Leave instance THEN turn off your console

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by mtanasas, Feb 16, 2016.

  1. Proxystar #Perception

    Settle down kiddo.

    I was making an observation and it's true given it is easier on their console to go link dead.

    Selfish behaviour isn't specific behaviour.

    My pointing out the observation was mentioning it as an historical observation meant to raise interest and thought don't get your panties in a twist.
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  2. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    ALT+Tab -> Close Window vs. powering off a console are pretty much the same.

    And again with the kiddo stuff - Are you in your 60s?
  3. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    I would ask what your point is in saying this but I know better and you would go on and on and on.

    However, this right here reminds me of how PS players saying PC players are bad. Which makes no sense to me because there's bad players on every platform. It doesn't matter if this occurred more since cross play launched, the point of the matter is that it shouldn't be happening at all. This "well, it didn't happen on PC so therefore that says something" it doesn't matter what platform. There's no excuse for bad behavior.

    Even if you don't see this occurring that much on PC, it doesn't take away the fact that it happens even if it happens way less, it doesn't matter. It's happening regardless when it shouldn't be happening at all.
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  4. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    guess you werent playing back in the hand of fate dlc days when people would spend a hour building a group and as soon as the first room was beat people would leave group and just go straight to the last fight screwing the rest of the people in group that just wanted to run the raid correctly
  5. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    we know a person like that :rolleyes:
  6. David Ivanenko Committed Player

    Type: "/exit".

    Logs you out, closes the game. Faster than Alt+Tab -> Close Window.
  7. SpagTheTapdancer Well-Known Player

    His CR is important to establish a context that high CR players view the rest of the instance as useless/disposable and are less likely to stick around. it establishes a trend within a group.

    Discriminatory or not, it's simple reasoning.
  8. Proxystar #Perception

    I'm going to say this to all people responding to me.

    Instead of having a rant. Instead of crying. Instead of implying the devs are condoning bad play. Instead of hating on high cr players. Suggest solutions.

    I don't exactly see how you stop players from crashing their games on purpose.

    Link dead isn't broken its intended. The only solution is removing the 3 hour kick vote and you know what I have to say about this and I mean it with due respect.

    "Haha I told you so"

    You can't have your cake and eat it too. Blame it on the people that accused others of abusing the kick system now they're accusing others of abusing the link dead system.

    Good god this community is rich and duplicitous sometimes.
  9. Minnion Devoted Player

    I would just chalk that up to the difference in population rather than platform... (I figure the smaller server population will always get along with itself better than a big server population, simply because the odds of knowing everyone or at least every league is higher and the consequence of landing on peoples ignore lists are amplified when populations are way down.)
  10. SparklingMayo Well-Known Player

    Group kick rules are as horrible as the group making mechanics. Kicking DC's shouldn't be part of the 3 hour timer.
  11. High Troller Loyal Player

    I've noticed in newer, difficult content when PS players say they are leaving, they shut off they're console. Automatic ignore. How could they do such a thing? Maybe they will sleep better that night?
  12. SpagTheTapdancer Well-Known Player

    you didn't even read the response, did you?
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  13. dcuobestmmo Committed Player

    If he is going to carry people then yeah he deserves all the hate that can given. Don't want the responsibility, then don't go in and try to solo instance in lower tier without grouping 1st
  14. Minnion Devoted Player

    You ask them nicely to exit properly, while explaining that not doing so triggers linkdead.(Thus giving people the benefit of the doubt rather than assuming that they know how linkdead works and are doing it out of spite.)

    That said yeah, removing the kick penalty for kicking linkdead players is a good idea.(If the team wants that player back they'd wait for them to come back, otherwise if they don't want to wait they aren't held hostage.)
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  15. Proxystar #Perception

    yes, I did and my post was generic enough to respond to about 3 different people.

    You hate high CR players disrespecting content and treating an instance as disposable once they've got what they want.

    your proposed solution to such a thing is what, exactly?
  16. Proxystar #Perception

    Not quite sure what you're getting at, he left the instance, the inference is that he didn't care about the others in the instance let alone care about carrying the other players.

    Let's bear in mind he's entitled to randomly queue for content he doesn't have to form a group, that's what you get in a "random queue".

  17. Proxystar #Perception

    yay a sensible answer, thank you.

    remove the kick limit on "linkdead" players, unsure on the technicality of seperating a linkdead player from an active one may pose a problem, but the idea has merit.

    Obviously the sweeping suggesting is just get rid of the 3 hour cool down entirely, the whole thing is stupid anyway, but that's another argument it seems.

    as beautiful as the "ask nicely" suggestion is, it's impractical lol,

    "hey player A, you look mighty fine at CR103, are you sure you're not going to linkdead this gorilla grodd duo after the Professor Zoom boss? If you do please be nice and exit appropriately..."

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  18. dcuobestmmo Committed Player


    There are not enough people playing the game anymore where any of these instrumentsites make any difference anyways
  19. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    a couple of days ago running the new duo on my healer everything was going smooth until we got the first boss down to about 5% health. my duo partner decides to stop attacking, runs away from the boss and disconnects leaving my healer to finish off the boss. he ended up getting a loot drop and a feat for not completing the content and for trying to ha-ha screw over the ps healer. i can post the video but tos and all. i can understand crashing or dc'ing but this was intentional.

    the same thing happened to my healer when cross faction happened in the demons pit duo.

    pc vs ps, hero vs villain. what is this burning need to bandwagon and create enemies where there are none?

    its sad really.
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  20. Menelaos Dedicated Player

    We have Leaguemates that keep doing that and its frustrating because they will "forget" and then we have to use our kick to remove them to bring in someone else.

    I'm looking at you Mega!
