Advance to CR100! Happy 6th Anniversary!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 11, 2017.

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  1. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    They have sync and unsync in this game. A wonderful story and you participate in everything. Yes, i started playing after Heavensward but when i see dcuo and i play ffxiv, it just makes me so sad to see a mmo like dcuo. I completely lost all fun because jsut like this gift show, until you are 100cr above, there is no participation, no progression, not sotory, gears are like picking peanuts on the ground. I know the people on forum and devs don`t care but god i am so happy to have a mmo like ffxiv. I play dcuo for my wife(even she doesn`t play much anymore.) and family and because it is a superhero game but it makes me sick the more the devs are doing what they are doing. And doing nothing too.(Hopefully stat matters helps the game or dcuo is not for me.)

    And the worse, some people actually are for it, a game not balanced. But continue to not be happy. I know what i want, I know how i can have fun in a mmo, and ffxiv offers me everything i love.

    Maybe one day DBG will understand that making money is good but even more to make your customers find enjoyment in the game.
  2. randomkeyhits Dedicated Player

    Its not actually a bad deal for alts.

    Went through mine and found my gadgets villain was a lowly 95CR so used the boost.

    The real reward is the full traces set and filling out some SP I'd not bother getting on that toon yet

    Come to think of it we've gone full circle with the traces set, from the initial pieces not in the loot table through to their chances being increased (ie added) and now to full set with zero effort.

    I've still got the second raise but as I've already got all powers there is nothing to use it on and it will expire before Water powers come out so ho-hum.
  3. Caroline Dedicated Player

    So, today we've got our present due to the 6th anniversary of DCUO. That present gives you the opportunity to get to 100 CR, along with that you get 60 skill points.

    I liked the fact that I could get two of my alts who were stuck on level 10 to CR 100, however... I wouldn't be feeling so bad if most of the feats that were given away weren't the ones I worked so hard on, pretty sure many did as well.

    You gave away feats like 1000 chests, the exploration ones, etc. Tedious and long time taking feats.

    I understand that you want the new players to be able to catch up with the long playing members, but... come on, now I kinda feel the pain that people felt back in days when they completed all those 250 runs for a pvp feat and then they got reduced down to 50 runs.

    I know the forum is floating with these kind of threads, but when it comes to feats... it just feels bad, really, really bad. I might as well stop doing any other feats and wait for you to give them away as well.

    For those who wonder which feats were given away:
    1. All of the Duos feats were given away. - Duo's tab. (16 feats)
    2.All of the Alert feats were given away. - Alert's tab. (28 feats)
    3.All of the Raid feats were given away. - Raid's tab. (27 feats)
    4. All of the Exploration feats were given away. - Exploration's tab and every sub tab in it. (36 feats)
    5. General feats were given away. - General's tab. (40 feats)
    6. 150 Solo feats were given away. - Solo's tab, all sub tabs except "Contacts" .
    7. 5 Style feats were given away.
    8. One seasonal feat was given away.
    9. 7 RnD feats were given away. ( Soder Machine, Gather 10, 250 and 5000 exos' feats. ; Salvage 10, 100 and 250 )
    10. 1 PvP feat was given away.
    11. 1 Episode feat was given away.

    Total amount of feats that were given away: 277.

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  4. xD25x Dedicated Player

    One of the free feats was the 1000 treasure chests?
  5. Caroline Dedicated Player

  6. xD25x Dedicated Player

    Wow. I have 277 sp and I don't even have that feat. So theoretically I should be given that feat.
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  7. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    Wait so do I get that feat on my 188 main toon too?
  8. Cozminot Level 30

    Fair enough. I will give you that maybe it rounds out to what one would acquire by 100CR. But needing a stick to stand up on? Maybe people need to learn to have stronger legs. Learn to play the game and what it expects from you. I did. It's the point of the game isn't it? Some of the feats they gave were ones that took a long while to get. Now they are being handed out. How is that helping anyone to learn the game?
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  9. Carbon Based Unit Well-Known Player

    No, I am saying my getting 188 with no effort or learning does not help me or the people that play with me. I think it needs to take more work.

    If Stats Matter bases CR based on Stats, not Gear, then a combination of Gear, Feats, and Mods will make your CR go up. That could help. My CR would probably go down.

    Nerfing players over max CR when they come into an instance would also help. Then everyone would need to work together to finish things. Not just the high CR blasts everything and everyone else is along for the ride.
  10. Here2Help Devoted Player

    Sigh, this is pathetic. The only feats that should've been given out are the ones you are very likely to pop on your way to CR 100. I don't think anyone would create a new character right now and pop open 1000 Treasure Chests before hitting CR 100. It's a joke. Now people will be using the free boosts (and later the paid boosts) to unlock feats they don't need and buy them with Replay Badges on their main toons. It's ridiculous. Feats aren't something that you should buy, they're something that you should need to earn, and boosting your character to CR 100 isn't a way to earn feats like 1000 Treasure Chests.
    • Like x 2
  11. Caroline Dedicated Player

    No, you get those feats only if you use that Advance Character Level button on a character that's below 100 CR.

    I am also unsure if you can unlock those feats.
  12. xD25x Dedicated Player

    Let's hope so. It only seems right. We long time players didn't receive an anniversary gift.
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  13. Caroline Dedicated Player

    Exactly. It's awful, I remember the time I spent on doing that feat, Gosh...
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  14. Proxystar #Perception

    What a waste of space.

    What good is this rubbish gift? Soo I can level up another alt to cr100 I never play and you know why.

    Because theres no account bound gear there's no style sharing, grinding alts is to much work when vendor gear is expensive.

    Critical mods etc are all gone with no signs of coming back.

    God where do I even begin with how many problems there are with this.

    So not only do you not have any decent tutorials in game you're now allowing people to skip content even quicker with no clue what to do.

    This with time capsules and the skungy anniversary event which was the gift that keeps on taking replays...

    This game... I just don't know anymore lol
    • Like x 3
  15. Kipperjones Level 30

    how bout you stop bashing everything I say and go away and stop reposting my things.
  16. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    Did they give away race feats too?
  17. MrChiCity0884 Well-Known Player

    Lmao...IDC abt jumping to cr100 for I'm not making anymore toons if I want to play another pwr I'll just buy a respect token for in which I have no problem with...but since I played with every pwr in game I'm not interested in making anything new character so as a member since 2011 I guess I gets nothing free this year and I'm cool with Tht not but seriously we need to be shown better

    But hey devs plz do better for us true members from day one....
    • Like x 2
  18. not_again Dedicated Player

    Not going to lie. I am a little salty about this. At the same time if they gave all the LPvE feats I would be very happy so those who needed these feats congrats.
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  19. Gibone New Player

    Yes, you can unlock those feats on your main character using replay badges. Some of the feats include 1000 treasure chests, 500 solos, 500 duos, 500 alerts. And I know about it because a leagumate was able to purchase those feats on his main character.

    It feels like Daybreak is giving away/selling feats, so that "stat's matter" won't make people quit the game because they don't have enough skill points. First selling 5-6 SPs for hundreds of dollars per Capsule cycle, now giving away feats that many, many players, with over 250 SPs still didn't have, because they were too grindy.

    I really feel less and less inclined to complete more feats, when I see something like this. I mean, why bother?
    • Like x 3
  20. xD25x Dedicated Player

    So if I take my level 5 toon and use the straight to 100 cr token I can buy the 500 solo and 1000 chests feat on my main. Hey. Free feats!
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