Let's all welcome are PC brothers and sisters to DCUO:)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ThePastMaster, Jan 13, 2016.

  1. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    great this crap -_-

    even though you are joking im sure theres alot that actually think this way. As theres alot of console folks who think consoles are better Im sure. But still, every post I've seen about PS3 has had someone saying what you just said its a little sad imo.
  2. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    Don't add the "5v5" custom channel.

    and oh PS players, ignore the "PC master race" people.
    as much as we ignore "PCisforVirgin" names of PS people. So nice of them to take their time to make that though =).
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  3. Proxystar #Perception

    I guess the smiley face didn't give away the "jest" in my master race comment...
  4. Thunderbolt Dedicated Player

    We welcome the PS players with open arms.
  5. Proxystar #Perception

    Haha, Oh I'm sure there are, honestly I play on both types of systems, however I do know full well PC's are much superior to consoles and that is solely not because of the people that use them but because they're technologically superior.

    At the end of the day I might have a particular opinion on a system i.e. ps3 is a steaming pile of fossilized... but I don't have a problem with the "person" on the other end of that console if you get my drift.
  6. MainMan52 Well-Known Player

    Agreed, PC players should bow to us.
  7. Thunderbolt Dedicated Player

    Not, going, to, happen. Just be glad PC players don't PVP much. That would be the true downfall for PS players. A controller will never have the reaction time of a mouse and keyboard.
  8. BigAl Devoted Player

    Wait. What? This game is played on a Playstation?!

    Thanks for having us. Mind if we stay a while and raid your fridge? I call dibs on the couch or futon! Oh, and get more Funyons, you're out. Sorry about the cat.....I don't like 'em and he was sniffing me.;)
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  9. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Im PS and strictly keyboard as well. Mics are for noobs that can't multitask ;)
  10. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Yeah well my PC is a steamy pile of fossilized doodoo!

    On the real im not really a tech guy and have no clue how to make it more compatible for mmo gaming.
  11. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Make sure you take off your shoes before entering my base. Oh and ignore the hanging bodies. I still haven't cleaned them up yet.
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  12. Thunderbolt Dedicated Player

    Depending on how old it is, add more RAM and a better video card.
  13. Minnion Devoted Player

    In fairness Councels are basically less exspensive but highly specialized computers these days, basically designed for nothing but games... (Back in the day when the internet was young and consoles lacked internet capabilities, the primary advantage a console had was that all the good games made for them worked without the need for patches or additional downloads... You bought a game, you poped it in, you played. No downloading patches, no installing save files or whatever first... Everything you needed to play was in the interchangeable cartage...

    That said there is also some variance of quality among PC players too... (Like some people playing the game on a five year old toaster that was just a basic do your homework machine they got for college as opposed to a top of the line full on custom built gaming rig...)
  14. AKXC Well-Known Player

    you should have put "our" instead of "are pc brothers"
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  15. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

    If you say so I wouldn't eat those apples unless they were injected with meal juice from the nonsense of the hearts of men who dream in sheep waiting for the moment they strike again in the human tragedy of their own self sustenance.
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  16. MrGT Well-Known Player

    Same for PC players. Don't assume. There are a lot of us that like to use ingame voice chat. I know our league does anyway. Makes runs much easier or of course just to talk some **** and have some fun with each while running stuff.
  17. AKXC Well-Known Player

    I too am voting for joseph stalin
  18. Proxystar #Perception

    My statement was made based on the "possible potential" a PC is of course light years ahead of a console in that regard.

    The video graphics in the most recent consoles are previous generation AMD cards.
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  19. GI Jessie Well-Known Player

    In higher level raids when we are trying to work together this is the kind of stuff that annoys people when you have someone who cant communicate through voice chat. This I have seen has lead to getting kicked.
  20. David Ivanenko Committed Player

    I rarely use the game's voice chat when doing raids, and so far, no kicks for me. Then again I run the newest content with people I sorta know, so there's no need for voice chat, especially if we use Ventrilo, Mumble, Raidcall, etc, or when everyone knows what to do.
    When I PUG, I turn it on and mute everyone except for the leader and/or the players that know how to use Push to Talk properly.
    I hate having to listen to stories I don't care about from people I don't even know, the chewing, breathing, kids running around, crappy music, "hilarious" jokes and all those marvelous things voice chat usually comes with in this kind of games, lol.

    With mature and educated people, it does make a raid go smoother. With the rest of the playerbase, not so much.
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