Available Now: Time Capsules + Game Update 63!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Aug 24, 2016.

  1. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    I've been selling each capsule for $420,000 and the collections have been between $100,000 - $500,000 so far. Almost done with the Green Lantern one for that Aura.

    If you can't properly use the Broker, I don't know what to tell ya lol:p
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  2. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Give it time. The market will crash in a week.
  3. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    Exactly. That's why you take advantage of it now.
  4. The Great NK Well-Known Player

    I still can't understand why the devs believe the capsules are a good idea. I played today and got about 4 total capsules. Unfortunately, I can only open one every three days. The rate at which we can open them will make those feats a huge grind fest. And it will be worse if they add anymore styles in the capsules.

    And what makes me even more disappointed is that there was a 20+ page thread explaining the issues and some possible solutions, but that thread was taken down with no explanation or comment from Mepps or Jackster.
  5. Isai Maldonado New Player

    some how my beta isn't working
  6. Elite DamageX Well-Known Player

    Unless your the luckiest player on DC you would never be competitive in pve unless you replay.....come on now lol
    Maybe one character and run every bit of content every day and then you still wouldn't have the best gear or half the styles.
    RIT Elite for example, I have had to replay over 20 times on one character to get elite gear in one role.
    This game is all about pay to win.....if there was still monthly DLC's with better gear it would be completely impossible.
    Even spending a small fortune on replays I still have 2 out of 5 characters that are under geared.
    Or how about total recovery kits....those pesky things add up and I dont know about you but I've farmed my 25,000 on two characters before buying skill points were available and mods now days take so many, you would end up spending all your time farming if you didn't
  7. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    The Gotham outlaw back stats are completely gone.
  8. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    I was just on, and people are charging 500k for capsules, it's a laugh fest. What's worse is people shouting in trade chat for the event reset. I don't think I'll bother this week at this rate.
  9. ARMY TANK Well-Known Player

    i cant believe how much real cash people have spent today,watching the new Future broker items dwindle so fast,and what a comeback for the ritual totem collection piece,i sold mine cheap at 10mill lol
  10. Mefromnorway Level 30

    cant log in and i use ps4 stand only conecting to login server,
  11. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    How are those hal jordan sunglasses in broker for 20 mil looking to all you guys who thought trading would get you all these collections lol
  12. Jumpnit Dedicated Player

    The time sink is the idea, giving long time players a reason to log in everyday. The capsules will only drop for a limited time but you can run the event for the fragments all year so it should balance out over time.

    Also that thread was not taking down it was merged into the main thread in the deleloper discussions tab.
  13. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    like a bargain, because making 20 million in game is easy as pie. lol.
  14. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    The price will come down over time. It's the first day. The same thing happens when a new episode drops - the collections sell for a TON of money the first few days. Hell, when the VIII plans came out I sold a Might VIII plan for 8 million and now they're 200k.
  15. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Yeah sure if you spend all day on it, but i suppose your gonna tell me you play for 30 minutes a time lol go away man, you got an answer for everything. The average player aint getting anywhere near them but good for you :)
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  16. Proxystar #Perception

    With new capsules planned to be released and only 17 keys a month without paying more money, no.

    No it will not balance out.

    People are going to be paying money for this system. That is assured they already have been.

    I honestly congratulate the devs for making a system convincing enough to make people part with their money.
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  17. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    You cannot compare common drop plans to rare drop collections, please, i get what you mean, but thats apples and oranges
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  18. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    I haven't paid a cent, I have 5 of the Feats, 20 something collections, and I've made a lot of in-game cash. You really can do this whole event for free.
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  19. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I'm not, I mean that as the days go on there will be more supply and less demand. The more supply there is, the more people that buy them. The more people that buy them means there are less people that still need them. Supply will be growing while demand will be falling, which will lead to a reduction in price.

    And with most of the "common" collections in the game there is usually one piece that is rare that sells for much higher than the rest of the piece.
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  20. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Right but considering how these capsules are opened. I don't see that price dropping a heck of a lot. But we shall seeeeee

    With how rare these are it will be a long time before the supply outweighs the demand.