I miss enjoying max cr

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by lukelucky, Nov 26, 2015.

  1. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Remeber chest, legs, head, then whatever u decide or need next? Content scaled to our max cr not required cr. Knowing you would all be on level ground gear wise so the only way to gain an advantage statistically was farming skill points and mods. Most importantly after we put in the work maintaining the full set for a period of time longer then what a max of 8 weeks.

    T3 well I cant even imagine how long people were full t3 b4 t4 dropped but how I envied them as I climbed the ladder. T4 dropped in march of 2012 and lasted until may of 2013. Up until april of 2013 so many I knew still desperately tried for the helm while those who actually got it........... maybe the best drop in game to of recieved to date.

    Just imagine for a second if we had SM back then. After we grinded out our gear we then had a slightly buffed dlc giving us 2 operations that up the stakes from an epic dlc. If SM was existing and out then a second could of dropped and it to could of been slightly harder to account for hands of fates slightly better gear.

    Gear lasting 3 months and every 3 months a cr gain has become unsatisfying. I know I missed most SMs simply due to luck and cr being king. I know the plus 3 cr gains is making even last months content seem trivial in record fashion. Mostly since we lost control and someone decided to repeat the cycle as often as possible it simply dont feel worth chasing either skill points and gear. Add in betas everywhere and end gamers who might not of even been here at the start of last cycle and............

    Boy I miss the days we could put in X amount and get Y results and enjoy them for an actual duration and thus enjoy content thats relevant longer then 4 weeks b4 esculating cr nerfs it.
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  2. Remander Steadfast Player

    Except that's not how it played out. Folks would max gear, then break from the game for a month or more. I remember the last month before a new DLC the game was always a ghost town. Nothing to chase.
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  3. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Some did very true but why? Who knew when the next content was coming? We were so in the dark and some had plenty of skill points. Id say some of them simply would do other things regardless.

    If they took a break well as u said after they maxed out on gear. 2 things we now have would of held them. Survival modes which would be able to always remain up due to only needing re tooled what 1 maybe 2xs a year and kinda hard to take time off when we are getting monthly content to complament it.

    Also I know alot and I wanna emphasize alot of (now former) players who maxed out cr quick as can be and did not take a break. So yea some did plenty did not and kinda hard to disagree SM and monthly content would not of held some % of those who left for periods in between the lull.

    Plenty were pulled deeper into the game because that time was spent building alts. Alts sell replays through skill points, sells armories, sells auras and plenty others. Also maintaining two toons or three takes more time then one
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  4. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    They always announced new content when it hit test server. Anyone who followed the forums, twitter or FNL would be in the know.
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  5. Veritech Loyal Player

    The good old days where nothing needed improvement
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  6. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    i am Enjoying the Max Cr, ;) My Cr is the best.
  7. TestReporter Loyal Player

    Old days...oh man it's sad to know that after GU36,GU47 and all the AM updates we lost the majority of good players,CR king needs to be changed quick :(.
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  8. VariableFire Loyal Player

    CR was always king. Please stop perpetuating the myth that it wasn't. It's either been CR or Power. SP was always a distant third. Relevant content (and the wacky CR hijinks that the Episodic format caused) did the most damage. Shame really since the core idea is somewhat good.
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  9. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    the problem with the monthly content is by the time you start to get into it it becomes irrelevant and no one plays it any more so if you missed the feats and want to go back for them you can't because its near imposable to get anyone to run it because they are all running the next new thing chasing cr and excluding everyone who isn't top cr or near top cr so those of us with jobs who can't play every min get left out

    as an example just yesterday on uspc i joined a group that was forming for 1 of the older T7 raids i forget the name but we ended up not doing it because after an hour of searching we couldn't get 8 people together to run it because it didn't drop 130 gear and thats the problem with the new system

    what they should do with gear is make the sets all the same cr, instead of getting 4 pieces of 118 gear then a month later the next 4 are 121 then 124 like the last cycle when the next starts the next 4 should also be 128 like the gear we have now at the vendor with 130 r&d gear

    like so;

    month 1
    128 chest
    128 legs
    128 back
    128 waist

    month 2
    128 hands
    128 feet
    128 head
    128 weapons

    month 3
    128 shoulders
    128 neck
    128 mask
    128 rings
    128 trinket

    then r&d and raid gear could be the same but 130 stuff instead of 128
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  10. Scar-Red Nova Dedicated Player

    There's nothing inherently wrong with taking a break though. If you remember, usually 80% of those people would come back in addition to those who never left. DCUO needed to find ways to keep up player retention but they didn't do it so well.
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  11. Scar-Red Nova Dedicated Player

    You are mistaken here. Max CR never did mean anything nor will it. Since content is a pipeline there is no "enjoying" max CR because you had to conquer all challenges to get there, thus you are left with nothing to do. Like it or not the gear chase keeps people paying attention. I do think they need to slow it down, however.
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  12. SSeid Committed Player

    So that is not a developer fault for not making content last long enough. Or enough content to keep people hooked.
    It's of course the player's fault for using all the tools given.. Sometimes you people can be really funny when you defend the choises you had a hand in making :/

    I'm sorry but the 3 month content not being enough for most players ( most of which have left by now ) was always an issue. If you choose for whatever reason to turn a blind eye that's your right.. but it's never the customers fault if the product is not intriguing enough.

    For the players that were always interestead in maxing out everything, getting all feats and using sh*tloads of replays, the 3 month content played out with one month of fun, one month of grind and one month of boredom/ SM. ( After the SMs appeared , before it was PvP or pure boredom. )

    Now it's one week of fun, one of grind and two of boredom every month. Now if you do the simple math.. you get 3 weeks of fun ( less than a month ), 3 weeks of grind ( less than a month ), 6 weeks of boredom ( more than a month )... It's lovely that "balance" always backfires regardless of what they try to balance.

    Never the less I am pretty certain that they will soon reassess this content tactic when they realize that the "trapped" PS people will not be trapped for long.
    What started to happen to PC population 2 years ago will soon start to happen to PS as well.. better options will come.

    I like this game, I want it to be better. I would assume you do as well and you would encourage for more content to be made and for it to remain relevant longer.
    But I guess you care more for a pat on the back from the people you pay..
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  13. Dibrie Committed Player

    I just miss pvp between my sp farming spree's . now when i'm bored i just logg off or i logg off because the server is dead.

    Just pve can't hold me to this game, but i invested 4,5 years in this game and it was my first mmo to.
    But now it's like a bad relationship, i don't like the way things are going, but i can't walk away just yet.

    Probably im in denial lol
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  14. ErnieB Loyal Player

    I miss when an entire DLC mattered for the whole quarter, now it's one piece of content per month, and the vendor is meaningless. This months it's all BD, next is the alert, then 2 months straight of just raids, then one alert, then 2 months of raids. I really don't understand who thought that was a good content plan.
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  15. Dibrie Committed Player

    Its actually that easy
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  16. iLoveDCUO Well-Known Player

    And we are losing more. A lot of my high level friends are quitting. They aren't liking the constant chase of CR. It's too much. More like a job, no time to relax enjoy what you've earned. Unless you wanna REPLAY warrior the raid 3 days in a row like certain people. I just lost another player of mine. Got sick of the gear chase. Gave me all his money, bytes, and complex. He was in our 1st Granny Gold Star group. If we're losing players like that...well this game isn't going anywhere fast.

    They are losing the veterans and keeping all the T1-T7 in 3 day 50sp players with no experience. But I suppose that's what brings in the money right. All the CR chasers that want all the raids nerfed so they can blast through it and say yes!!!!!!! 146CRR!!!!!
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  17. iLoveDCUO Well-Known Player

    I feel exactly the same way. It's like an unhealthy relationship. LOL I've grinded so much. All this effort. People ask me if all my main friends quit or are leaving why am I still here. I started the game serious around A&B time frame. Grinded my way to 247sp, learned multiple powers and roles. And I'm just stuck here kind of...like do I give all this up? It drives my wife crazy. She started the game to enjoy it with me and is watching everyone I started with leave the game. Even the guy the brought me on to the game left...
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  18. Backseid Devoted Player

    I miss looking forward to getting a new piece of gear, then modding it, and noticing a difference.

    Now? I new piece of gear means absolutely nothing unless it bumps up your CR. Once that does happen, you now know the next few or so pieces will mean nothing.

    Nearly everything that made this game work has been removed and or replaced with junk. So much has been changed without any foresight on how it will impact the whole of the game experience.
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  19. TestReporter Loyal Player

    Yes, DCUO is no longer a game for the old and top players(monthly content was made to always have everything to do ROFL, i'm almost sure it was made to hunt our replay badges).
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  20. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    This never ending gear chase iS bs. It is very much like an abusive relationship where you know it's best to leave.but 5 yrs man...
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