BP Raid Loot Drop Rate Issue

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SupremePower, Aug 7, 2015.

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  1. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

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  2. protecter of tomorrow Committed Player

    EXACTLY that is why i posted BOTTOM LINE.

    BOTTOM LINE: I'm pretty sick and tired of all the BS posts DAILY. I wouldn't DOUBT it if half if not MORE are just posting saying they ran it that many times or NOT take into consideration that the BAD LUCK table works with ALL content and are in fact running the OPERATION then the DUO and getting the GOOD LUCK on the DUO which will RESET the table. So if you run the OPERATION again after you may essentially be screwing YOURSELF. MAN I'M SICK OF THESE THREADS as well.
  3. protecter of tomorrow Committed Player

    Do you also notice that the MAJORITY of these threads are by.... wait for it....

  4. AJPro Committed Player

    Been on the game since the start. This loot table of 112 gear is riduclous. If you are an old member then would remember a time that gear tiered with the content...meaning you would not see the same common drops in solos vs duo vs raids, etc.... This crap started with hoh and thrones and now we are in the third episode with it...so "new" members are not the only people that think running a weekly raid and getting nothing but green low prestige gear in a raid is a slap in the face. Yes, with this loot table I would want attuned gear back...the % were like 50 /50 competed to the riduclous drop rate of these things. Finally can anyone answer me why the drop rate and the times you see the rare gear in an alert or duo seems fine??
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  5. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    "LOL"...can't you read ?:p :p :p

    (I played LOL and BOY is it tough!)
  6. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    Be vewy vewy quiet...I'm hunting New members!!!!!
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  7. JimsArcade Well-Known Player

    So if I help a friend in a lower-tier raid, any time I get a rare item it will reset my bad luck timer on a top-tier raid?

    I completely agree with the timer being reset with raids within the same episode. Heck, I'd kind of understand if the timer affected all drops within the same tier. (Although a drop in the Necropolis raid helping to prevent players from getting rare drops in Happiness Home would be extremely frustrating.) But between tiers? That just doesn't make any sense unless it's a programming limitation.

    With this clarification, I can now see many players refusing to run any prior-episode raids to help friends/leaguemates until they get all of the top-tier drops. :(

    (Off-topic but also speaking of bad luck: I've been running Nexus at least once a week since Origin Crisis launched and just can't get Grodd's Helmet. I could sure use a bad luck timer on that.) ;)
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  8. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    The drop rate is not as high as HoP 2. The reason being we have 1 raid and only 4 pieces of gear. We need to accept the lower drop rate. The thing is though with the vendor gear you can get to 131 CR and just run the raid to get the 120 gear. I would run NGN and if you do not get a rare gear on the first boss go run BS right away. You may get a piece on the last boss.

    If run HH or NGN in between you are more opt not to get a piece. I ran HH and NGN in between my BS runs on my tank and did not get a single 120 piece. But for my healer I ran those first and than BS and got 2 pieces.

    I have a total of 3 120 pieces between 4 toons and I have completed BS now a total of 9 times with 5 uncompleted runs.
  9. JimsArcade Well-Known Player

    Abandoning a raid to help improve your chance of rare drops in BP would be an even worse consequence of the multi-raid bad-luck timer. That would be unfair to everyone else in that NGN group that got abandoned.

    It now appears that once you get a 120 drop in BP, run a couple of lower-tier raids before running BP again (assuming you don't get rare drops in those runs). Then run only BP raids until you get another drop. Rinse-repeat. It is an extremely limiting way to play DCUO if you want to increase your chances at getting the top gear drops. :(
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  10. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    Don't know if this is true, but I heard that getting 116 gear from the raid is considered "rare" and resets your chances. It probably isn't though.
  11. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    This is not true. The Devs have stated that 116 gear is comsidered "common" for the raids.
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  12. Pathosgrim Dedicated Player

    The drop rate is low due to several reasons.
    Its only one raid, four pieces of gear and three sets of gear drops.

    See, HOP2 didn't have 98/102/110 in the raids.
    98 and 102s were seen in the duos and alerts.
    98 was never seen in the raids.
    I believe that the 112 gear being in the raid acts as some way of making that well oiled RNG machine do its thing.
  13. SupremePower New Player

    Did you even read the post by Mepps earlier in this thread before making your comment? No, all, content DOES NOT reset the loot table...he stated that running a duo and getting a rare drop would not affect a rare drop in a raid. Furthermore...your disconcern wit this post doesn't make it any less true. There is an issue with when I run 10 15-20 straight BP runs without getting a rare (120) drop while other are fully outfitted in that same time....if this is "working as intended" then we have not been given an accurate picture of what this means. And you should care about "these posts" because it will if it hasn't yet affect you also.
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  14. SupremePower New Player

    New forum member maybe but not altogether new to the game 131 car 190 sp....but that is neither here nor there....on this very post you can see that more tenured members agree as well.
  15. SupremePower New Player

    "For clarity, rare drops in the duo do not reset the bad luck limiter, but getting rare drops in other raids will."
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  16. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    or it could just have been a joke.
  17. SupremePower New Player

  18. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    lighten up
  19. SupremePower New Player

  20. IceRaider Dedicated Player

    Omg.... It's not even a week old and you've ran it 15 to 20 times? Dude that's hilarious. I've run twice got 120 back 3 times. Here's the issue. You run something that many times in like maybe 4 days to get not one piece of 120 gear. I would have quit replaying after the 3rd run. Why would I have quit? News flash Cr 125 gets you through the raid. Run the duo daily for Marks a d the raid weekly for Marks then work on feats lol stop killing your fun by trying to get top gear in the first week or in your case the first day. Lol
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