Stats Revamp 1.5: Earth

Discussion in 'Stats Revamp Archive' started by Shin-O-B, Mar 31, 2017.

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  1. HoiiowDreamz Dedicated Player

    That's the thing if it's not continuous and only temporary why not just use upheaval which does more damage and can clip the next combo portion for extra late damage which JH can't do. I'm trying to find a way to make jackhammer preferred for close range dps.
  2. Rokyn Dedicated Player

    Bug report:

    Brick stays alive and active even after switching to another armory that doesn't have Brick. In my video this is shown with the Hecate boss.
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  3. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    It has that functionality on live so to speak, But they removed it on test.

    If you ask me I think they should raise the power costs to 125 or 150 since that would be a good trade off
  4. JohnnyDWellens Level 30

    I'd be down with that. I'd even be down with it summoning large rock pillars that absorb damage from you. Something other than Entomb that fits with the powerset and can be useful. I like supercharges personally and like finding ways to incorporate them. Drop Entomb devs, make it something different.
  5. DCUO Gaming Well-Known Player

    I can pry about 25k to 26.5k damage per second on 3 targets for about 105 sec. no troll and 13k to 14k on 1 target for about 105 sec. no troll. Haven't tried the short 30 sec. rotation but I'll try later tonight. My loadout is tetonic, crystal, fortify golem, upheaval, totem, and neo-venom boost. Not going to go over the rotation atm but JK was not reliable at times, took up too much power and distracted me from powering crystal and using tectonic at times, and I started to lose damage when I used it but started using weapon attacks instead of pounding the ground (that was annoying). Upheaval pretty much corrected all these things, did more damage, and actually followed through with the combo every time I melee clicked instead of using weapon attacks. This loadout also works great in any peice of content and neo-venom boost is a great damage buff to all abilities and weapon attacks.
  6. Aggro Well-Known Player

    Power issue with cone base aoe earthgrip, upheaval even gagblove have problems sometimes hitting, sometimes missing.

    Cooldowns are killing earth's crushed base loadouts, and PI range setup is killing dazed base loadouts.

    --There's no 0.5s instance aoe option for crush. Striking Stones, Rumblecrush, shards all 3s.
    --Earthgrip hangs till animation finish to recast, rage bringer doesn't I can spam it all day.
    --Daze base loadouts lack of aoe PI range upheaval/Jackhammer is limited in this option.
    (Tectonic break, unstoppable, pebble blast = no range aoe pi setup)
    --Jackhammer damage feels low compared to other instant powers would be nice around half of their damage.
  7. HoiiowDreamz Dedicated Player

    22-22.3 was jackhamer spam alone. My 3 target with an actual earth rotation was 40-42k and my singe target is 18-20, no supercharge, no pet.
  8. Cyro Committed Player

    Edit: forgot the part where I agree with everything you said

    *sigh* i wrote out a big long post about ideas and how earth feels but i deleted it by mistake so jot notes

    - did olyn with two healers

    - 189 modded: blue-health/dom. red-health/might. yellow-resto/health... spec- 75-health. 110-dom

    -2 heals yet i still felt squishier than silly putty

    -relied on the two elec constantly throwing up their sc shield/troll sc shield and gemstone. used as soon as off cooldown

    -health was bouncing around more than 100 bouncy balls down a flight of stairs


    -make brick tank a turtle tank thus giving us the choice to turtle or battle

    -fix envelop aggro dump

    -buff earths stats

    -change the forumla (100& dom=def) make dom more useful. right now (and i havent tested this) it seems like it would be better to spec def over dom

    -tell us the duration of AS in active effects

    -was going to say bring back reinforce dam transfer but then i realized i cant even handle the damage i get let alone someone elses

    -right now blocking is suicide even to farm immunities.....that doesnt sound like smart game play. the benefit to farming blues is no longer their since when im blocking i take over 50% damage in less than 2 seconds.

    I can get through olyn with two healers(barely) and prob gom but no way would i ever be able to survive olye, gome or sm. earth needs a buff, a big one. right now i would say its the worst tank on test
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  9. JohnnyDWellens Level 30

    I believe you're handicapping yourself if you're not modding full dom and splitting points between health and dom in your skills. Earth's mechanic is that you gain more defense the more dom you have so you can have a bunch of health but that doesn't help if you're not mitigating the damage you take. I'd run it again but this time mod dom/health - dom/might or precision and dom/power.
  10. Cyro Committed Player

    I was running a spec that is close to how people spec/mod on live. i highly doubt there will be much improvement. i did try both ways on adds in the open world with little difference(however open world and oly are two different things)
  11. JohnnyDWellens Level 30

    I get you. My Earth tank is specced full Dom - Dom/Health. I tried speccing more health a couple times but I found that running full Dom and therefore the increase in Def was better for me.
  12. Xibo Loyal Player

    I'm doing 11k average on 1 target no troll with Crush PI + Debris Field clipped with Reinforce + Weapon Mastery spamming.
  13. Xibo Loyal Player

    That guy here takes a lot of damage according to the scorecard but probably there's some problem with the another guy.

  14. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    I think we've seen as with Atomic revamp is all the defense makes no difference. Absorption is what kept Atomic competitive along with its heals.
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  15. The3meraldKnight Active Player

    Did some testing of Earth last night, gotta say I love being able to choose using either Brick or using JH or UH. I was able to make a few loadouts that worked well, but I have noticed a few issues.
    1. Brick is great and all, but as of right now, when he comes out, my audio has to go off, because of the audio you usually hear from the defensive buff Brick gives you is very irritating. Probably be best to lower the sound of that or remove it. I can see the aura thing on my toon, so I don't necessarily need an audio reminder.
    2. Stone skin is a new thing and as I can see it grants +50% defense. What I would like to see is in the innate part of the tree, a little summary of what stone skin and bricks defense buffs are.
    3. The power "Stone" has a weird animation. I think changing the animation to a one handed throw would be more suitable. (like grenades in gadgets, or singularity in quantum)
    4. I also went and got the Home Turf mods for the sake of trying content with and without them and got regenerative shielding to use with Gemstone Shield. I noticed with casting GS, that it did not give me a heal. I looked in the power description, and it does not even say it is a shield ability.

    Overall, I like how Earth turned out. Tbh I was a little afraid that the aftershock powers would consume way too much power. But I feel like they are at a good power cost atm.
  16. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    Can we just go back to absorption? Without a shield rotation it makes no difference. Absorption is better. That was earth's entire uniqueness. I didn't have a shield rotation because it was supposed to take damage most of the time but smoothly.

    My recommendation is have stone skin be = the the mitigation we have while blocking on live. That way it makes no difference if we block. Earth's thing should be "immovable object". Fire Atomic and rage heals their damage away, Ice completely negates damage, and Earth should constantly take damage but very smooth chunks making it reliant on Healers but very easy to heal. Gemstone shield isn't really usefull at 100 percent except of oh snap moments. It is clear we should be the smooth damage tank.
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  17. JohnnyDWellens Level 30

    I agree with this 100% about that removal of Entomb and adding in a better supercharge for Tanks that one handsome guy mentioned previously? That's not a bad idea. And not to hijack your post too much...I'm really leaning towards making a supercharge that summons 2-3 golems or rock pillars that eat a lot of the damage an Earth Tank receives. No super is necessary for a Tank, but having one in the back pocket is a cool thing for Survival Mode or newer harder raids.
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  18. Cold Fusion Well-Known Player

    Earth tank on live is great... Just needed some better pull options and maybe a little graphics update that's it.

    Why are we reinventing the wheel here?

    IMO your robbing what made Earth unique...

    The new system implements have weakened Earths ability to reliability stay alive and will not fly in SM at all.
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  19. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    Summoning Multiple golems or one giant golem or even giving us a giant rock form would be cool.

    I also think we need some visual identifiers of stone skin being active. That rock armor we see in the create a character screen would be a nice option to show we have the stone skin effect going.
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  20. Here2Help Devoted Player

    They could always go with the stoned visual effect from the Gorgons in the AF3 DLC . Whilst it would work and it makes a lot of sense in my opinion, I'd prefer not to have my whole character turned grey because he has Stone Skin active. Maybe it could only be seen when actually taking damage out of block whilst Stone Skin is active? Not sure how others would feel about this though.
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