Advance to CR100! Happy 6th Anniversary!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 11, 2017.

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  1. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    I'm starting to think I should just hold on to people's wallets to keep them from "temptation". I'm also pretty sure that I can ensure that their money is spent with a wiser hand.
  2. Patient Zero Active Player

    My Opinion .. More players will have the 500 feat if they stop rage quitting after 1 wipe ....

    But being player that has all those feat done already , i can be mad that other players get it for free
    while i grinded hours of game play for them.

    But i Choose to grind them out.

    I guess the silver lining is no more complaints bout low sp players?

    Just Bad Players.
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  3. ChillCat Loyal Player

    I agree. Some of those feats and the titles that go with them took a lot of time and effort to earn. Simply giving them away devalues what it took to achieve them. I am not happy about having my achievements trivialized.
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  4. Proxystar #Perception

    Nom nom nom

    Money money yea yea. Money money yea yea

    I'd like me a nice big fat pay2win sandwich. Mmmmmmm this is delicious!
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  5. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    They couldn't give away those "win 5/10 arena..." feats?
  6. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    Well, Here2bPretentious - you just completely made up stuff and stuck them as something I said. But what else can we expect from a bully with your ego? Biff Tannen would be envious.

    Again - mind your own business. You stay completely insulated in your league and friends list anyway - it's not like the general riff raff even affect you!
  7. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    Wouldn't you rather just spend the money, not eat it?

    Oohh wait you're not getting the money. Okay try to eat it first :D
  8. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    Come Feb. 1st, they're all screwed.
    They'll be unable to get Marks. FTP content will be too easy, and they will be locked out of most DLC's.
    Either that or they'll have to pay up!
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  9. Emoney Dedicated Player

    They will be able to solo BC 1 and 2, FoS 1 and 3 for marks....but yeah, not much.
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  10. Here2Help Devoted Player

    Doesn't change the fact that people can still use this boost just to unlock free feats that they're missing on their main toons and pop them over there with a couple of replay badges.
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  11. Caroline Dedicated Player

    Oh wow, a friend told me that the Toyman missions are given away as well, they're somewhere under the Solo tab or in General. :D I just can't find this sad anymore, it's hilarious.
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  12. bmce84 Loyal Player

    Oh btw, and this isn't directed at the devs but at some players, I TOLD YOU THERE WOULDN'T BE ANY "MEMBERS" GIFT THIS YEAR.
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  13. Here2Help Devoted Player

    Seriously? Sigh. It just keeps getting worse and worse.
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  14. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Advance to CR 100 costs 2500 Daybreak/Marketplace Cash.
  15. Proxystar #Perception

    Phew. Thanks for that I nearly had a heart attack ;)
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  16. Here2Help Devoted Player

    And how much will it cost in the future to "Advance SP"? Maybe buy a random amount of feats worth up to 10 SP for 1000? It's clearly something you'll have no shame in doing as today has shown.
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  17. Msstat1c Committed Player


    Would you still help me if I choose to use the boost? Will you view me as not having earned the right?
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  18. bmce84 Loyal Player

    Yeah, I don't want them to and I'm glad they don't have to so I can help them better instead of having to go through 5 tiers of useless content. Also what is expected at end game?, because it's funny how so many players expectation of an endgame player is so ridiculous it's funny, to the point where some expect end game players to have all SP at T8, to have all Olympian mods by now and be 190, so what's end game expectation to you, and keep in mind end game starts at T1 not T8.
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  19. bmce84 Loyal Player

    And yet those same complainers are still there, and probably helping new players and not at the forums complaining, because WoW can keep the lights on, something that for all we know might be an issue here, but hey lets keep forcing new players to buy 4 years worth of content and take weeks to level up without replay badges or anyone to help, because it's worked so great in the past after all.
  20. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    I'd ask who are these people and where did you find them.

    But frankly I don't want to meet them or know where you found them.

    And no I'm not doubting you encounter such folks, I just never quite found folks like this (but like I said that's what I would prefer it to be)
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