Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MEBegnalsFan, Sep 24, 2015.

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  1. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Did anyone notice Mepps vanished after his post in the other thread and has not replied to my thread or other players threads. I think he will avoid that thread now like this thread.
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  2. Derio 15000 Post Club

    If I were mepps I would not have posted in that thread. Pretty much added fuel to the fire. People are already upset and then you tell people that the system is getting an overhaul internally.

    I feel as soon as he posted it people attacked him for his post since it really just confirmed the past year of skewed loot drops
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  3. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    You mean confirm that DCUO is nickeling and diming its customers every chance it gets....LOL...

    Time for DBG to grow up its MP items and drop RB already. Get some nice vanity items in there, Bat Cowl was only the start. How about Flash cowl or other items as such. I would have paid $5 for the OG Flash head piece but I got it for free.

    Time for DBG to make money off MP items and stop relying on RB for it financial success.
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  4. Chocolate Enforcer Committed Player

    You really expect Mepps to reply with responses like this one or the one in the other thread ?
  5. Derio 15000 Post Club

    He already did. You can easily interpret his reply to MEBegnalsFan as the idea of this thread cannot exist in this reality. Meaning bestgearvendorgear will not happen. Simply due to financial reasons.

    Which is understandable, but at the same time disappointing
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  6. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    One thing to consider is how vendor gear would have to work within the new release schedule. There's room there to build upon the original vendor system, which tended to feature only one static item level between its items. With the CR cap increasing bit by bit with each rapid release, I could see vendor gear being added that matches the grade levels of those in-between drops. The listings in the vendor would have to be cleaned up a bit, or have the items separated by different vending terminals or something. Buying a middle grade item wouldn't have to cost the same as going for the highest grade item. Otherwise, with new release schedule, the only other way for vendor gear to work is by stalling the full sets release, similar to what they're doing now with drops.
  7. xD25x Dedicated Player

    Vendor gear should never be better than drop gear. Who should be rewarded the player who is going at the hardest content possible or the player spamming fatal exams? Sure the drop rates have been horrible but whatever is the current highest difficulty content should naturally reward you with the best gear.
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  8. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Elite content should reward you with the best possible gear, not dropped content from something so simple that is Dc. If you don't need any support roles to run the content then it shouldn't be awarding the best gear
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  9. Harlequin Devoted Player

    You're welcome.
  10. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    This was one of Mepps way to achieve his last statement is make BEST GEAR IN VENDOR...

    Players are rewarded and with correct pricing on gear, cannot be top CR day one. Right now, you can with some luck and RB usage.

    They need to adjust the system or it will push more players away...

    Here are some of the ideas I had that were implemented, why not BEST GEAR IN VENDOR

    Enhanced Soder Cola - Lime and Ultras, etc all gone - this was to make it easier for premium players
    Gear mods - this impacted premium players who could not make their own mods or could not find a player to help them make the mods
    One Mark System - to make it easier to understand how to gear up from T1-T7 less confusion around marks
    HL AM - I provided plenty of ideas and melee and range rotation were created and some of them matched the ideas I had

    Like the ideas above that had a positive impact to the game, BEST GEAR IN VENDOR will make it easier on players to know at end game how to get the best gear. Getting marks is required and improves the flow of the game from episode to episode. Instead of the randomness of best gear, players can plan and select the pieces they need. Now if instances had common drops or rare drops with a lower item level when compared to Vendor Gear it would help players with gear purchasing. Like it was with older content. Also, the rare drop could contain a unique style that was worth a 50 point feat, like today.

    As for elite, right now we have players in elite gear that have not completed elite content. That is wrong and needs to be addressed and the best way to do that is make it so that by completing elite you get an elite mark, that long with the vendor gear, MoV and material a player can make an elite piece of gear. This way, players that have completed elite are awarded and those that have not, have to deal with a slightly inferior product. The method for elite also encourage us to purchase the vendor gear and encourage us to play more content. More content that we have to play, the more active the game is...

    All of the ideas around BEST GEAR IN VENDOR circles back to what Mepps stated, "we're looking ahead now to make sure playing the game feels appropriately rewarding, but not instant."
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  11. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    Same here I run 6 4 are duel specced. About ready to just give up and cut to 1. Dps only...
  12. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    So tell me this...a player running two bosses and leaving is ok...yeah that makes no sense at all...I have ran with plenty of players in DCE who never completed it until I tanked, healed or troll for their sorry DPS body but were top CR because they spammed RB on the first boss...

    Just like UM, players are 142+ some are lucky on boss 1 or 2. Some players get into elite and spam boss 1 or 2...who cares about beating content when all players are after is best gear...if you get a rare piece, who the cares about the other guy. I have seen players leave after getting the so called rare piece. Good community right...

    Making BEST GEAR IN VENDOR removes some of the questionable actions that occur during instances. Making players beat content to get elite makes more sense than the system we have today. Making us run relevant content to earn marks makes just as much sense as a rare piece dropping on boss one, opps I'm gone as I will now play DC up my bad luck and than go back and play boss 2 for UM...

    We need BEST GEAR IN VENDOR to remove randomness and bad luck that we all experienced...
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  13. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I find it just a little funny that you can queue in on anything Mepps wrote to you other than this...
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  14. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    Yes, I noticed that as well.
  15. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Some of the hardest raids in DCUO history were beaten by players wearing gear they got from spamming alerts. They beat those raids for the styles and to overcome a tough challenge. They weren't bothered that they didn't drop the best gear.
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  16. Sun Goddess New Player

    What about having the same CR gear at vendor and in rare drops, but the rare drops have slightly better stats AND are a different style? That would still give incentive to work for the drops.
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  17. Derio 15000 Post Club

    That was my goal, but as you can see developers are pushing dropped gear now more than ever. The CR gap is 3 in this cycle just like the last cycle. Who knows, perhaps next cycle will be 5 CR difference between vendor and drop gear.
  18. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

  19. Hemmy Committed Player

    Refer to the post through the link at the bottom of my signature. I go into this with more detail.
  20. xD25x Dedicated Player

    I havent seen anyone bounce after 2nd boss. But i have seen 141 tanks struggle in um reg. Then after inspecting them i aee they are all vendor gear. That just means they run easy alerts daily (cathedral or fatal) and run the easy raids weekly (ngn,hh,bomb). Do that for a week and see how many pieces of vendor gear someone can get without even stepping foot into the raid. And thats not even mentioning the 4 duos.
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