Reasons why I stopped carrying people through duos, alerts, and even raids

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Derio, Jan 26, 2016.

  1. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    Funny how you can spot them on the forums like:
    "What do you mean i need to improve? I'm doing the bare minimum required to barely be better than nothing to a group! I should keep doing so and any comment that says people should put effort, even if not directed at me will be considered an affront to (not sure what) and will be considered hostile"

    I can tell you i have take the time, some people usually mail if im not on and i will text wall them with whatever i know and telling them when something i don't know, I will do this for anyone, anytime, I will also ask for advice when in doubt or when i find something i could do better and offer my advice through pm when i see someone struggling, but some people take this as an offense and i've even been met with name calling and "i do what i want" tough guys.

    I've stood in the door to a boss explaining the mechs (when requested) to first timers only for some of them to ignore them and sometimes even causing the group to wipe (like ToTD, LOL punishers, etc.)

    Like me i've seen a lot more and way better players doing the same and receiving the same, so it's not so much that veteran players dont help as it is that, sometimes, living from hand outs comes easier to some.
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  2. Heartsbane Committed Player

    We were fighting Nekron once and I was tanking. We like to run it where I tank everything off to the side while the containers are ran and then pull everything to the middle when the shield goes down. This keeps the adds from spawning before Nekron is hurtable. We had a DPS that decided to burn right from start. We told him to stop 3 times before Nekron killed him. We let his timer expire and finished the fight the very smoothly. I don't help people that won't listen.
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  3. JimmyPoppins Level 30

    How is it sensationalist if the comment he made has direct relevance just by the history of how this game has evolved? I mean, clearly DCUO is vastly easier to play now than it was 5 years ago. So calling it stupid is actually, in and of itself, bordering on contradiction. Calling it unecessary is a matter of opinion. Another item I'd like to point out, you claim that SPs and mods don't have a bearing on a player's ability to play the game .... well, actually they do. In fact, SPs and mods make it so much easier to play the game that they are considered MUST haves in most end game content. They also make a world of difference for role specific and DPS modes in almost every situation. If you play the game and you're a tank and you constantly lose aggro because your Dom is too low or you can't absorb enough damage because your health and/or defense is too low, and if SPs and mods increase those attributes, how then do they have no bearing?

    I think the minimum varies between DPS types but yeah 70-80 seems to be normal. However, I have found that 150 is the sweet spot. More than that is awesome but 150 is excellent.
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  4. TRELL1 Well-Known Player

    I'd say it's a bit dishonest to say that raids are anywhere remotely close to being as easy as LPvE. It's silly to sit here and act like every single raid the past year has been a cakewalk.
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  5. SSeid Committed Player

    With the exception of Elite HH and Elite ToD. Yes all of them had been annoyingly easy. Especially the ones release in the last 6 months.
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  6. TRELL1 Well-Known Player

    Ok. My intention was that a bad player is not good because he has white mods and 200 sp. A good player with 77 sp and no white mods could perform better than a bad player with 200 sp and white mods. A player that's bad is bad. Mods and SP won't make them good. Learning the game will.
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  7. ILike2Vape Well-Known Player

    These are a few of the reasons I stopped playing. More people will continue to leave if something is t done about it.
  8. TRELL1 Well-Known Player

    No UM? Anyways, if it makes it easier for everyone who wants to argue, all raids are easy,
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  9. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    o_o haven't they?
    Some time ago, regardless of CR, you'd go into FoS2 and require group effort to make it through the bridge and the splits, sometimes even when overgeared.

    Nowadays you wipe 4, 5 times while you figure out the mechanic and then the rest of the wipes come either from one-shots or those pugs that just dont get it.

    ToTD was beautiful that way, it had some good mechanics, but sadly it arrived in the CR is king time, so having some CR above will turn it into a cakewalk too, to the point last week i was explainig and organizing a group with some first timers...all this while we were already fighting Ares .-. so...yeah.
  10. The peoples Badguy Committed Player

    This is a great post and one that will not go unnoticed anytime soon. Need more people like you to speak the truth. The Bad guy gives this post one thumb down.
  11. TRELL1 Well-Known Player

    Dude if you're going to try call me out as a minimalist player, just don't. I've been playing for a year now and I have 170 sp on my main and 150 plus on several alts.

    I think SP should have more impact. I'm just not delusional to the fact that flat numbers increases of 9 mean little when the value it's being added to is 10k.
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  12. Jeazy Baby Dedicated Player

    That is always the best. I was on my 149 rage toon with 65sp (Jeaz). Basically solo'd a wasteland duo with a 152 ice DPS who i did 9x there damage output (spamming pistols is not a viable way to do damage). Wavedoxed them and noticed they had 180+sp. He got mad when i asked him how much he paid for that account?. lol
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  13. SSeid Committed Player

    You mean UM-that-got-nerfed-a-week-later?? No that raid was cool ( still is ), fresh even though it was all reused content. The elite was a bit challenging if you did not have a rage tank the first week.. then nerf-hammer came.

    A hard raid was PW. Where everyone needed to be beyond excellent to complete its easier version. Hard was FoS2 bridge. Where everyone needed to be beyond excellent and even then it was a matter of luck. Um was and still is cool, but it is nowhere near those 2 raids.
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  14. aurorabenz07 Loyal Player

    I feel your plight. The problem is that the game is all about the rat race for high cr gear. Normally I agree with others, if your partner minimum cr or in support role actually does his or her part during the duo then I have no problem. But if that said partner stands behind you and does nothing then it's a solo in my opinion and I'll speed through to the bosses not caring if they get locked out or get KOed because I won't pick them up.

    The first time that I experienced this problem was in a league hall duo where I get paired with a 113 and the player had the gall to follow me and then proceeded to go the corner and did the sleep emote while I handled the ads and boss. So I stood right next to the moron luring the ads which KOed him or her while I flew to the final boss locking the player out and finishing it quickly. Then the player sends me a tell WTF! I simply responded I don't carry scrubs and added him to my ignore list
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  15. TRELL1 Well-Known Player

    Yup I'm referring to pre-nerf UM. Even post-nerf UM is a challenge for the average group that isn't overgeared.
    Ironically, I can recall a few people claiming to be so great at the game being apart of the people calling for nerfs.

    Just so we're clear I don't think the general difficulty of raids has been acceptable. I'm saying that the devs aren't incapable of making interesting and difficult raids as fairly recent evidence shows.
  16. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    Then congrats on not being "that 70sp guy" but if you are a decent player then you can agree that mods and white mods are a world of difference, even more so for support players, and it's the epitome of hilarity to find a legendary 150ish dps player without EVEN the max damage mod.

    And those flat small numers do add up, that flat 9 when in bulk become a 130, some stats can amount to 200 or 300 with WM bonuses and mods and when you put that difference in an hour long run with numers being dished out by the millions, then you realize the differece they do make.

    Yes, I agree SP should matter more,but those claiming "SP don't matter" are often speaking out of comformity and as an excuse for their poor SP
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  17. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    True sp equal little increase beyond the 77 for crits and true sometimes you get 200 sp players that suck but that's not as common. I just find it funny when the ones who speak the most about how sp don't matter and then make comments about how few sp others have. Sp should have been irrelevant to this convo. So yeah my tone was slightly sarcastic, but not bitter or assholish...more amused.

  18. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    Potatoes are better with gravy than they are dry.

  19. TRELL1 Well-Known Player

    If I said white mods don't matter than let me break it down more clearly. White mods and SP are IMPORTANT! They will not make a terrible player better. White mods and SP aren't going to make you throw PoT and recharges at appropiate times. White mods and SP aren't gonna stop from you spam healing.
  20. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player


    Yes I know, I May be confusing some of you by making this post, being one of the few that was against stat clamping.

    But with the game, we need more Experienced players otherwise this game will be too easy, and probably bad on Xbox.

    So in this case I'd:
    1) Reduce the amount of 1 shots. Replaying through the old content, alerts like Ace chemicals have clowns that just straight up one hit you.

    2) Support role tutorial..
    Self Explanatory. Players aren't gonna get anywhere with stat clamping if there's no support roles, due to everyone just knowing dps.
    The Support role tutorial could include:
    What spells are good for the role, What stats you need to spec into, and how you perform that role.

    1)So for example: If I'm a healer(Let's say sorcery) Spells like Rejevnuate, COP(Circle of protection) Boon of souls, are all good for my role.

    2) Next: Specs. For healing: Crit heal magnitude, crit heal chance, Restoration, Dom, and Power.
    This is just an example so keep with me here.

    3) Healers are supposed to keep their allies healed, by focusing on their green health bars, and making sure their life doesn't drain to zero.

    Likewise you'd explain the guidelines for tanking, and trolling.

    3) For stat clamped instances, reduce all of the CR scaling on the NPC's.
    Again pretty self explanatory, this would only apply to stat clamped instances and not portals.