Available Now: Time Capsules + Game Update 63!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Aug 24, 2016.

  1. Elite DamageX Well-Known Player

    Lol I know
    like post said not everyone has millions
  2. Hraesvelg Always Right

    And once they master that, they can leverage those millions into cornering a market in a particular item by buying up the cheap ones and creating an artificial price floor! Then you can get some friends together and form a cartel! The sky is the limit!

    Not that, uh, I've ever done this or anything. Nope.
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  3. Freeman Active Player

    Definitely not the case on this end. Not even close.
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  4. ladyclone 196 New Player

  5. Acesia Well-Known Player

    Completely agree here.
    My lockbox drops went from 3ish per day to one IF I'm lucky.

    Quite a few league mates are speculating that being "capped" on time capsules for the day prevents lockboxes from dropping, though I haven't noticed a cap for TCs at all.
    Either way, there are plenty of people feeling the lack of lockboxes dropping lately.
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  6. BrokenEssence Level 30

    I agree. Lockboxes are so simple to open, but you only get them once or twice a day. Time capsules pop up every other enemy. I mean, if you are going to give us a hundred thousand time capsules, what Swagtastic requested is the least you could do. I'd honestly just like the price to go down or play the instance more than once a day. Besides, lockboxes are free and feel worth it every time. The MoV makes sure of that. Time capsules sometimes have something you want, and you have to wait 2-5 days just to open one.
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  7. D0CT0RFATE New Player

    Ya spend $60 bucks in keys and not one rare collection drop, I'm done with this money grab. I'll buy on the broker from here on out! At least I have a chance at getting what I need lol
  8. HotRodMetal New Player

    Plz don't waste your money on this money grab by daybreak. Time capsules our daybreak way of looking for people dumb enough to spend 100s to open things that should be free to the dedicated legendary player base.
  9. Tropical Skittles Taste The Rainbow

    Do you think you guys can make the generator mods and Ultimate sodas account bound? They both drop from time capsules, which most of us spent money to buy the keys. The Ultimate sodas regardless if you buy them from the marketplace or it drops from the time capsules. You can NOT trade, sell or DELETE them. You are forced to drink them, just to get rid of them.

    Thank You :)
  10. DCDEMON New Player

    Thats absolutely fkn mint bro!
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