Downtime Server Downtime - January 6, 2016 - Episode 20!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 5, 2016.

  1. KidSuperBoy Well-Known Player

    It's the fiinaall couuntdoownn, oh!:)

    Why not check out FOS 1 solo while waiting.:cool:

  2. ShazamFan2014 Loyal Player

    We're leaving together. Its the final countdown! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. Stop.

    I'm sleeping in. Gonna wake up and drink my soda. I'm so excited.
  3. TestReporter Loyal Player

    That is the Hard Light Shield
  4. XAOC Active Player

    I still don`t see a relation between Hard Light Iconic power(which is actually called Hard Light) and the Light powers... I guess you guys just confused the two things...
  5. TestReporter Loyal Player

    It's how the community calls the Light power...:confused:.
  6. MRiggs New Player

    Finally an update that does not take place in the main game time in the afternoon after work
    Thx for that
  7. RomeuWilges New Player

  8. Son1cPT Well-Known Player

  9. spack2k Steadfast Player

    wtf i just wasted 400 metaloid scraps , on live a r&d ring cost 1000 on test just 600 ...
    • Like x 1
  10. XAOC Active Player

    I don`t think it`s the community, i think it`s just a few players that shout the loudest... It`s wrong and you should change that in your mind, and stop misleading new players.
  11. ErnieB Loyal Player

    Please let it be 2 hours, I'm always complaining about this Wednesday releases because at the middle of week just doesn't seem to fit, but if it's two hours it gives me time to play before a day goes by, and it's early enough to catch any bugs and give the devs more time to fix them.
  12. ErnieB Loyal Player

    There's no possible way for you to be able to buy those yet since the content isn't even out.
  13. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    It's not wrong, read a comic. It's called Hard Light.
  14. ErnieB Loyal Player

    I'm afraid you've been had on 2/3 of those, there is a new OP belt but also a purple one, and yes there will be a vendor version of all of those, but there are old styles, this cycle styles finished at the DP alert, also the OP belt is only a drop.
  15. ErnieB Loyal Player

    Actually the devs named it Hard Light, not any of us.
  16. ErnieB Loyal Player

    That too, but as I mentioned to him in the game the devs named the move Hard Light, none of us did.
  17. XAOC Active Player

    Any reference to the above statement?
  18. ErnieB Loyal Player

    hmmm, the power description, just game of course, since it's been Hard Light in the comics for decades.
  19. XAOC Active Player

    Well, i found out that the power set was called Hard Light at the beginning, and changed to Light after. I mean it`s called Light now so i guess there`s no need to call it Hard Light. And i can`t really find a comic reference at the moment on google. Either there is none or it`s just buried deep.
  20. XAOC Active Player

    This is what i found on wikipedia. And i pretty much see the term Hard-Light as being part of "Hard-Light construct" and not being the name of the power itself.