low self esteem and self worth you try and act intelligent on the forums for a game you quit. But still. I'm a better player than you and that has to burn you up inside.
  19. Hraesvelg Always Right

    LOL. I love it when someone gets super pretentious and then is hoisted by their own petard.
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  20. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    LMAO! I'm actually just wasting some time before the match starts, roughly 10 minutes to go and some really terrible show act. I actually despise those typicall losers who come aroung with "I'm the better player" :D I don't care, cause it won't net you any money nor anything else in RL. Video games are for killing spare time. Or have a fun time with friends. And the last time I checked, there was not much fun left in DCUO, and those self-proclaimed "super players" were a huge part of the reason. I suggest you go pamper your ePride and kill a screamer in less than 0.001 seconds or something, try to clock the time and up the video so I can ignore it :D
    • Like x 4
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